Dealing with burnout



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The better you get at persuasion, the easier it becomes to accomplish what you want to do.

If you’re doing it by yourself, then its easier to talk yourself into doing the work.

If you’re working with a team, then its easier to get everyone pulling in the right direction.

But, along the way, you might be floundering.

In fact, it might be more like you’re trying to put the pedal to the metal but you also have the brake slammed to the floor too.

It’s called burnout.

It looks like a lot of things, but the main indicator is that this thing that used to bring you so much happiness is a major source of frustration, disappointment, and resentment.

If you’re tip-toeing in that direction, then this week’s video of mine is required watching.

Then go take the weekend to decompress. I promise you can take the time.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “try not to burn it to the ground” Pritchard

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