Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Shocking Insights From A Crowd-Gathering Experiment



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    Back in 1968 Stanley Milgram (of the infamous “an authority figure tells you to shock people so you shock people” experiment) ran another fascinating study. Here’s what they did. They had a small group of people stand on a busy street corner and look up into the empty sky. Nothing up there. But. Strangers would…

  • The Bridge Across The Trade Show Gap



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    Yesterday I pointed to the invisible gap that makes sure 40% of new exhibitors never return: it’s the belief that attendees will automatically stop by the booth to start conversations. What’s the answer? If you’re an exhibitor, you have to start those conversations yourself! How do you do that? Most of the time, the best…

  • The Invisible Trade Show Gap



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    A recent statistic said that 40% of companies that exhibit at a trade show for the first time, don’t come back. That really surprised me since I’ve seen client after client land millions of dollars in new business from show after show. So, why would nearly half of all new exhibitors decide not to show…

  • Part Of Helping Others Is Protecting Yourself



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    New video is up, and it’s mostly for freelancers, solopreneurs, side hustlers, and anyone else who might be up & running but not totally official yet. That’s because there’s an important legal step that you can take to protect your name, your privacy, and your family. It’s as simple as starting an LLC. In the…

  • Why Do We Do What We Do?



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    Hope you’re off to a great start already. Because it’s only going to get better. This weekend I got to spend quite a bit of time with one of my favorite people on the planet (Hi David!). We talked about a lot of things, and I want to touch on just a few of the…

  • 3 Years Happens Fast



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    Last week I MC’d the awards gala for Thrive, one of the top marketing agencies in the world. It has grown quite a bit in the past couple years, so I got to read off quite a number of names of people who hit their one year anniversary. Then I got to my name for…

  • Pre-Cultural Persuasion



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    I took this photo at the home office of Thrive. It shows where the 230+ employees of the company live and it shows where the 747 current clients are located, too. It’s fantastic to see both are all over the world. That makes me happy because it means that our processes of building working relationships…

  • Tent Revival



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    I grew up going to my fair share of tent revivals. Getting to come together with neighbors & friends to share a meal & a message. That’s what I was reminded of this past week when I got to see everyone in person after only getting to see them on video calls for the past…

  • Watch Me Work Through Trust Issues



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    Want to watch me freak out about trust issues? Click to watch the new video! In addition to doing the service project I talked about yesterday, we also did a ropes course. You know; those places where you put your life into the hands of bored high school kids and cables that are who-knows-how old?…

  • In Service To Others



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    This is a photo I took last week as 150+ of us got ready to help Mission Arlington organize some of their stock. My first task was moving giant pallets stacked high with food out to a truck where it made its way to families in the area. Then I helped organize school supplies that…