Looking Ahead To 2024



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The new year will be here before we know it.

I’m ready; are you?

I wanted to take a hot second to share some of the big plans for next year that I have in the works already.

Academy of Applied Mentalism

I’m building an online training community. This is where I’m going to run cohort training, offer self-study courses, and more.

You can already take my high-impact mindset course “think like a mind reader” that works as the video complement to my book of the same title. Oh, and it’s free.

You can also take my “Perfect Recall” video course that will show you how to turbo charge your memory faster than you ever thought possible. I’ve run through this material with thousands of audiences and it works every time. That’s how I know it’ll work for you. It’s $5.

I also have my sales training workshop “Close Any Sale” available, too. This is the material that I’ve shared with sales teams to transform their entire approach to selling. I take psychological approaches I use on stage & apply them to big business. The result? Millions in additional revenue in less time with fewer lost opportunities. It’s a lot more than $5, but if you’re in sales at ALL (as an employee or as an entrepreneur / solopreneur) it’ll pay you back big time.

And what other skills would you like to see me share? I’m open to any ideas!

Life Alchemy Technology

99.9% of my work is focused on helping companies & corporations get better at helping their customers & clients.

The challenge here is if you don’t work at any of those companies, you aren’t going to learn what you might need to know.

In addition to the business skills I’m sharing at the Academy of Applied Mentalism, I’ll be opening up a couple cohort training workshops in 2024 focused on personal development, solopreneurship, and creator-based development.

I’ll be sharing my “720 System” for personal goal setting, the “Effect First” method I use to make those goals a reality, and the secrets of discovering your purpose in life. (hint: the secret is that you don’t discover it).

Asheville Mind Reading Show

The local show will continue to grow.

We’ve already had a massively positive reception, and the buzz continues to grow.

It’s surprisingly fun to have a place where I can play with ideas, try out new things, and build relationships with people who have already bought tickets to every performance.

Looking forward to pour more energy into it, and make it a must-see experience with locals & tourists alike.

New Books

In addition to the “Close Any Sale” self-study course + live cohort training, I intend to write a book that explains my system so that we can reach even more people.

Might also share my 720 System for personal development and another couple ideas I have brewing in the back of my mind.

All The Other Stuff

And this is in addition to the trade show consulting I’m doing, corporate soft skill workshops, college shows, and keynote speaking that I’m already doing.


So, if you’re interested in the books, the courses, personal coaching, or anything else I’ll be launching in the new year, I’d love to hear from you!

We should probably get to work sooner rather than later!

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “share it all” Pritchard

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