4 States & 18 Months Later



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This is a picture from 2005. That’s me in the gray shirt; not the woman laughing her head off.

Yesterday we talked about a couple students coming back to me this weekend to show me their souvenir cards because they remembered my name & saw it on the posters promoting this weekend’s show.

And I wanted to quickly tell you about the time that amazed me the most.

The photo is from a restaurant I performed at in Orlando. It’s called Tu Tu Tango.

During the day I’d drive a safari truck at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and then on Fridays & Saturdays I’d do walkaround mind reading at the tourist trap known as Tu Tu Tango.

Part of my act is having them think of a card & then telling them what it is. Then I sign it for them. Boom.

Then, in August I went back to college in Kentucky. I got the same kind of gig at the nicest restaurant in Lexington; Bella Notte.

It’s a year and a half later and I’m still doing mind reading at the restaurant when a woman comes up to me and asks, “Are you from Orlando?”

I tell her, “No, but I think I know why you’re asking; we met at Tu Tu Tango?”

She turns to shout at her husband who is sitting across the restaurant, “Honey! It IS him! I told you!” and then she takes her playing card out of her purse to show me that she still has it with her everywhere she goes.

Now. As a business owner imagine; what if your logo & website were on that playing card? Do you think she’d know it by heart?

What would that be worth to your business to have someone interact with your business for 5 minutes and then be able to recognize you again in a completely different state nearly a year and a half later?

The answer is: lots of money.

So, if you want to figure out how to make that same kind of impression with your clients yourself, or you’d like my help to make it happen for you at a trade show then we should talk!

Best thoughts,

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