As an Expert or as a Enthusiast



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I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on television but I’m 99% sure that 99% of people have a severe case of “expertitis.”

It’s characterized by a deep & profound belief that the only way they could possibly share something with the world is if they were an expert at it.

And since there’s always someone else who knows more than them, they never feel comfortable sharing what they know.

This is a fatal condition to success & thriving.

It condemns the patient to a life of pain & suffering while less qualified people gain fame & fortune. Why?

Because that less qualified person is unburdened with expertitis.

Instead, the see themselves as an enthusiast.

They approach something like this:

If I know more than you, I’ll teach you what I know. If you know more than me, I’ll learn what you have to teach me.

You know what happens?

The enthusiast quickly surpasses the expert in terms of knowledge, experience, and expertise because they aren’t beating themselves up about how they don’t measure up to that mythical “someone who knows more than me.”

So if you are holding yourself back, then maybe you could benefit from a little more enthusiasm in your life, no?

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “highly enthusiastic” Pritchard

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