
  • A Warrior's Mindset

    A Warrior's Mindset

    There’s no shortage of articles explaining how “business is war,” and they almost all start with pull quotes from Sun-Tzu’s Art of War. They go into granular detail about the strategies & tactics of warfare as a way to help you understand how to apply those lessons in the boardroom. They explain how to deceive your…

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  • NeoDidact


    Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. ~Bertrand Russell Herman Melville, Ernest Hemmingway, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Charles Darwin, Leonardo DaVinci, Buckminster Fuller, and thousands of other world-changing minds have something in common: They’re AutoDidacts. These are all people who taught themselves…

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  • Objections, Your Honor

    Whenever I talk with anyone in sales, this question invariably pops up: “How would you suggest I deal with objections?” Short answer: Don’t do anything objectionable. Long Answer: Take a seat. Objections can take many forms. Maybe it’s about budget. Timing. Needing to talk with a partner before making big decisions. Whatever they’re telling you,…

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  • Teachable Moment or Time for a Lesson?

    Teachable Moment or Time for a Lesson?

    Employees make mistakes, and even if you’re not new to the management game it can be difficult to know what to do about it. You do the best you can. When you know better, you do better. ~David Hira If someone under your care messes up, the first thing you should do is ask yourself:…

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  • Let's Endure Each Other

    Let's Endure Each Other

    When you realize everyone you meet is trying their best in life, and they’re an opportunity to understand yourself better, you’ll discover an incredible well of patience & compassion.

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  • Employee Turnover

    Employee Turnover

    There’s an entertainer’s proverb that goes a little something like: Don’t believe your own promo. It’s a subtle reminder to keep your head on your shoulders, and not get too carried away with the story of your character at the expense of losing who you actually are. (Plus, if you choose to only believe the…

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  • Socratic Espionage

    Socratic Espionage

    I know one thing; that I know nothing. ~Socrates Socrates was a master at looking like an idiot while being the smartest person in the room. It’s an incredibly effective strategy, and there’s even a term for it: The Socratic Method. It’s the process of asking innocent questions that trap your target before they’re aware…

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  • Seminole State College of Florida

    Seminole State College of Florida

    This is the student activities group at Seminole State College of Florida Sanford Campus, and they’re fantastic! Mo Garcia (back row next to me) is one of the finest examples of someone who cares deeply about his work, and the people it impacts. This marks the 4th or 5th time I’ve been to their school,…

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  • 4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    “Ok Peter, if this is going to be a scientific demonstration, it needs to be a double blind test. That means I’m going to put you in an. . . isolation booth.” I walk over to my case and pull out a brown paper grocery bag. “Ladies and gentlemen,” I say as I open it,…

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  • How to Survive The Digital Renaissance

    How to Survive The Digital Renaissance

    Compared to the revolution we’re going through right now, Joannes Gutenberg was a chump. Find out why that’s a great thing for you.

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