Category: General

  • 4 Elements of My Daily Practice

    4 Elements of My Daily Practice

    When life is going sideways, it’s easy to get short-sighted. You get focused on the immediate things you need to get done to survive one more day, and you wind up reacting to what’s out there instead of taking control of the situation.

    It’s also easy to feel like nothing you’re doing is working, and that no matter how hard you try, nothing changes. You’ve tried this thing, or that thing, and nothing works like its promised.

    I’ve been there myself. For a long time, matter of fact.

    Eventually I figured out there are 4 things I need to do every day if I want things to change. They have to do with the 4 areas of your life that you have to own if you’re going to make a lasting difference.

    1. Body

    You do not have a body. You are a body.

    The more you ignore it, the more problems you’re going to have. That’s why I make time every single day to do something that challenges this big ol’ meat puppet I call “my body.”

    My preferred method of getting exercise is practicing Kung Fu. As soon as I get out of bed, I go go through the forms of the system.

    I’m also partial to body weight exercises. This is due to my crazy travel schedule; I want to be able to stay fit while on the move without relying on bulky equipment or finding the closest gym. Nope, I want to be able to do a complete workout in my hotel room.

    The 6 movements I focus on are push-ups, pull-ups (often times I can find a stairwell that works), sit-ups, back bridges, squats, & handstands. There are variations for each that are as easy or difficult as you need (all without the need for a gym membership).

    These exercises & changing my eating habits is how I dropped 45 pounds (and kept it off for a couple years now).
    So no matter what shape your exercise takes, your body requires daily attention & movement. Ignore it at your own peril, and pay the price later.

    2. Mind

    Just like you gotta flex your muscles, you gotta flex your mind. Do something fun. Learn something. Work on your creativity.

    Creativity is a skill, not an in-born gift.

    If you’re used to turning your brain off and watching TV as soon as you get home, your creativity will atrophy. You’ll be less likely to come up with that idea that will get you out of the 9 to 5 prison.

    Creating > Consuming

    When was the last time you created something? Performed something? Made something that never existed before?
    Make the act of creation a daily habit, and you’ll discover it becomes easier and easier to have better and better ideas.

    Personally I try to write often (like this post!), learn a new language (been learning Mandarin), work on new show material, write new presentations for speaking engagements, reach out to people who could use my services, create speaking opportunities, and so on.

    Every day.

    People look at all the incredible things I do, and think “Boy, he sure is lucky.” Luck has nothing to do with it. It’s a daily practice of getting creative about what opportunities I can create for myself.

    3. Feel

    Emotions are a fantastic barometer for how well your needs are being met. Most of us, however, can rarely even tell what emotion we’re currently feeling.

    Our daily lives are spent distracting ourselves in order to numb ourselves against how unhappy we are. Our work lacks emotional content.

    This excerpt from Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon” is a glimpse into what that means.

    The more you tune into your emotional environment, the better you get at understanding how the situations, people, and thoughts you have affect how you feel about yourself & your ability to accomplish what you want to achieve.

    Is your friend making you feel awful about the new hobby you want to work on? Reduce the amount of time you spend with them.

    You are under no obligation to sacrifice your happiness on the altar of friendship, family, or work. It’s entirely possible to live a life where the people & things in it are a source of support and encouragement; not a constant drain of your emotional well being.

    4. Appreciate

    Gratitude has recently enjoyed an increase of research showing how it can increase happiness, reduce depression, and improve self-esteem.

    I think the benefits have been misattributed.

    Gratitude is outwardly focused. Thanking someone else for what you have. Being thankful for the scraps you manage to scrounge together.

    You should be grateful for what you have.

    No. It’s ok to want more. It’s ok to improve your situation. It’s ok to want something other than what you have.
    What you’re looking for, instead, is an appreciation for where you are.

    You don’t have to like it.

    Appreciation does not automatically equate with happiness or complacency.

    Appreciation is taking the time to consider your situation. Consider the resources available to you. Consider the options you have at any given moment.

    Most unhappiness and lack of effectiveness in life comes from a lack of appreciation.
    That’s why it’s so important to take time, every day, to appreciate what you do have so you can put it to use most effectively.

