Small Tweaks Are The Biggest

This is from a guy I’ve been working with on his sales calls & presentations.

He’s already an awesome sales person. He’s fantastic at helping people find the right solution; even if that means not working with the company he works for.

But he was missing some big opportunities, so we put some time on the calendar to go over some of his recent calls.

I noticed that he was going over all the right information, but some of it was in the wrong order.

Basically he was talking about Step 4 before going over Step 3.

The result?

People weren’t clear on how he was going to help them.

So we went over the tweaks, and a couple days later he signs a deal worth $22,781.

That’s why I think the biggest changes come from the smallest tweaks.

What tweaks do you need to make? Don’t know? We should talk; I’d love to help you out! Hit reply and let me know what you’re working on.

Best thoughts,