7 Step Persuasion Formula

the email course

Have more effective:

  • Sales
  • Negotiations
  • Projects
  • Marketing
  • Branding
  • Relationships
  • Strategies
  • everything. . .

Hi there.

I'm Jonathan Pritchard, and I persuade people for a living.

When I’m paid to be an entertainer I persuade people to join me on stage and let their guard down in front of 3,000 strangers. Oh, and I read their minds, too.

When I’m paid to be a sales consultant, I persuade sales people into using my systems that help them land bigger deals without being a dirtbag about it. 

When I’m paid to be a trade show consultant, I persuade conference attendees into stopping by the booth long enough for me to “edutain” them about my client & their services. I’m so good at it that I regularly get my clients 2-5x as much business out of their next show.

When I’m paid to be a professional coach, I persuade my client to take action on their biggest (and scariest) dreams, and helpl them accomplish it faster than they ever thought possible.

This email course reveals the exact 7 step formula that I follow in every single one of these “separate” environments.

(I put separate in air quotes because they all have the same thing in common: people. If you know how they work, then you can do anything!)

7 Step Persuasion Formula

Selling. Negotiating. Presenting. Training. Marketing. Everything.
life & business is easier when you're persuasive