    So don’t be grateful for your scraps. Appreciate your resources, so you can make the best use of them as you can.


    I try to start everyday with a mind to develop each of these 4 areas in my life. Ignore any of them, and my life falls apart.

    And just like with any practice, the longer you do it, the sooner you notice the impact when I miss a day.
    Also remember: It’s called “practice” for a reason. It’s not called the “daily already perfect state of being.” It requires daily effort. No coasting allowed, but also be forgiving towards yourself when you stumble along the way.

    Doing Slowly > Not Trying At All

    So how about you? What are the elements that make up the best days for you? Do you intentionally put them into practice everyday? What are your physical, mental, emotional, and reflective practices?

    I’d love to know what’s worked for you in the past. Leave a comment, or drop me a line; I’d love to hear from you.

  • 6 Ways to Make Huge Mistakes

    6 Ways to Make Huge Mistakes

    Cell phones are one of the most amazing devices ever created by human beings, and they don’t exist on accident. They’re the result of thousands of people making millions of decisions about every aspect of their function.
    Same goes for your life; its quality is the direct result of the choices you make every day, all day long.
    If you want better results, you have to make better choices.
    Fortunately for you I’ve made tons of really bad choices in my life. This gives me a certain expertise on what, exactly, a bad choice looks like.
    No matter what flavor bad choice I’ve made, they all seemed to have 6 things in common. I wanted to tell you what those are so you can run your next big idea by this checklist to see if you should give it the green light, or pull the plug.
    If you recognize that you’re doing these things in your own life, you’re screwing up, man.

    1. You’re Not Talking About It.

    When you surround yourself with amazing people who are incredibly talented, kind, caring, & smart you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t bounce your big idea off your brain trust.
    And you’re not.
    This should be a massive blip on your “I’m about to do something stupid” radar. You’re probably basing your choices of how you think things are instead of playing out all the possible outcomes.
    Your plan is only as good as the information it’s based on, so give yourself the freedom to game it out with other people.
    More communication is better than no communication. Keeping everything to yourself is a recipe for disaster.

    2. You’re Managing the Narrative.

    So maybe you do share your plans with the important people in your life; but you’re not giving them all the details.
    You’re leaving out key pieces of the puzzle, and maybe omitting things that would be less than flattering.
    There’s another term for a “managed narrative,” and that’s “lying.”
    If you’re lying to the most important people in your life, you’re making a huge mistake. You’re going to ruin any shred of trust you’ve established, your reputation will be ruined, and the whole truth will always come to light.

    3. You Know Better.

    This is a big one. It sounds too simple, but it’s not.
    Sometimes listening to that quiet voice inside telling you, “You shouldn’t be doing this” is the hardest thing to do.
    It’s easy for Shakespeare to say “To thine own self be true” but living it in real time takes monumental effort.
    You may not always be crystal clear about what you want, but when your intuition is whispering at you the sooner you start listening, the better things with be for you.
    I’ve made some bad choices because I knew that’s what was expected of me (but not what I actually wanted). I explained away my voice telling me not to go through with it as “everyone has doubts, right?” I ignored that voice for the next couple years until I hit the big red self destruct button. That voice had been slowly getting louder & louder until it was screaming at me.
    To thine own self be true. You know better. Don’t live the voice of society, your friends, or even your family; you absolutely must live your own truth.
    Not doing so is a massive mistake.

    4. You’re Worn Out.

    It takes energy maintaining a false reality. Whether you’re lying to yourself or others, it takes a lot of brain&willpower to pull off convincingly.
    Also, great choices tend to be a source of energy & excitement. They should get you fired up about what’s on the horizon.
    If, on the other hand, you’re constantly worn out, you’re probably making some bad choices along the way.

    5. You’re freaked out.

    Do a quick check in with your internal state. Are you anxious? Are you nervous? Are you angry?
    Intense negative emotions centered around a decision is usually a huge red flag that you’re not onboard with it. You might be trying to convince yourself it’s a good idea, but if the lizard part of your brain is on high alert, there’s probably a reason.
    Ignore it at your own peril and suffer the consequences of prolonged negative emotional states.

