Category: General

  • Excellent Habits

    Excellent Habits

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ~Aristotle

    Are you one of the millions of people gearing up to make New Year’s resolutions? This article is for you.

    Not planning on making any big changes in the new year? This article is for you, too.

    No Difference

    People like to think somehow things are going to be different just because it’s January 1st. In reality, however, how you stick to your resolutions is exactly how you stick to any decision you make in your life in the other 364 days of the year.

    Your life is the product of the choices you make every day. Every hour. Every minute. Basically, at whatever timeframe it takes for you to make decisions, this is the cadence of possibility for your life to be different. If you only revisit your choices once a decade, you won’t have as many opportunities to change as the person who recognizes that they are constantly making decisions non-stop.

    Sidenote: this might be a source of deathbed regret. They look back and see how the decisions they made played out, but this is the first time they’ve decided to reflect on their choices. They regret not rethinking things sooner, and they’re faced with the fact that they chose every single thing they regret later. But I digress.

    The choices you make without thinking about them are called habits.

    They’re still choices even when you don’t think through the process of making them.

    Your habits will either save you, or kill you.

    Your life isn’t going to magically get better with a single resolution. It takes making little changes done again & again & again & again, every day, all day long.

    What’s Holding You Back?

    To paraphrase Michelangelo:

    “[To create a beautiful sculpture] all you have to do is to take a big chunk of marble and a hammer and chisel, make up your mind what you are about to create and then chip off all the marble you don’t want.”

    Too often people are searching for something new. Something to add to their life. Some new tool, system, technique, or insight.

    But none of that gets results. The only question that matters is, what are you doing?

    You need a system that’s a simple as possible so it can spend more time focused on doing the things that will get you the results you want.

    Some people love the Get Things Done framework, or Bullet Journals, but for me they’re too complex. Too many new changes to make before I even get to the good stuff; the doing.


    Here is my list of simple habits that have helped get me results all year long, every year, for years at a time. These are habits that introduce enough structure for me to be effective, without being too rigid or complex.

    Don’t try to put all of them into practice at once. No multitasking allowed.

    Go slowly. Focus on implementing one habit fully, and once it becomes ingrained in your daily practice, you’ll be prepared to integrate another. Use 30 days as a guideline.

    Doing one thing fully, and then the next is what I like to call “Sequential Habit Stacking.” Each new habit will multiply the effectiveness of the one before it.

    If, however, you try starting two or more at the same time it will only sabotage your results. Think “slow and steady.” This is not a race to the finish.

    Ironically, the harder you work at this, the slower your progress will be.

    The order these are presented are a loose suggestion. Feel free to jump around if you already do one of these in your daily life, or if you feel one calls to you.

    1. Gather your thoughts.

    You have a lot going on inside your head. There’s a lot to worry about. You’re the posterchild for the term “scatterbrained.” The best way I’ve found to get a handle on all the mental chatter is to write it down. I always have a mini notebook in my pocket, or a stack of 3×5 notecards held together with a binder clip. Don’t think of it as a journal; it’s simply a place where all your thoughts go.

    The physical act of writing them down allows your mind to move on to the next idea. If you find yourself stuck in mental loops, this will break them. Plus, you’ll be amazed at how many good ideas you have; when you tell yourself “I’ll remember this later” your mind assumes it’s not important, and it will never bring it up again. That’s why you can’t remember those brilliant thoughts anymore. Write them down as soon as you have them, and you’ll have it where you can reread it.

    EDIT 2022: After getting frustrated that I couldn’t find a detail or note that I wanted for the last time, I finally switched over to a digital tool that I keep on my laptop & phone. Here’s a video that I made that explains why I love it:

    2. Deal with it.

    In martial arts there’s a lot of talk about timing. If you wait too long to deal with an attack, you’re less likely to defend against it. Same goes with your relationships. Bills. Chores. You name it, you gotta deal with it. The longer you wait to do something important, the more likely it is to head south on you. So whatever needs doing most, do it first and do it right away.

    Letting things pile up is only going to make it more difficult in the long run. As Tony Robbins says, “Kill the monster while its small.” Don’t let it grow up to destroy your life. Deal with it before it’s a problem. Work from most to least important. Not most to least urgent. (Things of low importance often feel very urgent. Don’t prioritize based on urgency. You’ll never make it to the important thing. That’s how days, weeks, and years will slip away from you without doing anything important.)

