Category: Persuasive Professional

  • The 4 Foot Giant



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    (keep your eyes on the man in the middle.) I went to college for one semester before I dropped out. Felt bad for myself. Depressed. Frustrated. Hated my job at a steakhouse. Nothing was going right. One weekend I decided to see if there was a magic shop nearby just to entertain myself, and it…

  • The Trouble With Self Promotion



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    Here’s my conviction: 99% of people on planet Earth want to do the right thing. They don’t want to lie. They don’t want to cheat. They don’t want to steal. And on down the list of the 10 commandments we could go. At least with the biggies. . . And what in the world does…

  • Persuasion As Garnish



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    I’m going to mix metaphors here, but you’ll be able to stick with me. Imagine you’re on an airplane. How would someone influence you to drink cranberry juice? Maybe you were going to drink it already. Maybe you like cranberry juice. Maybe you never drink it. Depending on how you’re feeling that day, it might…

  • Cart, Meet Horse



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    Do you think people can read minds? I’d bet that you’d say no. Don’t need to be psychic to win that bet. But. Why do you expect people to know why you’re awesome without telling them? I see it all the time. Artists, writers, and other creatives talk about never getting their big break. How…

  • Mind Control Made Simple



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    This was originally an article that I wrote back in 2016 or 2017. Now it’s a video! Since then I’ve used this idea to help people understand why persuasion is not some icky thing to avoid, but a worthwhile tool that everyone should know about. This is one area where ignorance is not bliss. In…

  • Honor Their Memory



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    This weekend I took the family into the mountains for a memorial for one of the most important people in my life; Joy Thompson. We met when I was 13 years old (27 years ago) at a summer program that she & her husband (Randall in the yellow shoes), and she was instrumental in helping…

  • Can You Do It Cheaper?



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    Everyone wants the best value out of their dollar. They wouldn’t be in business for long if they overpaid for everything. How much is a pencil? $1? That’s too low. What if I paid you $50? Would that be ok? So I don’t feel bad when someone it doing their homework to make sure they’re…

  • Now I Can Talk About It



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    For the past several months I’ve been consulting with a fantastic group of engineers, designers, coders, and visionaries. Chorus One is a major player in the crypto-staking space. They have large institutional partnerships, and they’ve been around since 2017. That means that they’ve weathered more storms than most any other company out there. The CEO…

  • Painful Serendipity



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    Yesterday I stubbed my toe for the first time in years. The high chair was out just a little farther than it usually is. I was walking & tweeting like I do. then BAM! &*%$!!! So glad that nobody else was home. I’d give almost anything to never feel that again. Then, about an hour…

  • What’s Your Invisible Trap?



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    What’s the most valuable problem that help people solve? Do the people you can help even know that they have the problem? I’d bet not. Isn’t that weird? They’re walking around with huge problems that directly affect their business, their ability to get what they want, set themselves up for the future, etc. It’s plainly…