Notice What’s Missing?



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I was curious, so I asked Google: What is the best way to get the most out of my next trade show booth / exhibit?

And this was the AI-generated list that I got.

It has VR experiences, games, good booth design, and a lot of other elements.

But the absolute number one BEST strategy for getting the most business out of your next trade show is missing: an in-booth presenter / “edutainer.”

A presenter can proactively get attention, build a crowd gathered around your booth, then hold them captivated with a 10 minute presentation that seamlessly weaves entertainment with your marketing messaging.

It’s part education. It’s part entertainment. Thus “edutainment.”

It is remarkably effective and the most successful companies know how powerful it can be.

Unfortunately, too many people have never considered it, and the chances aren’t good that they ever will if it keeps getting left out of every “Best Trade Show Strategy” article & listicle on the net.

Hopefully you appreciate it by now!

What other big ideas are missing from your world?

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “hold ’em captive” Pritchard

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