What would you do if your CEO punched the corporate entertainer that you booked?
This is not a hypothetical question. It is something that actually happened.
It’s a story that a client of mine told me about one of the first events she ever planned where she went with the cheap option. Only later did she find out that he was cheap for a reason: he had zero corporate entertainment experience.
He was a comedian who secretly poses as a server and goes around the banquet hall ignoring people’s order, overfilling their water glasses, and generally being a chaotic insult comic.
The gag is up when it’s time to give out the awards, and he walks on stage to MC that portion of the evening. By then everyone in the audience connects the dots and has a good laugh.
Not the CEO, though.
He’s a man who takes pride in his work, his company, and is protective of his employees.
When the “comic” came around to his table, the CEO took it personally.
The CEO told the waiter that his behavior was unwelcome, and followed up by explaining that the waiter owed his guests an apology.
The comic didn’t know who he was talking with and he did the worst thing possible. He ramped it up to eleven.
The CEO exploded.
Red faced he stood up and screamed at the waiter.
“How DARE YOU?!” exploded the CEO as he lunged for the target of his fury.
The comic retreated to the stage with the CEO close behind him.
As the comic got to the microphone to announce the gag (and let everyone off the hook) the CEO caught up to him.
Grabbed him by the collar.
And punched him in the face.
The room was dead silent.
She lost her job.
I could tell you hundreds of horror stories like that, that clients have shared with me over the years, but I think that one does a good job of getting the point across:
Choosing the wrong entertainment is going to cost you more than choosing the right entertainment.
You can’t afford to gamble when it’s your job on the line.
You want someone who has a decade or more of experience in the corporate entertainment industry. Someone who vows to never use off-color humor. You need someone who has a 100% money back guarantee if they say anything on or off stage that would reflect poorly on you or the company.
You want someone who is going to make you look like a rockstar.
That’s Why You Need Me
I’ve worked with the entire C-Suites of United Airlines, BP, and other Fortune 500 companies.
I’m alert to who is who in the audience, and know how to have fun with them while staying respectful.
I have a 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked. If I make you look bad, you don’t have to pay me.
Basically I’m saying: I’m a performer you can rely on.

My Background
I’ve appeared on national television. I’ve performed in Las Vegas on the strip. I’ve entertained United States troops stationed overseas. I’ve worked at corporate trade shows entertaining thousands of attendees in a couple days.
I’ve run two day workshops training some of the highest performing sales teams in the world on sales, negotiation, and presentation skills.
“It was one of the clear highlights of the Expo and Learning part of the conference. Most mentioned how they appreciated the presentation itself and the dynamic content.”
Theo, BP Executive

My Show
I’m a mentalist, and that means I’m a type of magician who has specialized in mind reading tricks. That means that my whole show is full of audience interaction, fun situations, and games of imagination.
My mission as an entertainer is to help my audiences be the stars of the show. I am a facilitator who knows how to make people feel like a million bucks, and have fun on stage in front of their friends.
How about I show you:
Adapting To The Times
The world is different now. Live events and live entertainment is on hold.
But the world is quickly adapting!
Virtual events are becoming more popular as we all find a way to adjust to the reality of life during Covid.
And I can help you!
I’m used to the broadcast medium. I don’t have to learn how to use Zoom: I’ve been doing virtual shows and consulting over the web for years.
Other Ways I Can Help
Just like I can help you adjust to virtual events, I can help you beyond just being an entertainer.
This is an extremely important role for any event, and it’s often the last detail people think about. Most people don’t realize it, but the MC is the default mascot for the whole event. If people like the MC, they’re going to like the event. Plus, sometimes you need to fill some time to cover a technical glitch; that’s where my 20+ years of performing come in handy!
Need to someone who can talk about creativity, innovation, new technology, motivation, confidence, and more? I’ve literally written books about it!
Have a great team and want to make them even better at sales, negotiations, or presentations? I have two day workshops for each of those that don’t just educate; they empower your team with real-time practice and feedback.
Next Steps
If you’re planning an event for real life, or virtual life, let’s talk! Send me an email at jonathan.pritchard at hellstromgroup dot com.
Looking forward to hearing from you!