Category: General

  • Books By Jonathan

    Books By Jonathan

    I was excited to read this book when I ordered it but I never expected it to have the immediate, positive, impact on my life that it did! The author clearly poured his heart into this book with the genuine intention of helping others. It is an easy read and anyone that reads it can benefit from it. I’ve struggled through many adversities and have handled them on my own for the majority of my life. Most recently I have struggled getting through them and this book was enlightening, encouraging and provided me with the comfort and hope that I needed to get myself out of my slump. The author’s perspective and scenarios are easy to relate to and eye opening! Very grateful for this book and I will be recommending it to everyone!

    S.F. Amazon 5 star Review

    This book takes a really simple, personable tone to explaining some really personal, complicated stuff, I really enjoyed the insight and perspective and find myself quoting some of the observations mentioned in the book. I gave this book to an Argentinian friend of mine and he loved it and found the insights applicable to Argentine culture as well! I wouldn’t miss this book!

    5 Star Amazon Review

    Basically every book written on motivation and psychology in the past 50 years is wrong.

    If they’re not wrong, they’re sure missing out on a majority of what drives success, accomplishment, persuasion, high value relationships, and any other positive achievement: the mind.

    My hypothesis? Magicians & mentalists have had 10,000 years’ head start on the current crop of motivation snake-oil salesmen. Here’s why.

    For a magic trick to work, the magician must first understand what you’re seeing, and what you will think about it. The fancy term for this is “theory of mind.” The magician can see through your mind, and then use this perspective to design an experience that will lead you to a logical impossibility.

    He shows you an empty hat, reaches inside, and pulls out a rabbit.

    The rabbit was inside the whole time, but he knows exactly what angle to hold the hat so you don’t see what is hidden inside. Your perspective defines the boundary of the magician’s action.

    All Persuasion

    Seeing through the mind of someone else is the heart of all influence, human relationships, and success.

    If you cannot understand the mind of someone else, there is no hope for understanding.

    This is why my work is unlike anything else in the world.

    No one else has built a theory of persuasion from first principles like this.

    The lessons within the books apply anywhere a human being is involved. Even if it’s just yourself.

    So in order of importance and impact, I present my work.

    [think] Like A Mind Reader

    Take the best ideas in marketing, negotiating, communication, and motivational psychology and combine it with the experiences of one of the world’s best mind readers (me), and this book is what you get.

    Hailed as the “Think & Grow Rich” for the 21st Century, the ideas & principles included within these pages are the exact approaches Jonathan has used to create a custom-fit life that has allowed him to travel the world (and be paid very well for it).

    If you’re interested in breaking out of the standard social narrative, this is the book for you. You’ll learn a lot about yourself, others, and how we all tick. (There’s even a magic trick built into the book that you’ll get to perform with your friends!)

    Note: There’s no plan for a digital version. The magic trick requires the physical copy of the book, so the whole experience of the book simply can’t happen with 1’s and 0’s only.

    [Learn] Like A Mind Reader

    Whether you want to learn a new language, professional skill, or hobby, the techniques inside these pages will help you change your thinking and your life.

    We go deep inside your mind to unlock the secrets of how you recognize, retain, and recall information to help you minimize your learning curve.

    No matter if you’re in high school, college, or a full-blown professional expert you’re going to find something useful.

    You’ll learn how to improve your memory, eliminate procrastination, think more effectively, and more. . .

    (Available in digital & paperback formats.)

    Perfect Recall

    How many times have you been introduced to someone and their name immediately evaporates? Ever torn up your living room looking for your keys? Forget your sweetie’s birthday? Want to spend less time studying? Been at the grocery store, your phone dies, and now you have no clue what’s on your list? Learning to play a new instrument or other skill?

    Want to: Improve your relationships? Your business? Your studying habits? Make people feel important? Get better at public speaking? Reduce your dependence on your smartphone?

    If you said yes to any of these, then this book is for you. . .

    (Available in digital & paperback formats.)