    6. You’re Rushing.

    If you’re totally freaked out, you’re probably going to start operating in “Fight or Flight” mode which is rarely good for making well-reasoned decisions.
    Moving too quickly is a sure-fire sign that you’re making a bad choice.
    This is different than having instant clarity about what you want; moving too fast is moving for the sake of movement which only serves to bleed out your energy, erode your emotional reserves, and lead to degraded willpower.
    If you’re rushing, it means you’re only making choices on your pre-existing decision making heuristics. This can only get you the results you’ve always gotten. If you want something different, you have to take the time to think of better options for yourself.


    Any time I’m keeping things from my friends, I know I’m messing up. Any time I’m moving too quickly, I know I’m messing up. Any time I’m ignoring my truth, I know I’m messing up.
    Hopefully these 6 signs will help you identify less-than-great choices before you’ve made them, so you can take time to do things the right way.
    How ’bout you? What signals have you noticed around your bad choices? I’d love to hear them. Drop me a line on Twitter or at ~minder-folden/purgatory ; I’d love to hear your horror stories.

  • A Warrior's Mindset

    A Warrior's Mindset

    There’s no shortage of articles explaining how “business is war,” and they almost all start with pull quotes from Sun-Tzu’s Art of War. They go into granular detail about the strategies & tactics of warfare as a way to help you understand how to apply those lessons in the boardroom.
    They explain how to deceive your enemies. Confuse your competitors. Outsmart those who want to eat your lunch.
    But they’re almost all missing a key component:


    The mind of a warrior is their most valuable weapon; this can’t be overstated.

    To achieve the mood of a warrior is not a simple matter. It is a revolution. To regard the lion and the water rats and our fellow men as equals is a magnificent act of a warrior’s spirit. It takes power to do that.
    ~Carlos Castaneda

    A warrior understands to underestimate an opponent could spell disaster. Treating everyone & everything as your equal is a way of respecting their potential to teach you something (like you’re mortal).

    3 Aspects of a Warrior’s Mindset

    1. Focus on Victory

    The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means.
    ~Miyamoto Musashi

    Complete focus & dedication to success is absolutely essential in making it a reality.
    If your mind is concerned with anything other than the job at hand, you will lose.
    Most people are “interested in being interested.” They dabble. They dip their toe into the water. Their mind is always distracted with “what if.”
    They have crippling FOMO.
    Those who lack total commitment to their goals wind up drifting through life. They never enjoy the benefits of a hard-earned reward. They go for the easy route.
    You, on the other hand, can sustain a laser-like focus on what you want. Dedicate your incredible willpower to making it happen, no matter what stands between you and what you want.
    There will be people who will tell you ambition is unsustainable. This is their own fear of failure being projected on you. They love you, and don’t want you to suffer the pain of disappointment when it doesn’t work out (like what happened to them).
    Don’t limit your life to someone else’s comfort zone.
    Be of a single mind that is solely focused on success.

    2. Know Your Capacity

    “I was just doing what anyone in my situation would have done.”
    ~Every Single Hero on TV

    There’s more inside you than you realize. You are capable of amazing things; both good & bad. Familiarize yourself with your potential, and then train it to a high degree.
    This takes incredible mental strength that is already inside you.
    The trick, then, is to create a safe setting where you can explore your inner warrior so you can learn how to call on it. Just like you can find yourself in a state of flow, you can develop a sense for your own inner warrior who is capable of fighting tooth & nail like your life depends on it.
    Because it does.
    What would you do differently if you found out you’re dying? Would you call the people you love? Would you finally start that hobby you’ve been putting off?
    Because you’re dying. Right now. And so is everyone you know.
    None of us is getting off this ride alive.

    Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
    ~Miyamoto Musashi

    So don’t hold back. Don’t wait for a better time. Train your mind to be its best.

