Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Discounts Are Disappointing



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    I wouldn’t say I’m angry when someone offers me a discount, but I am disappointed. It’s a professional pride thing. Too many salespeople think they have one tool in their kit for closing business: offer a discount. Objection? Offer discount. Talking about scope? Offer discount. Checking the weather? Better offer a discount, don’t you know.…

  • Why Are Soft Skills The Hardest To Get Right?



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    Hard skills are easy. “First you do this. Second you do that. Then you get this result.” Soft skills? Not so much. People are such complicated creatures! There are so many contexts (professional / personal / semi-professional / business casual) and cultures (every man for himself / we’re all in this together / it’s who…

  • What’s your biggest problem with social media and the internet?



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    What about the ads that follow you everywhere? Or the algorithm that shows you strangers & horror shows before they’ll show you what you want to see: the stuff that your friends post. Or is it the fact that every message you send on Facebook is open to random employees? Would it blow your mind…

  • Only Makes Sense After The Fact



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    The problem with problem solving is that the answer is obvious AFTER you figured it out. And then we humans have selective amnesia when it comes to remembering how difficult & frustrating the problem truly is. (I made a whole video about this, and how it holds you back as a consultant.) So let’s rewind…

  • Tonight’s Show Is Sold Out



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    For this week’s Frivolous Friday post, I wanted to brag a little bit. Tonight I’ll be performing my 70 minute mind reading show called, simply enough the “Asheville Mind Reading Show.” It sold out Monday, and I’ve been looking forward to getting to share these experiences with the audience. It’s almost time to go set…

  • Speak up. Stand out.



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    I have one superpower, and it’s not even the mind reading stuff. It’s the ability to stand in front of a room full of people and create experiences that they’ll remember for years. That one thing is valuable to me, to companies, and anyone else who might want something out of life. I’m 1000% convinced…

  • As an Expert or as a Enthusiast



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    I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on television but I’m 99% sure that 99% of people have a severe case of “expertitis.” It’s characterized by a deep & profound belief that the only way they could possibly share something with the world is if they were an expert at it. And since…

  • Making That YouTube Money



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    How to quit your job on YouTube money; a guide from someone who is making BANK. And by bank, I mean $4.01 so far. The adventures in YouTube continue, and I got monetized for real on Tuesday. That four dollars is what I’ve earned in the meantime. It’s not much at all, but it’s evidence…

  • Sales Is The Only Ethical Agreement



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    Imagine you want coffee, and you walk into a shop to grab some. You ask for coffee. They ask for dollars. You both swap what you have for what you want. You’re happy you have coffee. They’re happy they have dollars. You both valued what the other had more than what you had & you…

  • The Science Of Trying Everything



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    Last year I decided to upload one video a week, and so far I’ve made good on that promise to myself. Part of the fun is experimenting with what works / what doesn’t work / what’s fun to change up. Today’s test? Trying out YouTube’s Premiere function. Last night I uploaded the video & I…