For the past several months I’ve been consulting with a fantastic group of engineers, designers, coders, and visionaries.
Chorus One is a major player in the crypto-staking space. They have large institutional partnerships, and they’ve been around since 2017. That means that they’ve weathered more storms than most any other company out there.
The CEO of Chorus One, Brian Crain, heard about Urbit, and he recognized that the project is philosophically aligned with the mission of Chorus One; which is to empower people to connect with others directly.
They wanted to help people get onto the Urbit network, so Brian spun out a new project under the Chorus One umbrella. The goal is to remove any/all technological hurdles to using Urbit.
But what should they name it?
That’s where I come in.
Flashback to a couple years ago. I wrote the script to this video:

So I gained some recognition on the Urbit network for being a good communicator / writer.
Flash forward to a couple months ago.
When Chorus One was assembling their team to work on the new Urbit project, my name came up.
And that’s how it started.
Since then we’ve worked on branding, messaging, voice, our philosophy, and commitments to our customers / clients.
We call it “Red Horizon” and I’m proud to see it launch.
I love working on cutting edge technology projects as it provides a particular sense of accomplishment when we can explain it to people simply without compromising accuracy.
If you have something that you’re working on, but nobody seems to “get it” then we should talk.
I’d love to help you find the best way to say it.