Stories Sell

“Stories are our original information storage & retrieval devices.”

That’s the quote by my friend Charles Faulkner that blew my mind.

The stories well tell ourselves embed our values & preferences into what role we see ourselves playing, how others show up in our story, and more.

And I’m sure you’ve heard of the Hero’s Journey as The Story Archetype™ that has reigned supreme for thousands of years.

But, dang it’s a lot to remember.

What if there were something a little more simple?

Something that provided just enough guidance without needing a college degree to understand?

Fortunately for us, there is.

The image at the top here is Dan Harmon’s “Story Circle” and it’s perfect.

Dan Harmon is the creator of “Rick & Morty” so he knows a thing or two about story telling.

When I look at the story circle I’m reminded of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s quote “Perfection is not when there’s nothing left to add, but when there’s nothing left to remove.”

Once you understand how elegant & powerful this framework is, you can weave it into your copywriting, your website, and even your emails.

The results might surprise you!

Best thoughts,