Category: General

  • Game Of Imagination Is Back For 2021

    Game Of Imagination Is Back For 2021

    “Game Of Imagination” is my 70 minute mind reading show that I wrote in 2019 in preparation to perform at the historic Knickerbocker Hotel in downtown Chicago.

    Here is the promo video I made for/from it:

    The plan was to perform it once a month, every month, in 2020.

    I got to run the show twice.

    After taking a couple months to plan, rewrite, and build out a professional broadcast quality studio, I launched the online version of “Game Of Imagination” in October for a six week run.

    Here is the promo video I made for/from that:

    One Year Anniversary

    The first performance (the one I filmed to create the promo video) was on January 28th.

    My birthday.

    Turns out, I’ve wound up performing on my birthday for the past several years, and it’s now my favorite way to celebrate.

    On the one year anniversary of my first (of two) shows at the Knickerbocker, and on the 5th year in a row, and on the 38th anniversary of my time on planet Earth, I’m doing it again!

    Tickets Are Live

    “Game Of Imagination” will run through 2021 on a once-a-month schedule with the first of twelve performances happening on my birthday.

    Don’t give me a gift. Buy a ticket. I will then use that money to buy really obscure tools, and in exchange I will give you the best damn mind reading show you’re going to find anywhere on the planet (from anywhere on the planet because it’s online).

  • The Masked Magician & Hitler’s Mentalist

    The Masked Magician & Hitler’s Mentalist

    This weirdo is the main character in the Masked Magician; a relatively short lived TV program that made a sensation by revealing the secrets behind the most popular magic tricks through history.

    Grand illusions, sleight of hand, card tricks; nothing was sacred.

    At the heart of it all was that smarmy mysterious character pictured above who was violating his sacred oath to keep the secrets of magic.

    The mask was to protect him from the wrath of magicians.

    Imagine you saved money for months to finally buy a prop or an illusion for that one show you have this year. A couple weeks before some idiot on TV explains exactly how it works.

    Now, when you show up, every 10 year old kid is pointing and telling his friends exactly what you’re doing.

    Not exactly the ideal situation.

    And, at the time, magicians were understandably furious.

    As with most things, however, there’s a deeper level to the story that makes it more interesting.

    Turns out, the masked magician truly loved magic. He loved it so much that he found a way to make money off of it (selling secrets to TV producers), while keeping the secrets safe (selling the wrong secrets to the TV producers).

    Valentino (as his magician name was) came up with plausible explanations for how tricks were performed that a member of the audience would totally believe, but didn’t actually explain the most popular real methods used by working professionals.

    It was all a double con.

    Truly genius.

    Sure, there were some real methods, but like any lie there has to be enough truth to make the rest believable.

    Ultimately, The Masked Magician was able to get magic back in the limelight with the sensationalism of revealing secrets, when really the secrets on display were complete fabrications that worked as a smokescreen for the real methods.

    The producers and the public at large were completely unaware of the grift, and were smug in their access to forbidden knowledge.

    Unfortunately many in the magic community lacked the experience to appreciate that it was all a con; they were taken in, too, and they were the ones to take up pitchforks, too.

    Such is the case with a sophisticated double con, there are rubes on every side.


    Strangely, this experience is not an isolated incident in time. There is another example of a long con like this and it involves Hitler.

    There are plenty of articles and books written about the occult influence in the upper echelons of Nazi Germany, but few really understand how and why that came to be, nor the greater impact it had on how world events unfolded.

    I am firmly convinced a mentalist helped create (and ultimately) destroy Hitler.

    (Hanussen pictured facing toward the camera within the glowing table)

    Enter Erik Jan Hanussen, an Austrian-born Mentalist who was, by the way, Jewish.

    In the time between World War I and World War II he made a name for himself with a mind reading show performed in Berlin. He was incredibly famous, rubbed elbows with the who’s who of the German military and industry, and (as is the case with most performers) was friendly with anyone and everyone who held power.

    Like Hitler.