    3. Plan for it.

    Failure to plan is planning to fail. No plan survives contact with the enemy. A good plan executed ruthlessly now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. You’ve heard all these quotes before, but how much planning have you actually done? Or do you let the problem of the day dictate where you focus your attention?

    With a failure to plan you’re letting life be the magician who directs your attention from secret of the magic trick. Creating a list of the 1-3 most important things you need to accomplish will help keep you on track, and minimize the amount of time you spend being distracted from what’s important.

    4. Execute.

    Once you have your plan of action, you absolutely must put it into motion.  Without doing it, the plan is worthless. I’ve found doing the important things first in my day means there are fewer opportunities for me to get derailed. I focus on doing one thing at a time. No checking email while I chat with a friend. If I’m talking to someone, I’m talking to them. That’s it. Complete focus on what I’m doing without diluting my attention (and ultimately my ability to do my best work). The first thing I do every morning is roll out of bed, do body weight exercises, read, write, and then reach out to a friend via phone, email, Facebook Messenger (or however they like to be contacted). These are the four most important things I do for myself, so I do them first.

    5. Track it.

    That which gets measured gets managed. You have to have a system to manage your projects, tasks, & to-dos. Having programs with all the bells and whistles are nice, but with the increased capabilities comes more complexity. The more complex the system, the more time you’re going to spend on the details instead of spending time on the doing.

    I suggest having a separate mini notebook for to-dos. Using a handwritten system will force you to be more effective instead of allowing yourself to feel like you’re doing work when you’re really playing with your program’s features. If you’re a nerd like me and enjoy turning successful habits into a game, then you might like to try a wonderful online task management platform called Habitica. It has the added benefit of built-in accountability.

    6. Organize it.

    By now you have a pretty good idea of what kind of information, obligations, and details you’re handling on a regular basis. Create a place for everything, and then put everything in its place. Have a single place where all incoming requests for your time are placed so you can then choose to sort them when it’s appropriate to deal with them. Don’t allow them to pull your attention away from the important work. The only way to do this is to have control of your time. If you feel resistance to the idea of organizing your space & time management, understand that you already have an ad-hoc system in place; this is just to make it official outside just your mind.

    7. Review everything.

    How well is your system working for you? How effective have my actions been this week? What tactics are working? What isn’t working? What progress have I made towards my yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals? Reviewing everything through the lens of “How is this helping me make better use of my actions?” will dramatically reorient your priorities and where you choose to focus your attention. Do this monthly at the very least.

    8. Remove more marble.

    If something isn’t working for you, take it out. If there are tasks that aren’t getting you closer to where you want to be, take it off your list of to-dos. Only by removing that which isn’t serving us can we have the time, energy, and willingness to do the things that do serve our purpose. This involves saying no to what’s not important, and that can be difficult. Think of it like you’re removing marble from the beautiful sculpture that is your life. Or barnacles from your hull. Whatever the analogy, realize that all the excess weight (mentally, emotionally, and physically) is holding you back. Every time you simplify, you’re multiplying your effectiveness.

    9. Implement routine.

    A routine is nothing but a series of habits. I have a morning routine. It involves doing the most important things I need to do that day, and those things never change. I need to exercise my body, mind, creative abilities, & social bonds. If I left it to chance, I’d never do those things. Instead I’ve chunked the most valuable habits into a single routine so I don’t have to think about each one. I don’t have to choose anything. I know exactly what I’m going to do, and in what order. I’m not starting my day with decisions. This delays choice fatigue, and the erosion of my willpower. My evening routine involves me prioritizing what to deal with tomorrow, writing down any anxieties or problems my mind comes up with (allowing me to rest easier because my mind isn’t constantly looping them as I try to sleep), and prepping anything I need ready for tomorrow. Build a routine out of your habits of excellence.

    10. Follow your curiosity.

    This one is more abstract, but it could easily be the most important one. So many gurus will tell you to find your passion, and there’s not much else that could be more condescending. If you don’t know what your passion is, how the hell are you supposed to follow it? Following that advice will send you in circles. So, what should you follow instead? Your curiosity. What are you curious about? It doesn’t have to be something society deems worthy. You don’t need a social stamp of approval. You don’t have to be curious about something you think is a viable business proposition. No. What are you already curious about? Allow yourself to explore thatIf you never allow yourself to follow your curiosity, you’ll never find that thing that gets you fired up. Once you find it, you may never make a living off it, and that’s ok. It’s ok to have something just for you. You can keep it sacred. But, whatever it is, once you find it, you’ll realize you’ve found an inexhaustible source of energy, excitement, creativity, and enthusiasm.