    Wing Chun: Life Physics

    Don’t enjoy the abstract concepts and nebulous ideas of mentalism? You might like the hard hitting reality of martial arts.

    This is a book built like a mathematical proof. Starts with fundamental geometry and slowly works its way up to the physics of the human body, and ends by examining the power of building your strategies on the bedrock of cause and effect.

    Available on Amazon.

  • Self Confidence

    Self Confidence

    “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than knowledge.”

    ~Charles Darwin

    How many people do you know who are absolutely, positively sure of themselves, yet are about as wrong as they could possibly be? Based purely on anecdotal evidence you could come to the conclusion that morons are the most confident in themselves, yet geniuses are often the most doubtful about their abilities.

  • A Brief History of Magic Consulting

    A Brief History of Magic Consulting

    Since the dawn of time, man has struggled to control the dark forces of nature and they’ve often turned to magicians for help. Magicians think about problems in novel ways, and they can often see solutions where others see impossible difficulties.

    Remember, impossible is just another day at the office for a magician.

    Not many people know about the incredible contributions magicians have made to people, society, and governments through history so I wanted to introduce you to a couple magicians and explain the contributions they made so you can appreciate how “thinking like a mind reader” can help you in your life & business.

  • Mentalist As Business Strategy Expert

    Mentalist As Business Strategy Expert

    What Gives You The Edge?

    Live performance.

    Every show I do is an opportunity to get real-time feedback from real-live people on what works, what doesn’t work, and what I should work on.

    Shows are composed of hundreds of experiments. I play with language, timing, positioning, tone of voice, physicality, scripting, lighting, information order, and thousands of details that make the show.

    Every reaction (or lack thereof) is it’s own data point, (more…)

  • Built On Trust

    Built On Trust

    Insider Secrets

    No matter what round of funding you’re looking for, there’s something that’s just as important as the facts & figures of your business: the trust between you and your investors.

    Medium is the Message

    Digital communications are phenomenal. It allows us to connect with anyone anywhere in the world at any time. We can fire off an email at 1am from our hotel room, and then get a reply 20 minutes later from someone suffering from equal parts insomnia & “inbox-itis.”

    But, easy done is easy ignored.

  • In Pursuit of Magic

    In Pursuit of Magic

    Would You Know It When You Find It?

    For me, there is very little difference between magic and art. To me, the ultimate act of magic is to create something from nothing: It’s like when the stage magician pulls the rabbit from the hat. ~Alan Moore

    The rabbit was in the hat the whole time.

    Not so magical, now, huh?
    There’s a weird thing that happens when someone learns a magic trick, and it happens in an instant. This precise moment can teach us a lot about our businesses, relationships, and life in general.

    The Situation

    Imagine you’re at a magic show and something happens that really, truly, affects you. It turns your whole world upside down, and you can’t seem to let it go.
    You know there’s a trick to it, but you can’t possibly imagine how that could be.
    You leave the show, and you’re still thinking of it for days afterward. It’s like a fishhook in your mind that keeps digging in deeper and deeper.
    Eventually you decide you’ve had enough, and you’re going to find out how it works even if it kills you.
    You drive to one of the few remaining magic shops, and tell your story to the guy behind the counter.

    “Yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about,” he says. “You probably don’t actually want to know how it works. It’s kind of advanced, but if you really want it, I’m not going to say no. It’s in this 5 page pamphlet and it explains everything. That’ll be $200.”

    The Decision

    It’s a lot of money for a single trick, but considering how big an impact it had on you, $200 is actually kinda cheap to finally know.

    “Now, once a secret’s told, the secret is sold. There’s no returning the secret, so there’s no returning your money. Got it?”

    You nod and swipe your card. He hands you the pamphlet.

    30 seconds later you look up from the pages and say, “It’s just mirrors?”
    “It’s just mirrors.”
    And then it happens. This peculiar moment. Something snaps:

    “That’ll never fool anybody!”

