Avoid The Specialty Spiral



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You think, “I’ll save this for a special occasion!” so you wait to drink the champaign, use the fine china, or whatever it is that you’re saving for later.

Then a special occasion comes along and you think, “I’ve been waiting so long, this doesn’t feel special enough.”

And suddenly you’re in a “specialty spiral” where nothing is special enough to justify using / drinking / celebrating the thing you’re saving.

I bring this up because this morning my wife and I were talking about her podcasting newsletter, and what topic she was thinking about for this week’s update. She was wondering aloud whether she should write about the exciting topic now, or wait for more people.

There’s a tension when it comes to choosing material, and it looks like this: “I want to wait to use the awesome topics until I have a big enough audience” vs “I don’t have an audience because I never use anything awesome.”

The lesson being, start with your best material, and work your way from there.

Tomorrow I’ll talk about another world where this applies so we can drive the point home.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “best foot forward” Pritchard

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