    Not only did Hanussen know Hitler, Hanussen taught Hitler about showmanship and dramatic presentation.

    Everything Hanussen had learned in front of thousands of audiences was a gold mine for Hitler. The energy, the gestures, the passion?

    All taught to Hitler by a Jewish nightclub act.

    Now, while this might seem like Hanussen was acting against his own self interests, remember the Masked Magician. There’s more going on than what you can see at face value.

    Hanussen was a very effective Mentalist. He wasn’t just known for telling fortunes (which he did). He was also famous for predicting the future.

    One of the most well known instances was predicting the outcome of a race in 1932. Hanussen was hanging out with the drivers who would be competing the next day, and after enough coaxing from everyone, he was persuaded to write down his intuition for who would win. Hanussen scribbled something on a slip of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and that envelope was given to a trusted third party with instructions to keep it safe until after the race.

    The next day, during the race, there was a terrible accident. The crowd favorite to win was killed.

    Eventually the envelope is opened and everyone could see that Hanussen had written “One of us at this table will win tomorrow, another will die.”

    It was an abosolute sensation. Mentalist predicts the death of a celebrity!

    This is career-making publicity, no doubt. Ignore the macabre nature of benefitting from the death of someone you were friendly with…

    This “prediction in an envelope to be revealed later” act is a classic in the Mentalism world known as a Headline Prediction.

    I have used it to great success, myself, over the years to get meetings with executives and important contacts.

    I’ll mail a letter to my client weeks before the show, and the contents describe events that would be impossible to know beforehand.

    It’s a very good trick, but a trick none the less.

    So you can see why Hanussen would be a “person of interest” to anyone interested in power.

    Like Hitler.

    With these believable demonstrations, it’s perfectly reasonable for someone like Hitler to believe the hype.

    You can almost hear him thinking, “If Hanussen knew about the death of Lobkowicz the driver, he surely knows other things about the future.”

    This is quite possibly the seed of belief planted in the mind of Hitler for his belief in the Occult.

    Over the next couple years Hanussen teaches Hitler the secrets of effective communication, and Hanussen continues his Mentalism tricks.

    A mere 5 years later, however, the thing that made Hanussen a valued advisor became the reason he was treated like a threat.

    Hanussen predicted the Reichstag fire, which is what Hitler used to lock in his power as the Chancellor Germany.

    The fact that Hanussen (apparently) knew about the fire before it happened meant that he knew too much, and as a consequence he was assassinated in a field outside Berlin.

    I don’t believe that’s the end of the story for Hanussen, however.

    I think that Hanussen instilled an unshakeable belief in the power of the occult in Hitler with Mentalism tricks .

    This belief became a reliance on occult advisors throughout World War II, and ultimately led to strategic and tactical mistakes that continued to undermine Hitler’s effectiveness.

    In this way, I like to think Hanussen had his revenge.

    But is it enough to balance out what kind of impact Hanussen had on the world for teaching Hitler how to be such a powerful public speaker?

    It might be too little, much too late.

    It is also a similar story for the Masked Magician.

    When Valentino ran out of false explanations, and refused to continue the series, the executives simply fired him and hired magic consultants who didn’t have the same moral compass.

    Later seasons actually do reveal the real deal.

    Anyone can wear the mask, it turns out.

    Such is the story when it comes to power.

  • Building My New PC

    Building My New PC

    All my in-person shows evaporated which meant I needed to start an online streaming show.

    The problem, then, is that my 4 year old laptop wasn’t capable of handling what I was asking it to do.

    Solution? Get a new PC!

    The problem with that, however, is that I’ve never built a PC before.

    Didn’t stop me.

    Except it did.

    Spent 5+ hours trying to get it going and it just. wouldn’t. start.

    Watch the video.

  • Testimonials


    What do entrepreneurs & Fortune 500 corporate executives say about my work?

