Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Mind Blowing Branding

    Mind Blowing Branding



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    Branding isn’t just about logos. It’s about making your mark in minds. Creating unforgettable experiences. Establishing life-long associations so that your customer will ALWAYS think of YOU when they hear a particular phrase or see a particular image or remember a particular place. 99% of the corporate world is stuck in a 1960’s Mad Men…

  • Notice What’s Missing?

    Notice What’s Missing?



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    I was curious, so I asked Google: What is the best way to get the most out of my next trade show booth / exhibit? And this was the AI-generated list that I got. It has VR experiences, games, good booth design, and a lot of other elements. But the absolute number one BEST strategy…

  • Persuasive Sales



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    Sales psychology tip: People don’t buy products, they buy better versions of themselves. I originally saw this graphic and it nailed the concept. This is why I say start at the end and work your way backwards. What’s the ideal outcome? Who do they want to be? What do they want to do? What aren’t…

  • Dealing with burnout

    Dealing with burnout



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    The better you get at persuasion, the easier it becomes to accomplish what you want to do. If you’re doing it by yourself, then its easier to talk yourself into doing the work. If you’re working with a team, then its easier to get everyone pulling in the right direction. But, along the way, you…

  • Always Glad To Work With Friends

    Always Glad To Work With Friends



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    Today I had a treat: I got to do a crazy-quick “lunch-n-learn” version of my Sensational Speaker workshop with a whole marketing agency full of designers, project managers, writers, and the owners of the company were on the call, too (Hi Marissa! Hi Dan!). I got to walk them through my 7 step persuasion formula…

  • New Isn’t Better

    New Isn’t Better



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    New & Shiny: A Cautionary Tale My wife and I both work from home. That means she hears me talking about sales & persuasion at a bazillion decibels and I hear every meeting she has, too. Over the past 6 months I’ve been hearing a slow motion train wreck (as well as color commentary at…

  • Waiting to launch does this to your project

    Waiting to launch does this to your project



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    It guarantees failure. And that’s why I wanted to show you an example of a project doing it right. Before we dig into that, I want to take a moment to explain the problem I’m talking about (and you might recognize yourself). Most solopreneurs, company founders, and new-to-communication people tend to believe “I’m going to…

  • Trust Your Team

    Trust Your Team



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    After wrapping up filming for my upcoming promo video, I thought about how different it feels to shoot the video than it does to watch the video. When you’re in the moment, you’re aware of your perspective, the environment, the challenges you had finding parking, how funny the videographer is & you can’t keep a…

  • Success Is Backwards

    Success Is Backwards



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    I knew I’d be filming the last segments for a new promo video tonight, so I wanted to wait to write today’s note until after I was done, and I’m glad I did. We were shooting in an art gallery and there were prints on the wall that were simply stunning. I took printmaking for…

  • 4 States & 18 Months Later

    4 States & 18 Months Later



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    This is a picture from 2005. That’s me in the gray shirt; not the woman laughing her head off. Yesterday we talked about a couple students coming back to me this weekend to show me their souvenir cards because they remembered my name & saw it on the posters promoting this weekend’s show. And I…