    Wrap It Up

    With these 10 habits, you will finally have the space in your life to be passionate about something. You won’t be saying yes to everything and filling your life with useless distractions that are keeping you from the life you truly want.

    Spend the energy over the next year to make these habits so deeply ingrained that they become second nature, and you’ll find yourself with better health, friendships, and whatever you really want in your life.
    If you’ve found something valuable in these ideas, chances are someone else would, too. Take 5 seconds to share it with your network, and you’ll be doing something good for everyone! You’ll help your friend discover something useful, you’ll help me help more people, and you’ll help yourself by helping others. It’s a win-win-win!

    And if you find success with this approach, I’d love to hear about it. Tell me on Facebook, or contact me privately. Either way, I want to know what you’ve done.

  • Helping Others

    If your work isn’t helping at least one other person, why is it worth doing at all?

  • Comfort of Defeat

    Once you see success as a possibility, defeat loses its comfort.

  • Fire Triangle of Online Sales

    Fire Triangle of Online Sales

    I love fire more than you do.

    When I was 14 I almost got arrested for juggling fire. Well, not for juggling, per se, but for drawing a crowd big enough to block the sidewalk & forcing folks into the street who wanted to get by.

    Fire & street performing taught me a lot of what I use every day in my business, nearly 20 years later.

    It’s all about triangles

    Triangles are everywhere, and for good reason. They’re simple, strong, and infinitely variable.

    Once you see it, you’ll notice them everywhere.

    3 legged stools are stable on any surface. Triangle chokes in martial arts are nearly infinite in number.

    Ever heard of the fire triangle?

    Fire needs oxygen, fuel, and heat to exist. Remove any one from the equation, and it goes out.

    Turns out there’s a “fire triangle” of doing business online. These are the 3 essential elements to successfully doing business on the internet. Get any single one wrong, and you’re not going to be toasting any success marshmallows.

    </mangled metaphor>


    You have to have a place where you can build your presence. Some people use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I prefer having my own website.

    Hey, look! You’re on one right now!

    If you’re building on someone else’s platform, they can change the rules overnight, and you’ve lost all your hard work. (Ask me about my friend who lost his 40,000 YouTube followers due to their mixup, never to get them back.)

    A website is always available. Multiple people from different places on Earth can visit the same website at the same time. That’s like being in 2 places at once.

    You can’t do that.

    Your website is your best tool for telling people who you are & what you’re about. When we do that in the real world we call that having a conversation & that builds trust.

    Your website is your virtual handshake and trust builder with potential customers & clients.

    Social Media Marketing

    You have to tell people you exist.

    I get it. You want people to find your organically. You want to feel like people are connecting with you based on the value of your work.

    You want people to like your page because you’re just that wonderful and they should just know.
    You feel like if you tell people about your work, you’re being sleazy.

    Well, consider this.

    What if you created the cure for cancer in a lab in Antarctica? What if you didn’t tell anyone you created the cure for cancer? What if you thought,

    “I’ve worked hard creating this cure. People should know how amazing it is. I shouldn’t have to explain it to them. I want them to come to me here in the frozen-ass wasteland where I live.”

    For shame! How dare you hide the cure from the world like that! You have a moral obligation to tell as many people in as many different ways you’ve done this amazing thing.

    Telling people you’ve cured cancer is marketing. Helping people understand how valuable the cure is, is sales.

    Now, if your cure is just water, and you’re telling people it’s the cure for cancer, then you’re lying & that’s sleazy.

    But, there’s nothing inherently wrong with telling people what you offer is valuable, and the best place to do that nowadays is online.


    Think about someone asking you to marry them on the first date.

    Sure, there might be a situation where you’d say yes (Maybe it’s me: devastatingly handsome, charming, and successful. I get it, but my heart belongs to someone else.), but the chances are you wouldn’t have enough context to make a decision. You barely know the person.

    If you ask too early it’s gonna be awkward. Too many people ask for the sale right away and they wonder why they get turned down.

    Think of email as a way to court your customer. Help them understand how wonderful you are. You show them you can be a good conversationalist. They have a good time whenever you show up, and eventually they look forward to hearing from you.

    That’s what email can do for your business.

    Put It All Together

    If you apply these three things in juuuuust the right way, you’ll have a successful business that you can run from anywhere in the world.

