He Wrote The Rant So I Don’t Need To



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This week’s “Frivolous Friday” message is focused on something that bugs me to no end.

That’s why it was so refreshing to see Van Neistat go bonkers with it this week.

One of my friends said, “I don’t disagree with this guy; but I feel like hes crazed and yelling at me.

Yes! Exactly!

Some things are worth getting fired up about, and this is it.

Van sums it up in the title of the video:

Your tardy friends suck. 7 Principles

How’s that for throwing down the gauntlet!

If you’re perpetually late then this is a [well deserved] personal attack.

If you’re perpetually early, then you will feel vindicated.

Regardless of which side of the issue you fall into, you need to take 21 minutes and give this video a watch.

In love & strife,
~Jonathan “get there early” Pritchard

PS: Speaking of videos, did you watch the one I posted on Tuesday about getting rid of stage fright?

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