Conference Week



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Yesterday I got up at an unreasonable hour to fly out to Denver, then drive up to Cheyenne Wyoming.

I’m speaking at a conference this week, and I’m really excited about it.

All the other speakers are friends of mine I’ve made over the years working with a project you might have heard me talk about before: Urbit.

After I got into Cheyenne, I had a couple hours of down time to walk around the main street area, and got some good photos.

Then I got to have dinner with a couple other speakers who are friends that I’ve talked with on a near-daily basis but met in person for the first time.

And I didn’t get a picture, but I’ll have more chances this week. . .

So the big lesson is that the internet is a fantastic way to find your tribe, and then it’s worth it to find ways to take those connections offline so you can get the full measure of the people you spend time with.

I’m looking forward to seeing what we build off this week’s foundation!

For now, it’s coffee time, and for the rest of the week I’ll be sharing more about what I learn from being surrounded by all these smart people!

Best thoughts,

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