    Before you dismiss this scenario as being too far fetched, let me tell you from personal experience, it happened all. the. time.
    I worked at a magic shop in Universal Studios for a little over a year. This was before Harry Potter world was built, and we enjoyed a monopoly on the magic business at the park for a glorious year and a half.
    People would see a magic trick demonstrated, have their mind blown, buy the trick, and come back later saying this would never fool anybody.
    All the time.
    They’re fooled so badly that they’re willing to spend good money to learn how it works, so they can do it themselves, and immediately discount the method.

    What In The World Is Going On?!

    Methods are too simple.

    I think it really boils down to that.
    When we look at people our industry who have achieved so much, we feel compelled to figure out what it is that they’re doing different. We give everything to know what they know. We go to seminars. We attend workshops. We go on retreats.
    And they share their secrets.

    Except; there are no secrets. They’re guarding empty vaults.

    We keep thinking there has to be something else because the answers are too simple. But, that’s what makes them a genius solution. The answers are so painfully obvious, people ignore them.
    When you truly wrap you mind around this little truth, it’ll blow your world apart. It’s often the simplest methods that get the most results. Stop trying to make things too complicated!
    In the world of magic it’s almost always string, mirrors, or sleight of hand.
    In the world of business it’s almost always great customer service, providing value, and follow-up.
    Stop chasing secrets and start practicing your basics, and you’ll be light years ahead of everyone who is chasing the next big secret.
    Let them believe in fairytales while you work your magic.

  • Power of Personal Impact

    Power of Personal Impact

    “Are you from Orlando?”

    This is the story of an experience I had in Lexington Kentucky when a couple remembered meeting me for 5 minutes in Orlando, FL nearly a year afterward!

    Why did they remember me after such a long time? The secret lies in my area of expertise!

  • Why Have An MC?

    Why Have An MC?

    Because your event is too important to leave up to chance.

    How hard can it be, really?

    Your events are an incredible opportunity to connect your audience with your company’s mission. The people in that room are spending their most precious resource, time, with you, and if you don’t respect that simple fact, attendance for next year’s fundraiser, awards banquet, tradeshow, or conference will plummet.

    I get to MC a ton of conferences, which means I get to hear the horror stories from organizers and attendees, both.

    At a recent conference I spoke with an attendee who had been at the previous year’s conference when they didn’t have an MC, a less-than-ideal venue, and poor directing. He had some real talk to share with me. He said:

    “I’m kind of amazed there was this much turn out, to be honest. Last year was such a disaster, I thought people would avoid it this year.”

    I’m in a unique position to hear his thoughts. He would never say that to the organizer. This leads me to the first point:

    You May Never Know How Much Negative Press You’re Getting

    People rarely take time out of their day to tell you how much they don’t like something.

    Honesty is expensive! It can cost you friendships, contracts, and good employees. Nobody knows what being honest will truly cost them, so they will instead keep the peace, and say nice things about the event instead of sharing their real thoughts.

    You might think your events are getting along just fine, but you usually don’t have a good idea where it can improve if you just rely on feedback from attendees.

    “But we do follow-up surveys to get feedback!” you say, and I hear you. The problem is, few attendees know what it takes to put on a successful event! This leads me to the second point:

    Attendees might know what they don’t like, but that doesn’t mean they what would make the conference better!

    Think of it this way: I could talk to you for hours about what I don’t like, and at the end of the day you’d still have no clue what I do like. That’s why I wanted to put this list of simple things you can do to make sure your next event is a smash hit.

    The all-important piece of the puzzle

    Believe it or not, here’s one of the most important things you have to get right with your event: you have to have a great MC!

    This is the person who is going to set the tone for the whole conference, and he tells the audience how they should feel about the next speaker based on how the MC treats them.

    Too many clients believe anybody can MC an event, so they get “Carl from accounting” to do it because he’s funny. Unfortunately, MCing an event requires some pretty difficult skills to pull off effectively, and Carl is not a professional who spends his time honing his audience management skills. He’s good at being funny around the water cooler.