    Thank you for the passionate and engaging panel participation during the Senior Level Leaders (SLL) Conference last week.  You not only displayed versatile expertise in your field but also leadership throughout… It was a delight to see so much engagement between you and the various audience member after each of the sessions.  Additionally, I’ve had several SLLs comment on how it was one of the clear highlights of the Expo and Learning part of the conference.  Most mentioned how they appreciated the presentation itself, the dynamic content, especially since both were externally and future-focused…while still organically connecting back to leadership.

    Theo, BP Executive

    Jonathan is a rock star; in less than 10 minutes he streamlined my process by over 50% which will save me thousands in costs. He’s really easy to work with and tells you what you need to hear.

    Cassie Tafilaw Founder & CEO, 4Count Movement LLC

    Jonathan spoke about increasing your business productivity via how you engage with your audience. I still refer to the notes I took from that talk now, about 2 years later. I took that much away from his talk. He’s got powerful strategies that obviously work and I’m grateful that he shared them with me. They’ve made a huge difference in how I engage with people. Thank you <3

    Yael Ellsworth

    We are using your great ideas to streamline our message into a disciplined, succinct, accessible communication and that makes a tremendous difference. Your thoughts are helping move the needle far and fast. We are creating a Lean Executive Summary and the narrative portion is based upon your methodology. Our professional designer, Amy, is creating our pitch deck based again upon your blueprint.

    Darryl “Rev” Thomas, Creator & Founder of mwseq™
  • First Principles

    First Principles

    Elon Musk, savior of Earth Humans, explains in this short video what it means to reason from first principles, and why it’s important.

    This distinction is incredibly important in the martial arts world, and here’s why.

    Tiger Style

    Think about kung fu. For thousands of years the knowledge and skills have been passed down as analogies.

    “We fight with the strength of a tiger, the swiftness of a crane, and the deadly accuracy of a snake.”

    Makes sense to reason from metaphor because it’s the way humans have made sense of the world since before history.


    But the instant people started looking at fighting, self defense, and strategy as what it is instead of what it is like, they started getting superior results. Immediately.

    That’s why the UFC has been such an incredible proving ground for a variety of martial arts; you see what works, and what doesn’t right away.

    The Problem

    We have to be mindful, however, that we can wind up making the same errors when we take lessons learned from the UFC and apply them to violent encounters on the street or in bars.

    They’re two different creatures!

    “Take What Works, Discard The Rest”

    These words from Bruce Lee are great, and they echo the idea we’re talking about.

    What works, usually, is called “physics.” It’s what governs the world of reality, and as an entity living in the universe of cause & effect, it will do you more good to study how physics applies to the human body than it will to spend decades practicing to be fierce like a tiger.

  • The Importance Of Improving Your Sales Skills

    The Importance Of Improving Your Sales Skills

    This is one of the most destructive beliefs I see on a regular basis:

    “My idea is so good it sells itself.”

    ~Every Misguided Entrepreneur

    For three years I was a mentor at the world’s number one tech incubator, 1871, which is located here in Chicago. Once a month I’d have office hours where entrepreneurs could schedule one on one strategy sessions.

    From that project alone I got to chat with hundreds of very sharp business owners.

    The one thing they all had in common?

    Horrible sales skills.


    They’re brilliant people.

    Researchers, innovators, big thinkers. But they’re not sales people.

    Their work could change the world, and it was so painfully obvious to them how it would happen that they couldn’t understand that nobody else could see it.

    That’s when I’d hit them with this quote:

    “Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.”

    Howard Hathaway Aiken, Computer Pioneer, (March 8, 1900 – March 14, 1973)

    Their Biggest Problem

    Over and over again I would see the same issue.

    They were so impressed with what their product/service did that they wouldn’t tell me what it did for me.

    They would explain features instead of telling me the benefits.

    “It spins faster!” vs “Saves you time.”

    Exactly Backwards

    You should always start with what benefits the customer gets.

    Only then can you explain how it happens.

    What Happens If You Don’t

    Every company needs all the help it can get.

    I don’t care if you found the cure for cancer. You aren’t going to be successful unless you tell the world about it, and ask them to pay you for it.

