Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Are You Persuasive?



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    When it comes to helping someone make up their mind it seems like most people see no difference between manipulation, coercion, influence, and persuasion. I wrote a whole article about the landscape of all of them, and why each is different. Ultimately I consider persuasion to be the most ethical (and powerful) way to help…

  • How Tough Is It To Explain Your Job?



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    As the Digital Renaissance continues to transform the world, it’s more likely that AI & other technologies change the fundamental shape of what “work” looks like. I was thinking about how dynamic & fast everything is advancing and it reminded me of an old idea I heard. The more difficult it is to explain what…

  • Jack Of All Trades And Master Of. . .



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    Yesterday afternoon I was catching up with a friend of mine, Chief Chuck, on Zoom. He told me that I came up in conversation with someone who was asking what in the world I did for a living. That’s when Chuck said, “He’s a Jack of all trades, and a Master of about 5 of…

  • Business Is Full Of Big Emotions (Video)



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    Can you even control emotions? Let’s see. Imagine you’re just off stage, about to walk out in front of Howard Stern, Heidi Klum, Mel B, and Howie Mandel. There are 3,000 people there live in the theater. There are more than a dozen cameras trained on you for national TV. How do you feel? Maybe…

  • Which Is More Valuable: The Show Or The Secrets?



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    I love this photo of me on stage. It’s near the beginning of my show, and it’s a perfect illustration of how I influence a whole room full of grown adults into following my instructions. If that’s not “thought leadership” I don’t know what is. It also makes me think about the number of people…

  • The Twisted Circle Of Life



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    I’ve always thought of an infinity symbol as a regular circle with a single twist. Figure that might be a better metaphor for life than I’m going to dive into right now. BUT! I saw this idea recently so I had to ask MidJourney to make an image for me that I could then spruce…

  • Always Be Selling?



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    There’s a particular quirk (defect?) of magicians: their primary mode of communication is performing magic. It’s the “if your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” situation, but for them it’s “pick a card.” Doing tricks is the only way they’ve ever gotten people to like them, to talk with them, to…

  • Sorry about your relationship



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    I’ve often thought that business problems are personal problems wearing a suit. We touched on that a little bit in yesterday’s video about motivation, and it also applies to other emotions like anger & frustration. The zen of sales is to be 100% engaged and 0% attached to the outcome. But that’s hard to do.…

  • What Motivates You?



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    What are the 3 secrets, or truths, about motivation? What is 4x as likely to motivate you than happiness? How do you motivate someone else? It’s all in the video. Best thoughts,~Jonathan PS: If you’re creating a “Life Mastery Business” by yourself or you’re working in a multi-national corporation, then this is important stuff to…

  • What’s Your Recipe?



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    Combine equal parts circus skills I learned as a teenager (juggling & eating fire + hammering nails up my nose) with street performing skills that stop people in their tracks & keeps them around long enough to give you money (busking), and add in a heap of marketing insight & world class communication skills. What…