    There’s a big difference between being funny there, and standing in front of 1,000 people & managing their attention effectively!

    That’s why I want to share what some of those details are, so you can make the best choice in who helps your fundraiser go off without a hitch.

    Be Flexible

    A good MC has material they plan to do between speakers so there’s no dead air.

    A great MC will be able to add or cut time depending on the situation without the audience ever knowing something is going on. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients come up to me 20 seconds before going on that “the computer isn’t loading PowerPoint! Can you keep things going until we have it running?!”

    A great MC will be able to go out there, keep the audience engaged, and be ready to seamlessly transition into the next speaker’s introduction when they get the green light from the coordinator. This is absolutely mission-critical.

    Without that ability, you have 1,000 people instantly checking their email, texting their friends, or Googling “what to do when I’m bored.”

    Know Who You’re Introducing

    You don’t have to know everything about the people you’re introducing, but you should know at least something, like how to pronounce their name properly!

    Make it a point to chat with them a little before they’re scheduled to go on stage so you can ask them about any books they’ve written, accomplishments they’ve earned, or some kind of detail that shows their human side (do they have pets, have pride in their city, or have a stupid human trick?).

    In the first 20 seconds of talking with them, you can get a feel for how buttoned up or relaxed they are. This will give you a lot of insight on how to talk about them when you’re out on stage. It’s a good idea to match the energy of the speaker you’re introducing, so the audience has a smooth transition from you to who you’re handing the (literal or figurative) mic to.

    Show & Tell

    My pet peeve is when a speaker or performer walks out on stage and says, “How is everybody tonight?!”

    I know why they’re doing it. I do. They feel like it’s a way to make the audience feel included. Like they’re part of the whole experience.

    The problem is, it’s lazy. It’s not the speaker’s job to poll the audience about their emotional state. It’s the speaker’s job to impact their emotional state for the better!

    As the MC, it’s your job to to tell the audience what’s about to happen so they know what to expect, and then (even better) show them how they’re about to have a great time.

    Walk out and say, “You guys are going to have a fantastic time tonight! There are some incredible speakers here who are the best at what they do, and you’re not going to see anything like this anywhere else on the planet. You’re going to be glad you decided to be here today, and by the end of it you’re going to know that’s 100% true!”

    Telling the audience leaves no room for crickets. That’s what happens when you walk out and ask the audience a question: they may not answer. That’s dead air. That means they’re leaning back. That means they’re not engaged.

    That means you’re failing.

    So don’t give them the option to help you fail! They will follow your lead. Show & Tell them why they’re about to have a great time, and then (magically) they will have a great time. Avoid setting the dynamic where the audience is responsible for your success. They’re not professional presenters. They don’t know what it takes to look like a million bucks up there, so don’t put your reputation on the line by asking them “how they’re doing.”

    Be Prepared

    To introduce the speakers. That’s a given. But you also have to be prepared to:

    • Tell the audience where the restrooms are.
    • How long they have until the bar closes.
    • Handle a disaster like a fire. You absolutely must maintain order, and minimize panic. If you panic, they panic.

    Can you imagine Carl keeping his cool while on stage and helping save the lives of 1,000 people who need to evacuate the room in an orderly fashion? Or will he crumble under the pressure, and cost people’s lives in the process?

    You absolutely must do your prep work to ensure you can handle the situation; whatever the situation might be.

    Making Introductions

    Ok, it’s go-time. You’re done vamping, and it’s time to announce the next person who is about to walk out on stage. Here’s how to introduce someone.

    1. Say their name last

    Whatever you’re going to say about the person who is about to walk on stage, never say their name until the end. The entire time you’re outlining all the achievements, the audience will be thinking, “Who are they talking about?!” This maintains their interest, and keeps them from tuning out too early if you say their name first and they think, “I’ve never heard of them, guess I can stop paying attention.”