    Your business makes the world a better place, and if you don’t learn how to explain that then you’re going to have fewer sales. That means a smaller budget. That means a smaller salary (if you’re lucky enough to have one at all).

    That means you suffer. That means your family suffers. That means all the people who could use your help suffer.

    Failing to work on your sales skills means you’re directly responsible for the world being worse off than it could be.

    Where To Start

    I’ve been in sales my whole life. My first professional engagement was at age 13 when I got paid $200 to entertain a company’s employees at a summer picnic.

    Since then I’ve been the top sales person at the highest grossing 3rd party vendor at an international tourist destination, sold 5 and 6 figure deals, and taught Fortune 500 teams how to improve their sales, negotiation, and presentation skills through my company, ZAVANT enterprises.

    I know not everyone has the luxury of having the company footing the training bill, so I’m currently working on an online training process to help individual entrepreneurs and side hustlers make more money with better sales skills.

    If you’re interested in learning more, go check out the project site, and sign up for email notifications as it gets closer to completion.

  • Alchemy Of Time And Money

    Alchemy Of Time And Money

    Too often this falls to the realm of pseudoscience claptrap & purveyors of flim-flam. There is, however, a rational approach to making change in your life by a process I like to call a reasonable unreasonableness.

    This is Life Alchemy.

    But, first, I want to introduce you to this guy. He’s one of the most influential people in all of human history.

    We’ve gotten to the moon because of what he dreamt up. We’re currently looking into how the universe will die based on his thinking.

    He also proudly died a virgin.

    His name? Sir Isaac Newton.

    Father of:

    Laws of Gravity, Law of Thermodynamics, Law of Motion, Understanding Light, Fluid Dynamics, Calculus,

    His work is the bedrock of some of our most valuable achievements as human beings.

    He was also obsessed with Biblical Chronology.

    There’s another area he devoted a significant amount of his time exploring: Alchemy.

    In today’s context, Alchemy is relegated to sorcery, magic, and other fairytale adventures that have no merit. Unfortunately, this is at the detriment of maximizing potential.

    Why did Newton write million+ words about Alchemy? What could have possibly driven one of the greatest scientific minds to folly?

    Surely it was the counterbalance of ignorance and wrong-headedness to someone who achieved so much? Capacity for greatness goes both ways, right?

    Not really.

    Alchemy, as it was back then, was concerned with understanding the nature of reality. The fundamental philosophy was essentially “If you understand exactly how nature works, you’ll be able to shape it to your will.”

    It’s actually pretty spot on.

    Alchemist believed that all matter, and especially metals, were all manifestations of the same spirit or essence.

    Gold was considered to be the highest manifestation of this spiritual achievement whereas something like lead was a ‘base’ metal; as in at the base of the hierarchy.

    Base: Lacking higher qualities of mind, spirit, or value. Degrading. Inferior.

    Debase:To reduce something in value or quality; degrade.

    Abase:Behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade (someone)

    Alchemists sought to understand how to take base materials and create value.

    They believed they would be able to discern the process that was responsible for lead becoming more and more refined until achieving its highest potential; gold.

    The method, process, or force responsible for this happening was referred to as ‘The Philosopher’s Stone.”

    They weren’t searching for an actual, physical stone. They weren’t some kind of sorcerer version of Indiana Jones on a mission to find the Holy Grail.

    The stone was short-hand for ‘the singular process responsible for taking something worthless, and making it valuable.’

    When you understand the historical context, and the time they were operating in, it makes perfect sense that Alchemy was a sensible endeavor. It’s proto-science, in a manner of speaking.

    But to disregard its message today is to dismiss a powerful rational lesson.

    There is an Alchemy that’s alive and well today. To understand its inner workings is to create a life that appears impossible to anyone who doesn’t understand its principles.

    Everyone is a slave to its effects, but few master its causes.

    There’s a base metal, a philosopher’s stone, and a gold if we want to use this as a metaphor.

    The base metal? Time.

    Everyone has exactly the same amount. In fact it’s so plentiful that most people waste it. There’s so much time that they can afford to spend it on Netflix.

