Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Joy Of Direct Sales



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    “Where can I see your show?!” ~Well-meaning people I meet socially. Unless they work at one of the companies that brings me in for their high-stakes events, there’s probably a near-zero chance they’ll get to see me do my thing. Enter the “Asheville Mind Reading Show.” I found a great venue where I can put…

  • He Wrote The Rant So I Don’t Need To



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    This week’s “Frivolous Friday” message is focused on something that bugs me to no end. That’s why it was so refreshing to see Van Neistat go bonkers with it this week. One of my friends said, “I don’t disagree with this guy; but I feel like hes crazed and yelling at me.“ Yes! Exactly! Some…

  • Feels Good, Man



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    Back when I lived in Chicago I ran a MeetUp group for Wing Chun Kung Fu. My philosophy was that I’m not here to be an expert. I’m here to share something that I love with cool people. If you know more than me, then I’ll learn from you. If I know more than you,…

  • Small Wins



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    Today I was out in the world for four hours without an internet-connected device. I spent part of that time watching clouds that look like pillow stuffing take their time gliding through the NC mountain valleys and it felt quite zen. Quite the counterpoint to the two bits of good news I wanted to share…

  • Unbelievable Review Of My Sales System Training



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    “Close rate just above 40% (highest on team). This just about doubled my paycheck. The coaching has helped shift my perspective a ton. Appreciate it and have a great weekend!” About 6 weeks ago I told you about the 6 week cohort training I was planning for my “Close Any Sale” system. That review is…

  • How many days do you have?



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    First, welcome to the evening edition of the Recognized Genius. Things over here at headquarters have been pretty wild. As in I drove through the night to get back home just in time for the kiddo to wake up super sick yesterday, and then for her to pass that along to me today. Yay! And…

  • 7th Time’s The Charm



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    Last night I had a show in West Virginia. This was the 7th show I’ve done at this venue. Reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite people on planet earth (hi CJ!): “Anybody can get booked anywhere once; it’s getting brought back that’s the hard part.” What’s the secret? Making connections. It’s…

  • Tools That Work The Way You Work



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    “How many new customers am I going to get from this campaign?” It’s a reasonable enough question. Business is all about that ROI (return on investment) afterall. But, dang is it a tough one to answer. Not just because it’s tough to know what people are going to do. It’s also because there are a…

  • Standing Ovations



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    This was a quick snapshot that my wife got from my show Friday night. (I had a professional photographer there, and it’ll take a couple weeks to get those back. In the meantime I have too much to talk about to wait for him to get me those, so here we are!) The show was…

  • Logic Has No Place Here



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    Welcome to this week’s Frivolous Friday update. Do you want to sell more? Get a promotion? Find a date? You’re probably trying every reasonable approach. What if. . . and hear me out. . . you tried something that makes no sense at all? Case in point? This video. On one hand there’s an incredible…