If you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, one person business owner, freelancer, or other kind of creative person then you might feel the need to know everything & do everything yourself.
This is a limiting belief that keeps you trapped in a pressure cooker where you feel like a failure if you’re not doing enough.
Fortunately there’s an easier way to do things, and I want to teach you a magic trick that will help you
Entertain your friends on the surface and
Understand a deeper truth to success at its heart.
If you’d like to see more business principles taught through the lens of learning magic tricks, let me know in the comments & I’ll make more like it!
The one person business model can be frustrating to figure out. “How do I get paid more when it’s just me? I can’t add more hours to the day, so what do I do?”
Here are five plus one things you can leverage to legitimize a higher quote. In fact, you might already be doing this without realizing that it’s something valuable!
This is another installment in my “Life Mastery Business” series. Enjoy!
I recorded this video while sitting on the floor in the Amsterdam airport. It was the middle of the day but my body & mind thought it was 3am.
Combine that with random people walking by and giving me thumbs up (which you’ll notice when I look up and nod) and you’ll have a pretty good idea of how strange it was to make this video.
But the info is still solid.
What [ethical secrets] can we learn from psychics who made a ton of money in the great depression?