    3. Advance

    Approach the enemy with the attitude of defeating him without delay.
    ~Miyamoto Musashi

    It’s an unnatural thing to move towards danger. Our first instinct is to withdraw to a safe distance.
    This helps those who would do you harm.
    If, on the other hand, you move towards a person/situation, it will surprise them. It stifles how much room they have to maneuver around you.
    In life, every action you take has the potential to be good or bad. Only move if the odds are heavily in your favor; otherwise, stay put.
    Moving with no clear purpose only serves to expend your energy, and cloud your ability to see the most advantageous options available to you.
    When making a big decision, don’t rely solely on momentary consideration. Really lay out everything that could go right & wrong.
    Want to start your own business? Make a list.
    Want to pursue a new relationship? Make a list.
    No matter what the decision, make a list.
    This will keep you from reacting to momentary distractions. This will help you consider all possibilities, and avoid the pitfalls of moving for moving’s sake.
    To ignore this detail is to invite disaster.
    So move when it’s in your favor. Stay put otherwise.
    Retreat only when absolutely necessary.


    Most people are content with their lives. They’re fine with cruise-control, and letting others set their course.
    This article was not for them.
    If you’ve made it this far, it’s likely that you understand that you have to fight to stay human, & the most important part of that process is the mental part.
    Hopefully you’ve gotten something worthwhile out of the article, and if you think someone you know would appreciate it to, be sure to share it with them.

    Sidenote: You might have noticed several of the quotes were from the same person, Miyamoto Musashi. He has a fascinating story. He was a samurai who fought his first duel at age 13, killing his much more experienced opponent. He eventually won 60+ duels before retiring from a life of fighting where he spent years reflecting on the nature of life. You can read his book, “the Book of the 5 Rings” to find out more.

  • NeoDidact


    Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. ~Bertrand Russell

    Herman Melville, Ernest Hemmingway, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Charles Darwin, Leonardo DaVinci, Buckminster Fuller, and thousands of other world-changing minds have something in common:

    They’re AutoDidacts.

    These are all people who taught themselves whatever skills they were interested in without the benefit of a mentor, or the interference of education.

    Too many people misconstrue an education for intelligence, or having a degree with genius. Here’s an incredible autodidact (and personal hero of mine) talking about how the most educated people are often the easiest to fool:


    Personally, I’ve been educated with a mixture of self-directed practice, reading books, attending college, and personal mentors.

    I taught myself a lot on my own, then demonstrated skill to people who would become my mentors, and then threw college into the mix. I was fortunate to grow up around some really interesting people who taught me really cool stuff like how to juggle knives when I was 13 years old, hammer nails up my nose at age 15, and eating fire at 18.

    Not everybody is as lucky as I am.

    Digital Revolution

    Until recently, everyone who would be considered an “autodidact” was severely limited in how they could learn. It was either through books (which could be hard to come by), or mentors (who might not live close by).

    Nowadays, however, we have access to an incredible resource that’s so incredibly powerful & extensive that you’ll never reach its end; the internet.
    No matter what topic you want to learn about, you can do a quick search and find detailed tutorials that can walk you through step-by-step. You can listen to Harvard lectures for free.

    We are no longer bound by space & time. We can compress decades’ worth of someone else’s hard work into a couple minutes on YouTube.

    If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. ~Isaac Newton

    Free Your Mind

    Too many people think success is locked behind the gates of certificates, stamps of approval, or some other gatekeeper.

    Don’t get me wrong; if you’re a brain surgeon, I want you to have the proper education.

    Otherwise, I don’t really care.

    Use YouTube. Learn via Skype. Read interactive e-books.

    Don’t allow yourself to be trapped by the belief you need someone else’s approval to learn what you need to get the life you want.


    This is the term I coined for the people who have already figured out the world has fundamentally changed. They’re bypassing the old ways of learning.

    It’s exciting to think about what kind of incredible discoveries, works of art, and advances in human potential is just around the corner. Think about all the amazing accomplishments achieved by the list of people at the top of the article; wonder what they could have done if they had the internet growing up.

    A better question is, what will you do?

  • Let's Endure Each Other

    Let's Endure Each Other

    When you realize everyone you meet is trying their best in life, and they’re an opportunity to understand yourself better, you’ll discover an incredible well of patience & compassion.

  • Seminole State College of Florida

    Seminole State College of Florida

    This is the student activities group at Seminole State College of Florida Sanford Campus, and they’re fantastic! Mo Garcia (back row next to me) is one of the finest examples of someone who cares deeply about his work, and the people it impacts. This marks the 4th or 5th time I’ve been to their school, and I’m looking forward to many more visits over the years!

