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Back in August of 2023 I performed my 70 minute mind reading show/keynote presentation at a college in Iowa.

Part of the experience involves me throwing playing cards into the audience, and those cards often become souvenirs for audience members. I can’t tell you how many of those I’ve signed over the years…

Last night I was back at that same school doing another engagement, and I had something fun happen.

I had two people wait in line for almost an hour to say hello and proudly show me the signed playing card that they still had.


My question to you is: what are you doing to create these kinds of “fans” for your work?

While you think of an answer, I’ll give you my quick thoughts about what I’m doing to help it happen.

Make It About Them

Both of the people last night were participants in my show. I involved them.

And I always focus on making them look like a million bucks. It’s more “You did a great job sending me your though” and less “I’m such a good mind reader that I can reveal all your secrets!”

One edifies my participant. One victimizes them in service of building my ego.

Make It Amazing

In the age of AI, Hollywood special effects, high fidelity video games, and every other form of dopamine-hijacking-entertainment, we have to be more interesting than we’ve ever been.

My angle? Mind reader. You haven’t seen many mind readers in your life, have you?

I might be the only one.

It’s job security & built-in interest all in one.

Plus, the demonstrations I perform on stage become stories that my audience members will tell their grandkids about.

How do I know? Because I have grandparents tell me stories about incredible things they watched someone like me do back when they were young adults!

Make It Physical

That playing card is a physical reminder of the time we shared on stage.

Every time they see it on the shelf, they remember.

Every time their friend sees the card on the shelf and asks about it, they tell the story of what we shared on stage.

Every time that either of those things happen, their memory & positive emotional association with me becomes more deeply connected to their psyche.

How About You?

Now that I’ve given you a couple moments to think it through, do you have an answer?

If I had a crystal ball (and I do) I’d venture to guess that you might have trouble having an answer.

If that’s the case, then you might be losing out on the single most valuable resource in today’s world: a fanbase who knows you & loves what you do.

I’d like to help you become unforgettable. We’ll do that by transforming you into a “persuasive professional,” yourself!

Hit reply and let’s chat about working together.

I promise you won’t forget it!

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “I’ll always remember you” Pritchard

PS: Companies pay me a lot of money to create unforgettable experiences for their audiences. If you don’t need help becoming a persuasive professional, we still might be able to help the company you work for at their trade show exhibits, sales launches, and other events. We should talk about it!

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