How To Identify Red Flag Clients



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Yesterday we talked about being so desperate that you’ll sign horrible clients for your business, and why that’ll wind up drowning your success.

Several people asked if I had ways of recognizing bad fits. Sometimes the perfect lead turns into the worst nightmare client you’ve ever seen.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could know that before you both decide to do business together?!

Yes, yes it would.

So here in no particular order are a variety of things that I’ve seen from a majority of bad clients that show up during the sales conversation.

  • They just don’t get it. You have to repeat yourself multiple times and you’re not sure they’re tracking.
  • They cancel with “Sorry, something came up, can we move our time?” And then they do it again. And again. Cut and run!
  • They refuse to be coached. You tell them to do something small, and they don’t follow through with it.
  • They use the word “just.” It’s ‘just’ a little change. It’s just a new website. It’s ‘just’ brain surgery.
  • They don’t see the need for your service. “My assistant told me I need to do this, but I’m not convinced. Show me.”
  • They don’t have the time / money / energy to follow through.
  • They’re combative. They won’t answer questions. They give you zero information and demand a comprehensive strategy RIGHT NOW ON THIS FIRST CALL!
  • They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. They say stuff that you know, for sure, just isn’t accurate, correct, or true. (They’re a bullsh*tter)
  • They try to lead the conversation and tell you how this will go.
  • They will not compromise on any detail, no matter how small or important.
  • They are way to happy or way to angry or way too sad for the context.
  • They want to sign right away. Fast yes means fast regret. They will bounce.
  • They belittle you, your company, or the importance of your service.
  • They demand that you show up in their timezone at their preferred hour of operation (which happens to be 3am your time).
  • They’re outside your country with unique challenges that you don’t understand.
  • They’re outside the industry that you understand.
  • They make way more or way less revenue than your ideal clients.

And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

What are the red flags that you look out for that I didn’t mention? I’d love to hear them! Let’s help other folks avoid nightmare clients; respond with your best red flags; I’d love to collect them and share the ones I like the most!

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “red flag lover” Pritchard

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