  • 4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    “Ok Peter, if this is going to be a scientific demonstration, it needs to be a double blind test. That means I’m going to put you in an. . . isolation booth.”
    I walk over to my case and pull out a brown paper grocery bag.

    “Ladies and gentlemen,” I say as I open it, “Chicago’s finest isolation booth!”

    I slowly lower it over Peter’s head until he’s completely blindfolded.

    Why in the world would anyone I barely know let me put a paper bag over their head; let alone have fun doing it?

    I’m a master of influence.

    And this makes people uncomfortable.

    You can see it when I explain what I do for a living. “I’m a professional mentalist. I basically convince people I can read their minds using various techniques of influence.”

    Their eyebrows raise ever so slightly as they lean back. (They won’t admit it but they’re secretly worried I’m going to reveal all their deepest, darkest fears.)

    I don’t blame them. Who wouldn’t feel uncomfortable being in the same room with someone who could really do that?

    But, that fear stems from a common misconception that influence, persuasion, manipulation, & coercion are all the same thing.

    Unwitting Influence

    If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone and you were trying to get them to see your point of view, you were trying to be influential. If you’ve ever tried to convince your sweetie to go camping with you, you were trying to be influential. If you’ve ever explained how something could be a win-win situation, you were trying to be influential.

    Maybe you were successful, maybe you weren’t. The fact remains you were trying to influence another person.

    As is every single person alive, every day since the dawn of time.

    Some people come by this naturally. They seem to instinctively know what to say during a conversation to get the outcome they want.

    But most people don’t. They’re shooting in the dark.

    People who lack the natural grace of conversational influence seem to miss the subtle clues that provide valuable feedback you can use to shift tactics midstream.

    Even people who are good at conversational influence rely on one or two strategies that have worked over the years.

    I have a whole toolbox full of ’em.

    This is handy because influence isn’t limited to figuring out where we should eat lunch today. Influence plays out in courtrooms, boardrooms, bedrooms, and everywhere between.

    4 Quadrants

    Years ago I wanted to understand how influence, persuasion, manipulation, & coercion intermingle so I came up with a way to graph their placement.

    Imagine a 4 quadrant graph made from two lines that meet at right angles.

    One is vertical, and the other is horizontal.

    The vertical line has “Behavior” at the top, and “Belief” at the bottom. The horizontal line has “Self” on the left, and “Others” on the right.

    The X & Y axis represent two questions:

    1. What are you trying to change: behavior or beliefs?
    2. Who does it benefit: only yourself, or everyone involved?

    Influence affects behavior. Persuasion affects beliefs.

    If you’re trying to change someone’s choice, that’s influence. If you’re trying to change a belief that governs their choices, that’s persuasion.

    Positive Side

    As long as the intent of your influence or persuasion is to benefit everyone involved, then we can usually assume it’s a net positive effort when we do our moral calculus.

    Negative Side

    When most people are uncomfortable with influence or persuasion, it’s usually when done with the sole intention of benefitting the person doing the influencing.

    This is known as manipulation & coercion.

    Manipulation is the unethical attempt to change someone’s beliefs by way of lying, withholding the truth, or other subversive techniques. Coercion is attempting to produce a particular outcome by any means necessary.

    If the intent of your persuasion is to solely benefit yourself without concern for the impact it has on others affected, you’re being manipulative. If the intent of your influence is to benefit yourself with no concern for the negative impact it has on others, you’re being coercive.

    This “ends justify the means” approach is the path to utter destruction of your self, your relationships, and your ability to connect with other people.

    This is what we call “The Dark Side.”

    Filled Out

    Now, when you think about interactions you have with people, you can have a better idea of whether you’re trying to be influential, persuasive, manipulative, or coercive.

    The more detailed & nuanced your language is, the more adept you will be at its use.

    Influence is a Tool

    Just like with fire, handguns, a knife, or anything else it lacks inherent morality; whether it’s good or bad is based on how you use it.

    If you want to get better at achieving outcomes that not only help you, but also help everyone involved (the mythical land of Win-Win), then you absolutely must practice the skill of understanding what the other person wants. This is why thinking like a mind reader can help you in every area of your life.

    Only then can you use powerful language to communicate why your path will get them what they want.

