The problem with problem solving is that the answer is obvious AFTER you figured it out.
And then we humans have selective amnesia when it comes to remembering how difficult & frustrating the problem truly is.
(I made a whole video about this, and how it holds you back as a consultant.)
So let’s rewind a little bit to look at how we can find answers when they’re still hiding from us.
Turns out that magicians are fantastic when it comes to creative problem solving.
Diversion: I like to call it non-linear problem solving because most people get hung up on “oh, I’m not creative.” Like the only way creativity could possibly be a thing is if it’s tied to the end of a paintbrush. Non-linear means that the shortest path may not be a straight line; it might need to go from 1 to 4 to 2 to 3 and you’re where you need to be.
A magician’s whole job is to come up with weird & wonderful methods to accomplish the impossible. They do this by understanding the fundamental variable in common with every challenge: the human mind.
Once you crack that code, then you have access to techniques you’ve never dreamt possible.
Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “cracked mind” Pritchard