Category: Persuasive Professional

  • The Altar Of Change

    The Altar Of Change



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    Sometimes your wildest dreams & ambitions demand the ultimate sacrifice: Everything about how your life is right now. In your deepest heart of hearts, would you be willing to give up everything you have in order to get what you want? It’s a steep price. Lots of people pay it. I have. A couple times.…

  • Who Is Future You?

    Who Is Future You?



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    Imagine a friend is coming to visit you next week. Would you put some time aside on your calendar to spend time with them? Would you do a little extra cleaning up? Would you use the ‘good’ silverware when you have dinner? I’d bet on yes. Here’s the kick to the gut: why do you…

  • Lifestyle Design In 5 Steps

    Lifestyle Design In 5 Steps



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    New video just dropped! What is “Present You” doing to meet “Future You?” That’s a question you might consider on a daily basis if you want to make any changes to your life (big or small). I go over the 5 steps that are the bedrock of any kind of improvement that can stand the…

  • Writing as time traveling

    Writing as time traveling



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    What kind of future do you want to live in?

  • What the hell does this have to do with sales?



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    Everything. If you’re going into conversations without a firm script or outline (at minimum) what is you even doing?! Write down questions you think they’re going to ask you. Then answer them. Write down the reasons they will give for not signing up. Then address them. Write down how you make your clients more money.…

  • Objection, your honor.



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    Ugh. I can hear it. Another “but I’m a special snowflake and here’s why I’m not a writer” excuse thinly veiled as a legit reason. Here it is: “Jonathan, I talk. I don’t write.” Yeah? And? I’m a talker too. I get paid to talk. and you know what I do? Write it all down…

  • What happens when you write?



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    All the good stuff you’ve been looking for, that’s what. Not to put too fine a point on it, of course. There’s just so much you can write about. Ev-er-y-thing. And each piece you write (and also share) is another invitation for the right people to get to know you. (Don’t worry about the wrong…

  • Here’s why you’re a failure



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    Yesterday I talked at you about copywriting: abracadabra for life & business. And I know what you’re thinking. “But Jonathan, I’m not a writer!” Yeah, I know. That’s why you’re a failure. Ok, might be pouring it on a little thick, but it’s to make a point. I’m not a writer either. Or, I didn’t…

  • Everything is a (fill in the blank) problem.



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    Starting with an aside; bear with me. Before we dig deeper into The Current Topic™ I want to give you a heads up that it’s Tuesday so that means there’s a new YouTube video up. I call attention to one of the most common lead generation strategies I see, and then I explain why it…

  • New Book In The Works

    New Book In The Works



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    My goal is to help you win huge opportunities more easily without compromising a single iota of your integrity. Helping awesome people be more awesome; that’s sales to me & hopefully you too once you read this thing.