It’s Friday, so I figured we’d take a slight detour from the usual sales / psychology / business angle into the world of tech & kit.
I’ve had a bunch of people email / DM me on Twitter or Urbit / etc about what I use to make my videos.
I started with this camera, the Sony ZV-1, and quickly added a whole bunch of stuff that 1) made my life easier & 2) my videos better.
Instead of having to find them all over again every time someone asked, I finally decided to put it all in one place.
Now I can share this page in a second, and they can save themselves hours of hunting around.
It’s also a work in progress. I’ll be adding all the tools I use on a regular basis for all the areas of my life in case you’re curious.
But, for now, if you’re curious about how I shoot video at home & on the move, this is everything.
Best thoughts,