    You will be like a mental Kung Fu master.

    They never fight strength head-on. Instead, they see where the energy is coming from, then move to blend with it. This allows them to take control without the other person feeling a thing.

    It is the masterful blending and redirecting of a conversation you must master if you want to use your powers of influence for good, and not evil.

    The Right Way to Do Wrong

    A while back I wrote a short article on a book Houdini wrote in the 1906 titled “The Right Way to Do Wrong.”

    (audiobook & PDF available at my store)

    Within its pages Houdini explains how to con people out of money, how to pick locks, break into buildings, among other dastardly skills.

    Reporters challenged his books as being dangerous, ill advised, and in poor taste.

    “How dare you teach people how to lie, steal, and cheat!”

    His reason for writing it is as good now as it was back then.

    “The better educated you are about the skills & techniques used by those who would try to do you harm, the better equipped you are to defend yourself from them.”

    Bad people are already using manipulation and coercion to get their way, every day. Why should you, the good guy, intentionally cripple your ability to recognize & defend yourself from those people?



    The technique that’s most effective in this quadrant is the use (or threat of using) force; whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, etc. it doesn’t matter.

    The most expedient way to get someone to do something that benefits you is to put a gun to their head and make them do it. My idea is any time violence is introduced to a human relationship, it is fundamentally immoral.


    The best way to manipulate people is to deprive them of the facts & information they need to make a fully informed decision. The way to do that is to lie. Withhold information to maximize your ability to change someone’s beliefs to be more favorable to your position.


    It takes a remarkable amount of effort to understand someone’s position, and see how what you’re proposing could benefit them. That’s why so few people are good at being persuasive! If you want to help change someone’s beliefs, you have to demonstrate how everyone’s lives will be better with that new set of ideas about how the world works.


    Really, the only way to influence someone is to withhold nothing, use no violence, and propose nothing that will violate that person’s beliefs. Only then will you be able to influence someone towards doing something you want to do. This is a much higher standard than either manipulation or coercion, but it’s the only way I think you could sleep well at night.

    What Say You?

    Do you think you’re free from influence? Do you prefer the term “psychological direction?”

    And if I might influence you to share this post with your friends? It will help me by getting more eyeballs on my writing. It will help you because your friend will appreciate you thinking of them. And it will help you friend equip themselves against those who would do them harm.

    It’s win-win-win!

  • How to Survive The Digital Renaissance

    How to Survive The Digital Renaissance

    We are in the middle of a massive shift in human history, and it’s so big it eclipses the achievements of Gutenberg & his little press.

    It’s a big claim, and it’s easier to appreciate if we get some distance from the present. Let’s travel back through time to:


    If you were born in Europe back then, there’s a 90% chance you’d be born a farmer of some sort. And that pretty much holds true for the next thousand years.

    This isn’t the idyllic farming either. This is the tough, back breaking, hard manual labor that ruins your body kind of farming.

    This is the “It rained one too many times at the end of the summer and now we’re going to starve to death because our food will rot” farming.

    There’s a small chance you’d get a cool job being a knight, but 9 out of 10 times, you’re a subsistence farmer.

    1400 CE

    There’s some guy by the name of Johannes Gutenberg who develops a technology that enables him to print books faster & more accurately than any time in human history.

    Previously, books were so incredibly difficult to make they were prohibitively expensive for anyone who wasn’t exorbitantly wealthy. In a sense, the knowledge in the books was doubly valuable: you had to be rich to get the book in the first place, and the knowledge contained in it could easily be worth more.

    Case In Point: Sun Tzu’s masterpiece of strategy “The Art of War” was kept from all but the most senior military officials. It’s dangerous to have a clever army that can think for itself. . .

    So along comes Gutenberg who can churn out any book he wants at a speed & volume never possible since books were first invented.

    In the small sense, he figured out how to make books faster. In the larger sense, however, he completely revolutionized the world. He released the genie from the bottle, and there was no going back.

    With books becoming less expensive, there were more of them around, and more people were exposed to new ideas much more frequently.

    In this new world of easily-gotten information there were clear winners (the population at large), and losers (kings, rulers, and anyone benefiting from controlling information).

