Category: Relationships

  • Why Am I Such An Asshole?

    Why Am I Such An Asshole?



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    This was a question from an ELITE.University member. Turns out it’s kind of popular. I got a couple thoughtful responses on YouTube (which is a miracle). So if you’re wondering about this, yourself, watch the video.

  • Thank You James Randi

    Thank You James Randi



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    My mentor and dear friend James Randi passed away last week. I haven’t known what to say, so I’ve said very little so far, but I wanted to simply express my deepest thanks to him for being such a big part of my life. Most of the world knows him as a fierce warrior against…

  • It's Not Me, It's You

    It's Not Me, It's You



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    Why You Absolutely Must Send Your Bad Clients Packing In a perfect world you’d work with perfect clients to create perfect results and everybody’s happy. Too bad we live in the real world. In the real world, not everybody’s going to be a good fit for each other. Sometimes expectations are out of alignment with…

  • 4 Adventure Buddy Questions

    4 Adventure Buddy Questions



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    I’ve traveled the world, been on incredible adventures, and lived a lot of life in my years. Most of them were spent alone. Traveling by yourself is especially difficult. Imagine you’re in an airport and you need to go to the restroom. When you’re alone, you have to drag all your bags & crap with…

  • Life's Most Powerful Force

    Life's Most Powerful Force



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    If you had the chance to ask Einstein what’s the most powerful force in your life, what do you think he would say? Gravity? Electromagnetic repulsion & attraction? Click through to find out the single most powerful force affecting your life from the moment you’re born to the day you die.

  • But I'm a nice guy

    But I'm a nice guy



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    Nice guys finish last. One of the most common things I hear when guys come to me for relationship coaching is, “I’m a nice guy, why don’t women want to date me?” This is usually when I ask them how honest they actually want me to be, and how serious they are about using what…

  • Communicate Easier

    Communicate Easier



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    People think if they had the power to read minds it would lead to easier communication. The surprising thing is, there would be very little improvement from what you have already. The assumption is you’d get a more accurate “truth” because you’d know exactly how people feel instead of what they tell you. Over the…