Don’t Let The Nerd Talk Fool You



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Jargon can hide the answers you’re looking for.

Consider this one: personal knowledge database.

Mean anything to you?

If not, it might be the single most important tool you need, but you’d never know it because it’s nerd-speak for “keeping track of stuff you’d like to keep track of.”

Turns out there’s an entire community of people out there building these things out.

In fact, I’m one of ’em.

All those videos I make about that program Obsidian?

Those are personal knowledge database videos.

But you might never know it because I rarely use the term.

Now’s the time, however.

I made a video that explains what it is & why any kind of creator type (or anyone who wants to be a creator type) will probably transform their life if they only knew what was waiting on them.

So give it a watch and let me know if you’re on board.

I’d love to answer any questions you have about it.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “too-personal knowledge database” Pritchard

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