    Case in Point: It’s hard to believe, but there was a time in the middle ages where the information on how to make mirrors was so jealously guarded that if you were suspected of trying to steal it from the only people who knew how to do it properly, you were executed. Straight up murdered over shiny glass.

    The creation of the printing press, and the consequent flood of books into the world were the first wave in a revolution that would play out over the next 500 years.

    In that time we’d discover the scientific method, telescopes, medicine, and most of the leaps forward that directly contribute to our standard of living today.

    Then It Happened Again

    The year is 1946 and the world’s first computer is turned on.
    It’s a monstrosity that takes up a whole room. It weighs 50 tons. It’s clunky. It’s awkward. It can do simple calculations used in figuring out artillery angles.

    And it can do it faster than anyone else alive.

    Then it’s the 60’s and we send men to the moon and back with computers that have less computing power than the phone you have in your pocket.

    In the late 70’s we figure out how to get the increasingly capable computers to talk to each other. Now, instead of being limited to a single machine, you can now access the processing power of a whole network of these things.

    The internet is born.

    The creation of the internet is the second renaissance and we’re not even beginning to see how profoundly it’s changing our lives.

    We are now living in a world that is almost entirely post physical. When was the last time you:

    • Held an actual dollar?
    • Mailed a real letter?
    • Gotten a postcard from someone on vacation?
    • Looked something up in the Encyclopedia?

    This new dynamic is more than having any answer at your fingertips & a computer. This is way beyond Googling a trivia question.

    Not only are you able to consume information, you can create & share anything you think of at the speed of light.

    Our world’s most important events are happening in a virtual world that doesn’t exist.
    We have a president who enacts “diplomacy” via Twitter.

    Technology Took Your Job

    People like to blame free trade for taking their jobs overseas. While that might have been true for a short period, what’s really to blame is automation. Artificial Intelligence. Smart robots.

    Technological advancements have made millions of human jobs irrelevant.

    It’s cars vs horses all over again, and we’re the horse.

    And there’s no going back.

    History of Labor

    Back in ancient Egypt you probably moved rocks. Through the dark ages you moved dirt. Through the industrial revolution you got paid to move goods.


    You move information. Ideas are the new economy.

    Future of Thought

    For the few who recognize this massive shift in the world, they are going to win big. It’s the value of your idea that will make or break you.

    Never before have Carnegie’s words of “Think and Grow Rich” been truer.

    Those who don’t adapt to the post physical idea economy will be left with little or no means to create something the economy finds valuable. Human labor jobs are simply too expensive to continue. They may not disappear completely, but they’re on their way out.

    After all, I guess horses are still around (for novelty’s sake). . .

    The way of life we’ve been sold our entire lives has disappeared. The offer on the American dream of working hard and retiring with the same company is null and void.

    But there Is A Solution

    With the very technology that has destroyed the labor & goods economy, you can create an incredible life.

    Just like fire; it can destroy, but when used properly it can be incredibly useful.

    In the idea economy it doesn’t matter where you live. You can be on a beach in Borneo or at a coffee shop in Iowa.

    In the idea economy it doesn’t matter how hard you work. Your muscles have very little to do with how much you get paid. Sweat not required.

    In the idea economy you’re not limited by space & time. Your ideas can be in all parts of the world instantly, and it can happen thousands of times a second, every second.

    So What’s Next?

    With the Post Physical Economy Mindset you transcend the limitations of physical reality. Your success is no longer tied to a desk. A location. Time.

    None of it matters anymore.

    The new future is complete & total freedom.

    Absolute control over how you spend your time & attention.

    What Are You Lacking?

    You need no more resources than you already have access to this instant, so it isn’t a question of more stuff.

    It’s the mindset. You don’t have a deep understanding of the new reality.

    But you can.

    Allow me to introduce Ken Wrede.

    Ken is a client of mine, a friend, and phenomenal storyteller.

    When we first started working together he knew he had a lot of experience & useful knowledge that could make a huge difference in the lives of young leaders everywhere. What he didn’t know, was how to communicate that valuable experience in a way that would position him as the expert he is.

    Using tools that are available to you right now I helped him build a platform that he now uses to get scheduled on radio shows, write a book, promote speaking engagements, and more.

