Feels Good, Man



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Back when I lived in Chicago I ran a MeetUp group for Wing Chun Kung Fu.

My philosophy was that I’m not here to be an expert. I’m here to share something that I love with cool people.

If you know more than me, then I’ll learn from you. If I know more than you, then I’ll teach you everything I can.

And that approach worked really well.

It also helped me discover something I thought I’d never believe: I like teaching.

Being able to explain something so that somebody understands it quickly is gratifying in a way that getting applause doesn’t do.

Since then I’ve become a corporate soft skills trainer & I’ve transformed absolute beginners into rock star sales people.

That brings me to the review I just got from my “Close Any Sale” cohort that just wrapped up:

“I entered Jonathan’s training as a total novice who had never thought seriously about selling. Before the training even ended, I was using what I learned to sell the same product for more than two times the previous price.”

~Dylan L.

Dylan sells his own services, and now he basically doubled his annual income.

Not too shabby.

I love that!

That’s why I do what I do.

If you’re even halfway interested in what I’m teaching & how in the world it could even be possible, then shoot me a note & we’ll chat about it.

Best thoughts,

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