Category: Persuasive Professional

  • The Big World Of Small Talk Secret List



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    Yesterday morning I intended to record a short “how to” video about small talk for today. Then I asked you what you wanted to know about it. And boy did you deliver. I got messages on Facebook, replies to the email, Twitter DMs, LinkedIn messages, and I think that’s about it. Point is; looks like…

  • The Art Of Meeting People



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    I worked at a magic shop inside Universal Studios where I performed 10,000+ shows for tourists all over the world. I started touring in 2008 so I’ve been meeting “single serving friends” for 15 years now. I’ve brought hundreds (if not thousands) of participants on stage with me. I’ve talked with ten’s of thousands of…

  • Frivolous Friday: Mike Rowe



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    Do you know who Mike Rowe is? From Dirty Jobs? Did you know that he was on QVC. . . several times? He kept getting let go, but then they’d bring him back again because he’s so good at off-the-cuff time-filling. Case in point? This is a video where he puts a cat toy on…

  • Recognized Genius Question



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    What’s the thing that you are incredibly good at, that could help a lot of people solve valuable problems? Do lots of people know that you can do that? Do they know you can do that for them? I’m asking because it seems like most people I talk to have something like that, but they’re…

  • A Personal Testimonial & Thanks



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    “I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve been sharing. It has been helping me navigate a personal situation that has been challenging. The same approaches you’ve been showing me in the sales context are directly applicable here, too. It’s amazing.” That’s part of a conversation I had yesterday with someone I’ve…

  • The Internet Is Busted



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    It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means: new video is live! This is the first in a bunch of videos I want to do that helps people understand: Hint: It’s Urbit. So give it a watch, and if you like it I’d ask that you give it a thumbs up and/or watch to the…

  • Waste Mind



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    “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” ~Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice Have you ever seen this quote before? What do you take it to mean? Would you agree with it? I’ll let you in on a secret: I…

  • Frivolous Friday July 28



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    It’s Friday, so I figured we’d take a slight detour from the usual sales / psychology / business angle into the world of tech & kit. I’ve had a bunch of people email / DM me on Twitter or Urbit / etc about what I use to make my videos. I started with this camera,…

  • Knock Knock



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    Who’s there? Interrupting cow. Interrupt. . . MOOOOOOO! Ok, so that knock knock joke doesn’t translate to the written word all that well. But it’s my favorite. In case it fell flat, the idea is that you set up the joke just to interrupt them with the loudest / longest moo you can manage. I…

  • RESPONSE REQUESTED: Podcast guest wishlist



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    Gooooooooood morning; the coffee’s extra strong this morning so I’m typing extra fast. Typos be damned. Down to business. If your favorite mind reader extraordinaire were to pick the brains of the most interesting people on the planet, who would you want me, I mean, him to talk to? Backstory I’ve gone through several podcasts…