    He now understands how to leverage his experience (which the robots will never have) in a way that allows him the freedom to choose how he spends his time, and where he chooses to do it.

    How About You?

    What’s your story? How are you surviving in the new economy?

    If you’d like some help, I’d love to be there for you.

    Because, really, who better to guide you through an economy of ideas than a mind reader?

    Hit me up on Twitter, and let’s talk.

    Or, if you live on Mars, consider joining one of the longest-running & heaviest-hitting groups on the network:


    (Don’t understand that last sentence? Go here.)

  • People Are Judging You

    People Are Judging You

    When I walk on stage, people are asking themselves 2 questions:

    1. Can I trust this person?
    2. Can I respect this person?

    In life it’s no different.
    Every person you meet is asking themselves those two questions about you in the first seconds of your conversation.
    This article is how I, as a professional liar (ie: Mentalist), still get people to trust me despite them knowing I’m going to lie to them. You can apply these principles no matter how big or small your stage; whether it’s on national TV, Carnegie Hall, a boardroom, or a first date.

    “An Honest Liar”

    That’s one of my favorite sayings from my mentor, James Randi. There’s a 2014 documentary about him titled “An Honest Liar” and it’s an incredible dive into the life & myth of a showman.
    So how do you get a room full of people to trust you when they know you’re going to lie to them? Tell them you’re going to lie to them. That’s the “honest” part.
    Be up front with people about what you’re looking for. Own up to what you want out of life.
    If you keep people guessing as to your intentions, they’re not going to trust you.

    It also helps to love your audience.

    My great friend David Hira is one of the best speakers in the business. He worked in the corporate world for years as an executive of a major company before going full-time with his speaking career.
    He told me about a conversation he had with the daughter of an old-time magician named Thurston. She said her father would stand behind the curtain as people were arriving, and imagine every seat in the auditorium and tell each person who came to see him perform, “I love you!” Every single seat.
    When he was done, they’d open the curtains and he’d step forward radiating his love for the audience. His audience would immediately feel the warmth in his smile as he genuinely loved his audience.
    Here’s an excerpt from “How to Win Friends & Influence People” where Carnegie interviewed Thurston about this, too.

    Thurston had a genuine interest in people. He told me that many magicians would look at the audience and say to themselves, “Well, there is a bunch of suckers out there, a bunch of hicks; I’ll fool them all right.” But Thurston’s method was totally different. He told me that every time he went on stage he said to himself: “I am grateful because these people come to see me, They make it possible for me to make my living in a very agreeable way. I’m going to give them the very best I possibly can.”
    He declared he never stepped in front of the footlights without first saying to himself over and over: “I love my audience. I love my audience.” Ridiculous? Absurd? You are privileged to think anything you like. I am merely passing it on to you without comment as a recipe used by one of the most famous magicians of all time.

    How could you not fall in love with someone who radiates that kind of love for you?
    If you want people to trust you, you have to be warm and genuinely be interested in letting people past your defences.

    “I don’t get no respect!”

    Rodney Dangerfield was a comedian who used that catchphrase for decades. His act was one story after another about how the people in his life would walk all over him.
    It’s absolutely hilarious. . . until it happens to you.
    Respect is a function of how competent people think you are. Dangerfield’s character was a bumbling idiot, so it made sense that he’d get no respect.
    Audiences want the performer to be competent.
    There’s nothing more awkward than watching a magician bumbling his way through a routine. He lacks the skills, polish, and experience to do his job properly. It shows a lack of consideration & respect for his audience, so it’s no mystery why he would lose the respect of the crowd.

    Too Much of a Good Thing

    Ironically, however, in life off-stage too much focus on competence is actually hurtful. Too often people focus most of their energy on developing the work skills (competence) at the expense of the people skills (warmth & trust).
    If people don’t trust you first, your skills will be seen as a threat.
    Make sure you’re not missing the human element of the equation. That’s why the social butterflies seem to get all the promotions & opportunities even if they may not have your skills.
    Learn how to connect with people first. Let them know who you are. Then they’ll care about what you can do.
    Once you master that, you’ll make friends everywhere you go!

  • The Original Mind Reader

    The Original Mind Reader

    “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” ~Buddha