Speak up. Stand out.



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I have one superpower, and it’s not even the mind reading stuff.

It’s the ability to stand in front of a room full of people and create experiences that they’ll remember for years.

That one thing is valuable to me, to companies, and anyone else who might want something out of life.

I’m 1000% convinced speaking up for what you want in front of the world is one of the most direct paths to getting it.

The Matrix

Quadrant maps are a fantastic way to understand the “landscape” of a topic.

When it comes to speaking I see two columns:

Personal & Professional

Then there are two options on the vertical axis:

Meat space & Virtual

With those options, we have intersections that pretty much cover all our options.

And here’s the rub.

The tactics that work in one quadrant may not work in another.

I was reminded of that from one of my friends on Twitter.

As one of my mentors David always says: Know your audience!

Once you know who (and where) you’re talking with people, then you can tailor your message, messaging, and delivery to the best way they’ll understand you.

How about you? Are you comfortable speaking up in all these areas? What has it done for you?

Or maybe you’d like some help finding your voice for success.

More on that later. . .

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “sensational speaker” Pritchard

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