Persuasive Sales



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Sales psychology tip: People don’t buy products, they buy better versions of themselves.

I originally saw this graphic and it nailed the concept.

This is why I say start at the end and work your way backwards.

What’s the ideal outcome? Who do they want to be? What do they want to do? What aren’t they capable of now, that they’d like to be?

This is Fire Mario.

Can you help them become their own version of Fire Mario? Yes? Awesome!

NOW you talk about how (the fire flower).

Then let your customer ask you a bazillion questions about the fire flower.

  • Is it toxic?
  • Will I be ok to drive?
  • How long do the effects last?
  • Will my body temperature go up?
  • If so, will I feel hot?
  • Does this hurt?
  • How do fireballs leave my body?
  • Does this burn calories?

And on down the list they go until they understand everything THEY need to know in order to buy (and feel good about it).

See, if you start by explaining the features of your Fire Flower, then you’re faced with a couple major problems.

  1. They don’t understand why in the world they should care about a Fire Flower in the first place. Sounds silly and I don’t know that it helps me accomplish my goals.
  2. You could talk about 100 features and still not cover the 1 that they care about. Congratulations, you just wasted everyone’s time.

This is why you’re selling a better future, not a present solution.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “time traveling salesman” Pritchard

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