Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Oh, Here’s The Link



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    Give it a watch here: Can you tell I haven’t had enough coffee yet? X^D

  • Truth, Justice, Courage, and Hope. The 4 Sisters.



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    Here’s another “on the road” / “behind the scenes” video I made while on the road recently. I had the chance to tour the capitol building in Cheyenne Wyoming and I saw some beautiful sculptures that I had to share. Thinking in 3-D is difficult. I took a couple sculpture classes in college & there…

  • Content: A Garbage Word For Garbage People



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    It’s time for Frivolous Friday, so let’s take a look at a video I watched this week. Warning: Once you see it, you’ll never be able to un-see what you’re about to learn. Content is a garbage word for a garbage world. I’m what you might call a “content creator.” I write articles. Books. I…

  • 6 Degrees of Psychic Kevin Bacon (My Most Powerful Secret)



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    One of the most common questions / comments I get is how I get so much done. I write books, make videos, make podcasts (sometimes), travel, perform shows, consult with clients (corporate & personal), practice martial arts & Mandarin, have a family, etc etc. So I’m ready to spill the beans on something that I’ve…

  • Let’s Talk About Night Owls



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    You’ve heard the self-congratulatory saying, “The early bird gets the worm” I’m sure. Now let me add on to it: “But the night owl gets the mouse.” Ha! Left to my own devices I’d rather stay up until 4am, go to bed, and wake up around 11am. That’s the perfect schedule for me. Unfortunately, the…

  • Documenting A Day On The Road



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    2 weeks ago I was gone for 7 days speaking at a conference & doing a college engagement. I flew home on a Sunday, and then Monday my wife headed out for 4 days for a conference that she was speaking at. She got home Thursday night at 10pm. 5 hours later I get up…

  • Make Your Mark



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    I had a show Friday night, and I got an honest-to-goodness green room / dressing room (with amazing lighting; hence the selfie)! I love the tradition of signing the wall. If you have a production, then you gotta put your mark on there. This particular dressing room is about an hour outside Des Moines Iowa,…

  • 10,000 Foot Perspective



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    I’m currently flying over. . . somewhere. We land in Des Moines before I drive 2 or 3 hours in some direction to do tonight’s show. And I’m sitting here marveling at the technologies involved in me getting this note to you. I took this photo with my camera. Took out the memory card and…

  • The Single Thing Responsible For Success AND Failure



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    The physical and mental worlds share more in common than we might like to think. While sitting on the plane, the thing that crosses my mind is Newton’s first law of motion: An object at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. The…

  • Think Like A Mind Reader Video Course



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    Way back in 2017 I published a book titled “[think] Like A Mind Reader” and I still get emails from people telling me how much it helped them get out of a rut, understand why they couldn’t get motivated, or even how they used it to get raises at work. Seeing other people level up…