    Don’t know what your fuel is? Tried it before but it didn’t work? Let’s chat about it. This is what I do for a living! I help people turn their experience into a successful business by helping them create their own holy trinity.

    If you’ve read this far, let’s talk about how we can make this happen for you. Join my secret email society with the form below.

    (You can marry me!)

  • The Cost of Saying Yes

    The Cost of Saying Yes

    Why Saying No Really Matters

    Most of my life has been lived as an adventure. “Whatever makes for a better story” has been my go-to mantra for as long as I can remember.
    And I let it destroy my life.

    Opportunity Cost

    When we talk about decision making, there’s a lot of ink spent on deciding between two possible outcomes. When you choose one path, it’s at the cost of the opportunity to pursue the other path.
    They’re both abstract.
    But something we don’t talk about much is how you’re often not making a choice between 2 hypothetical outcomes. Sometimes you’re making a choice between how things are right now, and how they could be.
    The opportunity to have what you want is at the cost of everything you have already.

    Radical Honesty Time

    Not many people know I used to be married.
    Past tense.
    We met when we both worked at Disney World, so we were both heavily under the “Happily Ever After” magic spell of the happiest place on Earth.
    After several years of marriage, there was an opportunity to be with someone who wasn’t my wife.
    I said yes.
    The cost of that opportunity was the marriage, my friendships with her whole family, the stability of 2 incomes, all the wedding gifts, the trust of my friends, and I could go on for a lot longer outlining what that single choice cost me.
    Point being, when you’re making a choice, it’s not always between two possible outcomes. It’s often between a possible outcome and how things actually are right now.

    Negative to a Positive

    My example happens to be negative, but it doesn’t always have to be. I wanted to share that story because it outlines how I’ve learned some of these lessons the hard way; I’m not perfect.
    But the question stays the same.
    What are you saying yes to that’s costing you everything?
    There are things you’re saying yes to right now that are at the expense of having the opportunity to have everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s up to you to find out what those are, and learn how to say no.

    Unlimited Power

    When you say no, you’re not just deciding against something; you’re saying yes to what you truly want.
    If you want success, you’re going to have to say no to a lot of things you might enjoy. Otherwise, your life quickly fills up with obligations, things, people, and time wasters that aren’t moving you closer to where you want to be.

    Same Coin

    So you can see, saying yes & no are 2 sides of the same coin. When you say yes to something, you’re saying no to everything else. When you say no to something you’re saying yes to everything else.
    Choosing what you say yes & no to is the single act that dictates how your life plays out. It can be saying yes or no to jobs, houses, relationships, hobbies, etc. It can be anything.
    And it all costs you dearly.
    That’s why success and failure cost everything you have.

  • Most Interesting Man at 30,000 Feet

    Most Interesting Man at 30,000 Feet

    On any plane, at any networking event, or any cocktail party I’m usually the most interesting person in the room.

    I used to think it was because I travel the world, have great tour stories, worked on multiple TV projects, or have famous friends.


    Couldn’t be more wrong.

    Here’s how it happens. Someone asks me what I do for a living, so I say, “I’m a mind reader.”

    There’s a pause, and then 99% of the time the person says, “What am I thinking?!”

    And that’s the secret. It was staring me in the face for years before I understood it.

    They don’t care about my travels, they don’t care about my TV appearances, they don’t care about me. They care about what I can tell them. . . about THEM.

    There it is. There’s the secret to being the most interesting person in any room.

    I’ve spent 2 decades becoming an expert on their favorite subject: them.

    Their first reaction isn’t to ask about how genuine mind reading would have on the field of physics. Or how cognitive scientists are just now digging into why this stuff works. Or how mentalism is part of a millennia-old tradition starting before the Oracles of Delphi.

    No, it’s to demand I tell them about themselves.

    They want to be seen. They want to be told they’re special.

    We all do.

    When we find someone who actually listens to what we say. Who isn’t constantly distracted by their phone. Who cares, we feel it.

    That can be your superpower.

    By completely focusing on learning as much about the person right in front of you, you instantly become one of the most important people in that person’s life.

    That’s how I make indelible impressions on people who remember me for years after. It isn’t the trick. It isn’t the fact I can tell them what card they’re thinking about.

    It’s that I show them they’re important enough to warrant my full attention.

    So, for yourself, figure out how you can use your experience to dive into someone else’s experience, and you’ll finally have the secret to being the most interesting person in the room.

