Category: General

  • The Power Of Framing

    The Power Of Framing

    • 10 powerful business lessons from a professional mind reader.
    • 10 ways to make a million dollars without wasting your time.
    • 10 insights from the world’s richest people that you can use.

    How you talk about valuable topics is as important as the topics you’re covering.

    Take those example titles, for example. Look at the first one. It’s the main way that I’ve packaged ideas for the past 10 years.

    I’m a professional mind reader. It’s different. It’s unique.

    But you know what?

    It’s SO different that people find it unrelatable.

    “Does he think he’s for real? Mind reading isn’t real. What is this guy talking about?”

    Once I can talk with people and help them understand that I don’t think I have “the Gift™” and, instead, it’s a mixture of understanding fundamental motivational psychology and then leveraging that insight in branding, marketing, sales, and negotiations. THEN I can help them understand that the insights I’m sharing can help you make a million dollars.

    The way you talk about your topics is called “Framing” and it’s an important element of branding that you have to get right.

    If you get it wrong you’ll sit there watching other people who aren’t as skilled, who don’t have the experience, who don’t have the results that you have get paid more money by the clients you wish you had. Why?

    Because that idiot over there is smart enough to understand the power of framing.

    And that makes you/me feel like a real moron (I say “me” because every email I send is secretly written at/for myself).

    Now you can understand why I’ve gone through so many iterations of podcasts, blogs, etc. I’m constantly looking for different ways to present the fundamental ideas that have helped me travel the world, work with awesome clients, and live the life that most people wish they could.

    Some of the iterations include:

    • A Life Well Designed
    • So Motivated
    • Wing Chun Life Physics
    • [_____] Like A Mind Reader
    • Million Dollar Mind Reader
    • Titan Of Business
    • Close Any Sale
    • Personal Media Company
    • Life Alchemy Technology
    • Persuasive Professional

    And on down the list it goes.

    Tomorrow we’ll touch on yet another one, and get your thoughts.

  • My Biggest Frustration

    My Biggest Frustration

    It’s tough to tickle yourself.

    (No, I’m not frustrated that I can’t tickle myself.)

    Awesome Part: I get paid to use applied psychology to engage audiences all over the world.

    Frustrating Part: Every way I’ve tried to share the same strategies & techniques I’ve used to get paid lots of money to work with huge clients, have a great time, travel on their dime, and more has been met with a resounding “meh.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So I think I’m so close to the psychology of mentalism, that it’s tough for me to understand how people don’t understand the power & psychology of mentalism.

    Here’s what I think is going on, though.

    I think a big part of it is that the “mentalist” framing works to generate interest, but it’s so far outside common ideas that 99% of people on planet earth 1) don’t know it’s a thing 2) sure have no idea how it works 3) have no clue how it could help them or 4) that it could help them in the first place.

    What do you think? I’m curious to hear your thoughts, for real.

    Then, next week we’ll talk about some big moves I’m making in the background in an effort to make it easier for business owners & creatives to recognize the value that comes along with understanding psychology.

  • You’re Fired!

    You’re Fired!

    “I’ve been thinking about your video about not letting clients watch you work. I’m pretty sure I got fired from my last job because of this.”

    I got this note today in my private community.

    It’s in response to a video I made awhile back about how to avoid freelancing nightmares, but as you can see, it also applies to full time employees.

    Go give it a watch and tell me how you would have dealt with it.

  • Do You Conduct Business?

    Do You Conduct Business?

    Imagine your job is to make music for an audience.

    As a freelancer, you play one instrument in a band of other freelancers.

    As an entrepreneur you pick up one instrument for a few moments and rush over to the next instrument that you play for a bit. Then you tear ass over to the other instrument and try to keep the song going.

    As a business owner, you are the conductor of the orchestra and your audience enjoys heavenly symphonies.

    Which are you? Which would you rather be? What’s keeping you from it?

  • The Power Of Creation

    The Power Of Creation

    I hate the term “content creator.” I love the term “creator.”

    Creators take the world as it is, and then shape it to fit their idea of how it should be.

    That’s powerful magic!

    So why, if you could transform the universe itself, would you do it to make “content”?!

    No matter if you are building a business, forming a side hustle, make art, do graphic design, or anything else; you’re a creator. You are spending your time & effort to create something we call “your life.”

    How do you see it? Do you think of yourself as a creator? Why or why not?

    I’d love to hear your perspective! Hit reply and sound off.

    Best thoughts,
    ~Jonathan “I created this?!” Pritchard

  • What does it take for you to believe in yourself?

    What does it take for you to believe in yourself?

    You have a dream. A goal. Something you want to do, but you just don’t think it’s possible.

    What if you already had all the skills, resources, opportunity, and time that you needed.

    What then?

    Some people fall into “genius” territory. They see someone else do exactly what they want to do and think, “Well, if they can do it; I can do it!” And off they go.

    That’s it. They just needed to see that it was possible, and that gave them permission to believe in themselves.

    Then there are more people who see someone else do it, and think they *might* be able to do the same thing. Then they work hard, make it happen, and they become a true believe in themselves. “I did it! Let’s do it again, now that I know how!!!”

    They needed to see themselves do the thing before they could see themselves as “Someone Who Does [The Thing].”

    Then there are the majority of people. They see someone else do it. Then they try it. They do the thing. And yet, they still don’t believe they’re the kind of person Who Does [The Thing].


    These people need to see it again and again over time before their mind can catch up to the reality that they are more than someone who can accomplish big goals; they’ve been that way for a long time already!

    So for you. Which is it?

    Do you need to prove it again and again before you can allow yourself the luxury of believing in yourself?

    What do you do about that?

    Best thoughts,
    ~Jonathan Pritchard

  • Personal Branding: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

    Personal Branding: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

    Personal branding sounds like one of those smarmy buzz words until you really think about what it means.

    Unfortunately, too many people stop at “this is probably something that a self-important jerk would care about.”

    But, if its done right, personal branding can bring you massive opportunities, help you stand out in a field of overly qualified applicants, and a LOT more.

    In this week’s video I take you on a journey through my own history of branding (hello Jonny Zavant!), and what it has done for me.

    If you think that personal branding is something that only insufferable idiots do, I’d urge you to watch this one all the way through.

    Best thoughts,

  • Trade Show University Podcast Appearance

    Trade Show University Podcast Appearance

    Recently I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Trade Show University Podcast where I got to explain how I help companies get 2-5x as many qualified leads from their next trade show exhibit.

    We get into how it all started, how it works, why I believe it’s one of the best ways to make the world a better place, and more.

    This is my back-up / archive of the conversation.

    Hope you enjoy.

  • Carnie Folk

    Carnie Folk

    When I turned 13 I learned how to juggle fire.

    When I turned 15 I learned how to hammer nails up my nose.

    When I turned 18 I learned how to eat fire.

    Those skills were the foundation of my performing career.

    That’s why I have a special place in my heart for people who do bizarre things for a payday.

    This week I got to watch David “The Bullet” Smith get shot out of a cannon, through an attraction, and land in a small net at the NC state fair in Asheville, NC.

    And I got it all on camera!

  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder: Something Different

    Super Mario Bros. Wonder: Something Different

    I’m 40 now, and almost all of those years have been spent playing one Mario game or another.

    They’ve always been interesting, delightful, and creative; that’s why I’m so fascinated by an upcoming release.

    It looks even more incredible than usual, which is hard to do.

    So how’d they do it?

    That’s what the video is about.