Category: Persuasive Professional

  • The Most Dangerous Sentence



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    There was a guy who always makes his secret family recipe. It’s for a roast, and he always cuts the ends off & throws them away before putting it into the pan. After a couple years his wife asks him why he does that. “You know, I don’t know; that’s how I learned it. We’ve…

  • Conviction Is Persuasion



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    This is a picture of me (in blue) asking for a volunteer to join me on stage (at the marvelous Chicago Magic Lounge). Notice how many hands are up. I thought public speaking & standing in front of a large crowd was the #1 phobia in the world? It is. So why are there so…

  • Stories Sell



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    “Stories are our original information storage & retrieval devices.” That’s the quote by my friend Charles Faulkner that blew my mind. The stories well tell ourselves embed our values & preferences into what role we see ourselves playing, how others show up in our story, and more. And I’m sure you’ve heard of the Hero’s…

  • The Persuasion PowerUp Multiplier



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    If we were playing a video game called “business” then finding this one thing would probably be our major quest. We’d spend most of the game getting this item because it would make us near-invincible. When we finally possess it, nothing could stand in our way. What is it? Trust. That’s it. Trust is the…

  • Simple Sales CRM



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    It’s time for more Obsidian on YouTube! It’s one of the most powerful tools I have in my toolkit. This week we’re diving into how I use it as a customer relationship manager (CRM). Even if you’re not in sales it’s still worth checking out. If you don’t use it for sales, you can still…

  • Lucky Find: New Name Same Great Flavor



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    Do not be alarmed, for it is I, Jonathan Pritchard. If you don’t know this yet, I like buying URLs. I have so. many. Like, 100+ many. And this weekend I got another: Couldn’t believe that it was available, so I scooped it up instantly. Realized that it’s a great name for what I…

  • The Case Against Building Rapport



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    Every sales book you’ll ever read will tell you to spend the first part of the call connecting with your prospect. “Where you calling in from? How’s the weather there? Watch the game yesterday?” Awful. Everyone knows exactly what you’re doing. Trying to build rapport. What if, instead, you did exactly what your prospect wanted?…

  • Feed The Monster



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    The internet is a hungry place. It constantly wants to eat “content.” What kind? Doesn’t matter. Just as long as there’s always something new, it’s happy. I used to think this was a bad thing. Think about comedians & performers in the old Vaudeville days. They could do the same act for years and make…

  • Invisible Barriers



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    Sales is a two way conversation, but most people never think about it that way. They usually think as a buyer. “Is this company good enough? Can they do what they say they can do? Is this going to be fast enough?” What you may not realize is that the sales person is evaluating you…

  • Why Would Someone Be Upset When You Help Them?



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    Hope you had a good Memorial Day yesterday, and you’re getting back in the saddle this morning. Today’s Tuesday, so it’s time for a new video. This week I’m pulling on my experience working at the magic shop at Universal Studios to talk about a weird situation where someone can be upset with you, even…