Sales Is The Only Ethical Agreement



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Imagine you want coffee, and you walk into a shop to grab some.

You ask for coffee. They ask for dollars. You both swap what you have for what you want.

You’re happy you have coffee.

They’re happy they have dollars.

You both valued what the other had more than what you had & you both agreed to trade.

Think about that.

You both agreed to make each other happy because it was in your best interests to do so.

In my opinion, this is the only ethical way to do things.

If you don’t rely on voluntary exchange, there’s only one other option: involuntary exchange.

That means using violence, the threat of violence, coercion, emotional manipulation, or some other form of using leverage against another person.

But sales? Business? In its purest form it’s one person trading what they have for what they want with someone else who is doing the same.

If you’re worried about being sleazy, or disappointing someone because you think they may not be happy with what you give them, then that means you’re a normal human being with a moral compass & I’m pretty sure I’ll never have to worry about you using violence to take what I have.

It’s the people who “hate capitalism” that you have to worry about!

So, where do you sit? What are your thoughts about it?

I’d love to know.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “value is created through voluntary exchange” Pritchard

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