Category: Case Study

  • Data Storage & Computation Client

    Data Storage & Computation Client

    Note: Due to the privacy agreement to not share the client’s name/company, I am using CLIENT to refer to the business I helped here.

    Client Service

    They’re a big player in the data storage & computational space. They don’t sell to the end user; they rely on partnerships & distributors to recognize opportunities for CLIENT to excel.

    Some of their projects include:

    SpaceX came to CLIENT to help solve their “rockets keep exploding on landing” problem. With the CLIENT‘s solution plugged into their rockets, suddenly SpaceX could compute the terrabytes of telemetry data quickly enough that the navigation systems could finally stay far enough ahead of the landing sequence to successfully land ships.

    NASA has also come to CLIENT to solve other rocket science challenges.

    Amazon came to CLIENT to solve AWS server issues. This is significant as AWS powers most of the apps & online programs you’re used to using. They have some of the best computer science engineers in the world, and when they couldn’t figure out their bottleneck issues, they came to CLIENT who was able to solve the challenge.

    Client’s Problem

    The CLIENT can do so much & do it in such a technical field that their partners had trouble:

    1. recognizing the many opportunities where CLIENT could be of service
    2. knowing how to explain to the end user how & why CLIENT is the best answer

    Further, the CLIENT‘s own teams had trouble “communicating with the outside world.”

    While technically brilliant, their delivery AND sales teams were overly technical when talking with customers. The result was losing to less-technically-capable competitors who were better at speaking with non-technical decisionmakers.

    My Involvement

    Over the course of a couple months I met with multiple engineers, sales teams, marketing people, the CEO, others in the C-Suite, and other stakeholders. The goal was to understand their most common situations, the tools & materials they used in those situations, and their most frustrating challenges.

    Once I understood the various perspectives, my goal was to create simplified messaging that didn’t sacrifice accuracy.

    The result was a “voice document” that defined a clear sales conversation path and it included anecdotal stories that the sales & marketing teams could rely on to empower their partners to close more business.

    It included a Call 1 / Call 2 / Call 3 script that empowered the client-facing teams to remember less, rely less often on personal anecdotes, & know exactly what to say at each stage of the client’s buying journey.

    The voice document also served as the foundation for the rest of their sales support materials including technical & non-technical sales decks that were framed for maximum persuasion & clarity.

    The Result

    The C-Suite announced the launch of the initiative at their annual all-hands conference.

    Referral partners were happy to have new tools that made it easier to solve their clients’ problems while being able to explain what in the world the client could expect.

    The in-house sales & marketing teams were happy to see an easier path to closing new business without having to rely on their own experience & stories. This was especially useful as CLIENT was expanding their teams who might not have existing institutional memory.

    All in all their revenue went up in the following months by

    1. Increased deal flow
    2. Higher average value of project
    3. Repeat projects with existing clients
  • How I Got A Company $100,000 of New Business In A Week

    How I Got A Company $100,000 of New Business In A Week

    Case Study

    Let me walk you through how I got a company more than $100,000+ in new business, and then show you exactly how you can use the same techniques for yourself (even if you’re not a big agency).

    A while ago I was hired on at the company as a graphic designer, and over the months I realized I could bring a lot of other skills to the table. The main way I’d promoted my mind reading shows is through email, so I was excited to bring that skill to my job. It was was outside my job description, but it was actually really cool to be able to contribute to a big win that everyone pitched in on. The company I was working with is a social media company that manages accounts for some large brands you’d probably recognize. They had been trying email marketing to drum up business without much success, so I wanted to figure out what was going on.

    They purchased a database of 39,000 emails, so the quality of the leads wasn’t exactly top notch. The emails were companies & entrepreneurs who had bought professional services before, but they hadn’t actively signed up to receive emails from the company.

    So that was the first clue why it hadn’t been working.

    Then I looked at the emails they were sending out. They were pretty, but well polished emails usually are sent from companies, so it gets filtered out by readers. Think about it, when was the last time you spent the time to create a 3 column layout with coordinated graphics & buttons in an email to a friend? Probably just typed something out, and sent it over, right? The numbers show that text-only promotional emails work the best, but it’s the least intuitive for business owners. They want the pretty stuff!

    Another speed bump was they could only send the same message to everyone; customized messages weren’t possible because their database wasn’t segmented or categorized.


    I started out by asking what we were already good at. What were the industries we were already doing excellent work for, and what had they learned from it?

    We listed 7 areas that we really knew how to handle, so I asked everyone at the company to pitch in and write informative blog posts that explained how clients had used their services & seen results. The community engagement coordinators also wrote articles around what social media platform was best suited for each industry, and the best way to engage with followers.

    Then we created email campaigns for each of the 7 categories that would direct readers to the articles & blog posts. The tone of the emails was more conversational, more personal, and communicated a much more fun personality. My client is a social media company; be fun!

    Now that we have the campaigns ready to go, how do we figure out who to send them to?

    I’m kinda proud of this one.

    I created a landing page on the website. The landing page had a simple form on it that asked them to tell us what industry they’re in so we could send them a report on the best social media practices for that industry. Instead of focusing on what they could do for us (give us their dollars!), we were offering something they would find valuable, first: how to make your own dollars through proper social media use!

    When someone fills out the form, it would tag their contact information with the appropriate category which would then trigger the proper email campaign. This way we allowed the contacts in the database to organize themselves without us having to go through 1 by 1 and go looking for it.

    Then we wrote the main email that was sent to all 39,000 contacts letting them know who we’d worked with previously (social proof), and then we told them we had unique insight on what works, what doesn’t, and on what platforms so they should click through and let us know what industry they were in so we could get that info to them.

    And it worked like a charm.

    We had massive open rates on the email, tons of click-throughs to the landing page, and most of the people who saw the landing page filled out the form.

    Then they started getting the emails that pointed them to the blog posts that lived on the site. We saw big spikes in traffic, and people were spending time digesting the information.

    And it worked.

    Within a week there were tons of new, highly qualified leads pouring in. The sales team was now spending their time closing hot leads who were getting in touch with them; they weren’t going out trying to drum up business by cold calling businesses.

    As a direct result of that campaign the company landed an alcohol company with more than 50 labels under their umbrella. They decided to sign up with one label to start, and signed another within 3 months. That initial contract was worth more than $100,000 by itself. without including any other client work that came through because of the campaign.

    And that’s how I got the company I worked with more than $100,000 in new business! Since then I’ve gone back to performing full time, and I now have time to build this site, but it was a ton of fun working with awesome people who were excited to do good work.


    • Show some personality
    • Use technology to get the right information to the right people
    • Have a system in place that communicates value from multiple angles
    • Educate your potential customers on what you do, why it’s valuable, & how they could do it themselves (Then they’ll see how hard it is, and wind up just hiring you to do it for them!)


    Want to find out how I might be able to help your business? Please don’t hesitate to reach out.