    Be their mirror and they’ll love everything they see.

  • Words Are Magic

    Words Are Magic

    Just now I was looking out the window letting my mind wander as I do quite often, and a weird thought popped into my head.

    Put the right words in the right order and you can get someone to give you money, fall in love, or even start a war.

    That’s magic.
    Persuasive writing is one of the most powerful skills you could ever hope to work on. And why writing instead of speaking? When you speak, you might in front of a room full of 2,000 people but you’re only going to connect with them in that moment. If you write the same words, you now can reach anyone from then until the end of time.
    There are authors who died centuries ago, but whose thoughts remain just as relevant today as when they were first written. (I’m looking at you Marcus Aurelius. . .)
    If you want to get better at writing words that create action (specifically someone taking dollars out of their wallet and handing them to you), then check out the Boron Letters. It’s a series of lessons framed as letters from a father writing to his son from prison.
    The website is atrocious, but don’t let that keep you from digging in. There’s gold in there.
    Go find it!

  • Persuasion Is Dangerous

    “…Persuasion is dangerous, particularly in an advertising and capitalistic world. You are persuading people to do things that may not be in their interest. In the last 10 years or so, I’ve become conscious of the difference between informing and persuading. It’s a moral question for anyone involved in communication.” -Milton Glaser

  • An Election of Blame

    Oftentimes, when we’re going through a difficult time (like a break up, a business failure, downsizing, etc), we try to figure out who is responsible for what so we can cut up the “blame pie,” hoping that the other guy’s slice is bigger than yours.

    “You’re responsible for 51% of this problem, therefore the results are 100% your fault.”

    I’m seeing a lot of this today in the wake of Donald Trump being elected to office. My Facebook feed is full of people blaming 3rd party voters, this demographic, that demographic, etc for stealing votes from Hillary in an attempt to cut a bigger slice of blame pie for the other guys.
    But that’s only going to continue the division & conflict.

    Personal Context

    It can be difficult to see how this plays out when we’re focused on a national scale. Let’s look at a 1-on-1 scale to explain this.
    Think about a disagreement between two people. Is one person 51% responsible for a problem, and the other is 49% responsible, so the first is now the winner in the election of blame?
    No. They’re both 100% responsible.
    Until each person takes full responsibility for their choices, there can be no way forward.
    Instead of blaming one group for the the choices of another, look to see where each person is 100% responsible for the part they played, and move on from there.
    Take ownership for your 100% and move on.

  • The Right Way to do Wrong

    The Right Way to do Wrong

    A question I get asked a lot on podcasts & interviews isn’t really a question, it’s more of a statement.

    “I bet you can manipulate people, huh?”

    Well, yeah. That’s what I get paid to do, and it’s why I started [     ] Like A Mind Reader in the first place; teach others the tricks of influence & psychological direction.

    Historical Precedence

    In 1906 Harry Houdini (the most famous magician of all time) wrote a book called “The Right Way to Do Wrong.” In the preface he says this:

    The object of this book is twofold: First, to safeguard the public against the practices of the criminal classes by exposing their various tricks and explaining the adroit methods by which they seek to defraud. “Knowledge is power” is an old saying. I might paraphrase it in this case by saying knowledge is safety. I wish to put the public on its guard, so that honest folks may be able to detect and protect themselves from the dishonest, who labor under the false impression that it is easier to live dishonestly than to thrive by honest means.

    The part that really grabs my attention is “Knowledge is safety.”

    The psychological techniques & tools I cover in my consulting, coaching, & personal work are exactly the same used by big corporations, advertising, and the unscrupulous.

    Just like any tool, it can be used for good or evil, and it’s up to the person using them to never use them for nefarious means.

    But only through education & knowledge of the techniques can one protect themselves from it. We’re influenced and manipulated every day by those who would strive to relieve you of the burden of your hard-won money.


    I’ll wrap up my thoughts with the words of Houdini:

    The work of collecting and arranging this material and writing the different chapters has occupied many a leisure hour. My only wish is that “The Right Way to Do Wrong” may amuse and entertain my readers and place the unwary on their guard. If my humble efforts in collecting and writing these facts shall accomplish this purpose, I shall be amply repaid, and feel that my labor has not been in vain. ~Harry Houdini, Handcuff King and Jail Breaker


    “The Right Way To Do Wrong” is now available as a PDF + Audiobook bundle! Read & listen to it wherever you go.