Mind Blowing Branding



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Branding isn’t just about logos. It’s about making your mark in minds.

Creating unforgettable experiences.

Establishing life-long associations so that your customer will ALWAYS think of YOU when they hear a particular phrase or see a particular image or remember a particular place.

99% of the corporate world is stuck in a 1960’s Mad Men era of choosing a color, a font, a logo, and calling it “branding.”

The 1% that understands that humans are deeply experiential and that we tend to remember things that created powerful emotional reactions (like amazement)?

Those few win it all leaving the rest to wonder how they did it.

Would you like to level up your branding / marketing / sales / negotiation effectiveness? Then we should talk about what you’re working on and how I might be able to help.

Hit reply, send me a note describing what’s going on, and I’ll read every single message that comes through.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “mind power galore” Pritchard

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