    Time is your Lead.

    Useless by itself. Not good for much. Almost anything is better than just having time on your hands. What good is time by itself?

    But! There’s that equation you’re ignoring!

    Time = Money! “Got you!” you cry.

    Not so fast.

    If Time = Money, then we’d all be rich. We’d all drive Ferraris, and spend our vacations on one of our several yachts.

    So why is time so valuable to some, and not at all to others?

    Answer: The Philosopher’s Stone

    There’s one thing that can change worthless, abundant time into something valuable. What is it?

    Your mind.

    That’s it. That’s the philosopher’s stone. Your mind is the miraculous thing that is responsible for all value in the world. All meaning. All worth.

    This is why all the internet gurus (real & fake) explain that it’s mindset that’s so important. This is why.

    Time is the abundant resource, and the quality of your thinking, imagination, and creativity is the Philosopher’s Stone that will transmute that time into value.

    Time = Money is an equation that only holds up if you know how to trade your time for dollars.

    Your job is the best strategy that your mind has figured out how to convert time into dollars. Your pay the measure of how effective that strategy is.

    Why do some people get paid more than you? Why do some people get paid less?

    Your Philosopher’s Stone.

    That’s it.

    Now, you might argue and say, “People get paid millions for being an idiot! That’s proof you’re wrong.”

    No. That’s proof you lack imagination.

    Time is your most fundamental resource.

    All other value is a function of Time multiplied by your Imagination & Creativity.

    Money, relationships, opportunities, etc. EVERYTHING exists solely because of how you spend your time. How you invest it.

    How you transform it.

    Every action your take is your Philosopher’s Stone in action. Action is the crucible that transforms time into whatever value that action has in the universe. To others.

    To you.

    You can never get that time back. But, you can make better choices now to get more time later.

    This is why wealthy people spend money to gain time.

    They’ve figured out how to transmute their time into massive value.

    This is why spending time to save a couple dollars is insane to people who have discovered the secrets of personal Alchemy.

    Why would you spend days on something when a couple dollars could solve it?

    All value is a derivative of time.To put it simply. Personal Alchemy is the process of cultivating your mind to appreciate the incredible value Time already is. It’s ALREADY the most precious resource. It’s just that you haven’t developed the ability to value it.

    So, what’s changing isn’t the value of time. It’s you. You’re changing your relationship & understanding of the nature of time.

    Your Philosopher’s Stone is transmuting YOU into a more valuable steward of the universe’s most precious resource.

    This is the most sane, logical, natural thing in all of existence.

    To deny it, argue with it, or ignore it is to make yourself a slave to the whims of others.

    Be more than that. Transform yourself.

    But act quickly. Time is money afterall.

  • Corporate Entertainment Ideas

    Corporate Entertainment Ideas

    What would you do if your CEO punched the corporate entertainer that you booked?

    This is not a hypothetical question. It is something that actually happened.

    It’s a story that a client of mine told me about one of the first events she ever planned where she went with the cheap option. Only later did she find out that he was cheap for a reason: he had zero corporate entertainment experience.

    He was a comedian who secretly poses as a server and goes around the banquet hall ignoring people’s order, overfilling their water glasses, and generally being a chaotic insult comic.

    The gag is up when it’s time to give out the awards, and he walks on stage to MC that portion of the evening. By then everyone in the audience connects the dots and has a good laugh.

    Not the CEO, though.

    He’s a man who takes pride in his work, his company, and is protective of his employees.

    When the “comic” came around to his table, the CEO took it personally.

    The CEO told the waiter that his behavior was unwelcome, and followed up by explaining that the waiter owed his guests an apology.


    The comic didn’t know who he was talking with and he did the worst thing possible. He ramped it up to eleven.

    The CEO exploded.

    Red faced he stood up and screamed at the waiter.

    “How DARE YOU?!” exploded the CEO as he lunged for the target of his fury.

    The comic retreated to the stage with the CEO close behind him.

    As the comic got to the microphone to announce the gag (and let everyone off the hook) the CEO caught up to him.