    Instead, make their name the last thing you say, so the audience has a natural cue to know when they’re about to make their entrance.

    2. Stay put

    You just said the speaker’s name, and gesture towards whichever side of the stage they’re going to enter from. This directs the audience’s attention to the most interesting thing on the stage; the speaker. STAY PUT. DO NOT MOVE.

    If you say the speaker’s name, and then start walking off the stage, there are 2 moving things to pay attention to. You don’t want that. You want to smoothly direct the audience’s attention to the speaker and offer absolutely zero distraction to that person.

    The speaker should walk up to you, shake your hand, and then wait calmly as you walk off stage. A real pro will thank you for your lovely introduction and acknowledge your effort to fill the time it takes for you to exit the stage.

    This way there’s a smooth hand-off. The audience is never confused about where they should look, or who they should pay attention to.

    3. Have an Outroduction

    When their talk is over, the reverse happens. They stay put, you walk out, shake their hand, and thank them for their time as they walk off the stage.

    Know what you’re going to say before you walk out there! Managing the situation after their talk is just as important as setting expectations before their talk.

    The Golden Rule

    The secret to being an incredible MC is remembering this:

    You’re the host, not the star.

    That means you realize the show isn’t about how great you are. Instead, you want to act like a gracious host who is helping 1,000 new friends have a great time. This is a different skillset that making it all about you.

    You’re hosting the party, and making sure your guests are taken care of. Don’t try to outshine the people who are there to speak.


    Keep these basic rules in mind when you’re preparing for your next event, and you’ll be lightyears ahead of everybody else who “just wings it.” The better job you do at making your guests look like a million bucks, the better time the audience will have, which means a more successful conference or fundraiser for everyone.

    Let me know how it goes for you!

    If you’re planning a conference, fundraiser, or other event in need of an MC, let’s talk! I’d love to help make your event a smash-hit by helping it run smooth as glass. Use my contact form to let me know what you’re planning, and we can go from there!

  • High Impact Events

    High Impact Events

    The question is, is it positive or negative impact?

    Done correctly, any event you plan can help people feel appreciated, lower employee turnover, boost company buy-in, reduce liability, and foster cooperation & communication.

    Done incorrectly, however, it can cost you your job.

    Here’s a story a client of mine told me about an event of hers going horribly wrong. Here’s what happened:

    She wanted something fun & different for the company’s end-of-year awards banquet, and she decided to book an “insult waiter” act. This is an actor or a team that dresses like the waitstaff, but intentionally spill drinks, give people the wrong meal, and all sorts of wacky mayhem.

    Then, when the ceremonies start, it’s revealed that they’re actually part of act and the MC’s for the rest of the event.

    The problem was, the CEO of the company didn’t know it was all an act. He couldn’t believe how rude and unprofessional the “waitstaff” was being, and he couldn’t stand how poorly they were treating his employees.

    Before the gag could be announced though, the CEO decided to give the waiter a piece of his mind. He stood up in front of everyone and yelled at the actor until he was red in the face. The actor tried staying in character which only made the CEO even more angry until he was physically shaking.
    It’s understandable, too! This man has given his life to this company, and as a dedicated leader, he’s not going to allow some stranger to disrespect his team.

    Just imagine being in everyone’s shoes.

    The actor: When do you stay in character? When do you break the show and let everyone in on it?

    The CEO: You’ve just yelled at someone in front of your team. Even if it’s at a rude person, it still reflects poorly on you. Even worse when it’s revealed to a prank! You look like (and are!) the butt of a horrible joke!

    The Event Planner: You made a choice that made every single person in that room incredibly uncomfortable. Not only that, this event will now live forever in the gossip mill at that company and beyond.

    You’re Fired!

    They all tried calming down the CEO and told him it was all a joke. Instead of laughing, the CEO fired her on the spot. Everyone was humiliated. Nobody was having a good time.

    Sure, the event was unforgettable, but for all the wrong reasons!