    Grabbed him by the collar.

    And punched him in the face.

    The room was dead silent.

    She lost her job.

    I could tell you hundreds of horror stories like that, that clients have shared with me over the years, but I think that one does a good job of getting the point across:

    Choosing the wrong entertainment is going to cost you more than choosing the right entertainment.

    You can’t afford to gamble when it’s your job on the line.

    You want someone who has a decade or more of experience in the corporate entertainment industry. Someone who vows to never use off-color humor. You need someone who has a 100% money back guarantee if they say anything on or off stage that would reflect poorly on you or the company.

    You want someone who is going to make you look like a rockstar.

    That’s Why You Need Me

    I’ve worked with the entire C-Suites of United Airlines, BP, and other Fortune 500 companies.

    I’m alert to who is who in the audience, and know how to have fun with them while staying respectful.

    I have a 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked. If I make you look bad, you don’t have to pay me.

    Basically I’m saying: I’m a performer you can rely on.

    Corporate entertainer Jonathan Pritchard in front of a business audience.

    My Background

    I’ve appeared on national television. I’ve performed in Las Vegas on the strip. I’ve entertained United States troops stationed overseas. I’ve worked at corporate trade shows entertaining thousands of attendees in a couple days.

    I’ve run two day workshops training some of the highest performing sales teams in the world on sales, negotiation, and presentation skills.

    “It was one of the clear highlights of the Expo and Learning part of the conference. Most mentioned how they appreciated the presentation itself and the dynamic content.”

    Theo, BP Executive

    My Show

    I’m a mentalist, and that means I’m a type of magician who has specialized in mind reading tricks. That means that my whole show is full of audience interaction, fun situations, and games of imagination.

    My mission as an entertainer is to help my audiences be the stars of the show. I am a facilitator who knows how to make people feel like a million bucks, and have fun on stage in front of their friends.

    How about I show you:

    Adapting To The Times

    The world is different now. Live events and live entertainment is on hold.


    But the world is quickly adapting!

    Virtual events are becoming more popular as we all find a way to adjust to the reality of life during Covid.

    And I can help you!

    I’m used to the broadcast medium. I don’t have to learn how to use Zoom: I’ve been doing virtual shows and consulting over the web for years.

    Other Ways I Can Help

    Just like I can help you adjust to virtual events, I can help you beyond just being an entertainer.


    This is an extremely important role for any event, and it’s often the last detail people think about. Most people don’t realize it, but the MC is the default mascot for the whole event. If people like the MC, they’re going to like the event. Plus, sometimes you need to fill some time to cover a technical glitch; that’s where my 20+ years of performing come in handy!


    Need to someone who can talk about creativity, innovation, new technology, motivation, confidence, and more? I’ve literally written books about it!


    Have a great team and want to make them even better at sales, negotiations, or presentations? I have two day workshops for each of those that don’t just educate; they empower your team with real-time practice and feedback.

    Next Steps

    If you’re planning an event for real life, or virtual life, let’s talk! Send me an email at jonathan.pritchard at hellstromgroup dot com.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • What Is A Mentalist?

    What Is A Mentalist?

    The short answer: A mentalist is a type of magician who has specialized in the art of mind reading tricks.

    The long answer: A mentalist is someone who is fascinated by the way that the human mind works. They are dedicated to understanding the far-reaching implications of unlocking the fundamental mental processes that guide our every decision for ourselves, our romantic partners, in sales, negotiation, presentations, and beyond.

    What Does A Mentalist Show Look Like? 👇

    A mentalist audience member amazed.

    It looks like this from my perspective.☝

    I could tell you what I’m thinking, but that would be extraordinarily unimpressive. It would only be amazing if I could tell YOU what YOU are thinking.

    That would be a damn fine trick!

    And so it is.

    A mentalism show is essentially the performance of uncanny mental powers like reading minds, predicting the future, defying the laws of physics, and leaving an audience questioning the limits of their imaginations.

    It is completely based on audience interaction and participation.