    Your Event Advisor

    Not every event you’re planning will be high-stakes, but there are always pitfalls you have to avoid. That’s why I like to think of myself as an incredibly inexpensive insurance policy against those kinds of disasters.
    I guarantee never to resort to political humor, risque material, edgy comedy or anything else that could reflect poorly on anyone. (And this extends off-stage, before & after the performance, too!)

    Power of Connection

    If you understand how valuable it is to connect with people, help them feel valued, and want to avoid the nearly infinite opportunities to botch it all, then let’s talk. I want to be your safe, dependable, and reliable choice to make your next event unforgettable. . . for all the RIGHT reasons! Sure, I might not be the cheapest act, but I can guarantee it won’t cost you your job!

  • How Important Is Your Holiday Party

    How Important Is Your Holiday Party

    It’s That Time of Year Again: Time to Plan Your Office Holiday Party

    Every office is different, every budget is different, and every company’s culture is different. But, there’s one thing that stays the same:

    The holiday party is an incredible opportunity to foster employee happiness, show appreciation, and start the new year with a renewed sense of dedication & productivity. Here’s how.

    What’s The Purpose?

    Why are you thinking about planning a party in the first place? Is it because it’s tradition? Is it because you know people will be upset if you don’t have one?

    Or, is it your way of showing your employees how much they mean to you?

    Done correctly, a holiday party can be so much more than just a “because we have to” drain on your resources. I know it can take a lot of money to book a venue, plan the dinner, find entertainment (that’s not going to make you look bad), etc, but the holiday party can be one of the most important nights of a company’s year.

    What Are You Doing?

    Depending on the size of your company, certain plans are going to be more feasible than others. Smaller companies can afford to take everyone out for a fancy dinner and a show afterward, but as the company gets bigger, that becomes more and more difficult.

    No matter what you plan on doing, here’s what it must accomplish:

    • Show genuine appreciation for your employees and all their hard work. They’re spending their lives with your company, let them know how much that means to you & the company.
    • Help connect the employees to the company in a fun, engaging, heartfelt, memorable, & meaningful way without being cheesy.
    • Show gratitude & appreciation for the spouses of your employees. Think about it; they can either be support or undermine your employee’s dedication based on how much time you’re asking of your employees.
    • Get different departments talking. It’s easy for sales to promise the world, and hand impossible projects off to operations to figure out. This can breed resentment and foster a lack of shared mission. If different groups aren’t talking to each other within 10 minutes at the party, it’s likely they’re not going to talk at all.
    • Have everyone talking about how amazing the party was, and how they’re looking forward to next year.

    What Not to Do.

    Here are some things to avoid when planning your event that I’ve seen first-hand, or heard from clients’ previous parties. Please learn from their mistakes.

    • Do not let Carl from accounting MC the event. Sure he’s a ham in the office, and says he would do a great job of speaking on behalf of your company, but that doesn’t mean he’s a fantastic public speaker. You’ll see all too soon as people’s eyes start glazing over as Carl rambles on without getting to any discernible point. He’s there because he likes attention; not because he’s focused on connecting your people with each other.
    • Do not hire cheap. Sure, the budget is what the budget is, but hiring cheap will cost you more in the long run than you’re saving in the short term. A client once hired the cheapest entertainer she could find, and what happened next nearly lost her her job. He insulted the CEO, seemed unprepared, and was in short a nightmare. It wound up being an unforgettable party, but for all the wrong reasons. So, when you think about allocating your budget, forego the extra piece of cake that will be gone in 3 minutes, and spend a little extra on entertainment to make sure whoever you hire is dependable, reliable, professional, and squeaky clean.
    • Don’t wait too long. The best entertainers are booked up months in advance. If you wait until the last minute, you’re only going to find people who are available for a reason. Your event, company, and job can’t afford that gamble. Start early to get the best results.


    Don’t let one of the most important opportunities to connect with your employees slip through your fingers. Plan an event that highlights the accomplishments of your employees, and shows them genuine appreciation.