    Without minds to read, there’s not much of a mind reading show, is there?!

    This means that mentalism is much more about collaboration and the wonders of truly being in the moment together than any other type of entertainment.

    Where Else Is This Useful?


    Mentalism works because it leverages the fundamental processes that we humans use to interact with reality. When you understand that system to its core, you realize it has implications in any area that involves a human being.

    This is why my work has deep roots in mentalism, and eventually grew into sharing the knowledge and skills of communication, influence, and persuasion in sales, marketing, public speaking, MCing, attracting leads at trade shows, and beyond.

    It’s also the source of my books focused on mind power, motivation, mindset, self confidence etc etc.

    My Background

    At 5 years old I saw a magician on television, and it looked like the most fun anyone could ever have. That’s the moment I knew what I was doing with the rest of my life.

    Most of my time outside of school was spent in the county library reading every single book they had on magic. Each one was full of enchanting illustrations, secrets, and outdated patter.

    I loved it.

    I began practicing coin tricks, rope tricks, and tricks with things around the house. Quickly, however, I realized that the “mind reading” tricks seemed to get bigger reactions, so I was naturally drawn to those.

    At 13 years old I got paid $200 to entertain families at a company’s summer employee picnic, and I’ve been supremely unemployable since then.


    As I explained briefly already, I have worked hard over the years to extract the psychological secrets that I’ve learned on the stage that can help business owners be more successful.


    That’s the quick version of what a mentalist is, and what you can learn from their secrets!

  • Coincidence Beyond Explanation

    Coincidence Beyond Explanation

    “It’s hard to believe in coincidence, but it’s even harder to believe in anything else.”

    ― John Green

    For most of my life I’ve been a card carrying Atheist, and along with being a member of the “skeptics” club I also get bonus access to a “doubtful of meaningful coincidences” attitude to ensure that all the fun and mystery is drained from life.

    Over the years, however, I’ve generally gotten much more open to the idea of ‘real magic’ in life.

    And last week, in particular, I was presented with an experience that’s tough to explain away as “random probabilities.”

    The basics

    My Mom hasn’t traveled much in the past 20 years.

    I mostly go home to North Carolina to see her, but for the first time in almost a decade she wanted to come visit me in Chicago to attend the opening of my show (and best date night in Chicago) “Game of Imagination” on my birthday in January of this year, 2020.

    Here she is on that night:

    She flew out of Asheville, North Carolina to get to Chicago. One of her friends drove her to the airport, dropped her off, and decided to visit a second hand shop while she was in Asheville.

    What she found

    While she poked around the DVD stacks she finds this:

    It’s one of 20 promotional DVDs I made back in 2009 after I did a two week tour through South Korea to entertain American troops.

    I hand-made every single one of these DVDs.

    I used my DVD drive of my laptop to burn it, stuck the disk label on by hand, printed the DVD case insert at Staples, cut them out with scissors, and stuffed the case with a couple postcards with links to my site.

    I only handed them out at one conference for college entertainers, and I didn’t think to keep a copy for myself.

    Eleven years later it pops up in a thrift store on the day that my Mom’s friend drops her off at the airport to visit me.

    The Long Con

    My hat is off to my mom’s friend because she kept this a secret for months. She held it as a birthday present for my Mom, which absolutely blew my mom’s mind.

    She opens the wrapping and sees “Jonny Zavant” and vaguely recognizes it as my stage name, but it didn’t click what, exactly, it was.

    That’s when her friend explains where she found it, and on what day, so Mom calls me up right away.

    That’s when it blows my mind because I hadn’t seen or thought about that thing since I gave the last one away. It was never intended to be a mass market thing, and I expected them to be lost to the sands of time.

    Instead it finds its way slowly home to my family.


    Best I can figure is I handed one to a student from a college in/around Asheville. It probably sat around the student activities office for years until someone decided to get rid of “all this junk” and took it to that thrift shop where it sat for who knows how long before my Mom’s friend found it.

    That’s still pretty amazing, though.

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
