Success Is Backwards



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I knew I’d be filming the last segments for a new promo video tonight, so I wanted to wait to write today’s note until after I was done, and I’m glad I did.

We were shooting in an art gallery and there were prints on the wall that were simply stunning.

I took printmaking for two semesters in college and it taught me a lot about life.

The main lesson being: success probably looks backwards from where you’re standing.

See, in order to make a print, you have a block of linoleum or a metal plate. You carve away the parts you want to stay white, and you leave the parts that you want to catch ink. Then turn the whole thing over and press it on the paper.

Voila; you made a print!

But, what’s wrong with it?! It looks. . . . goofy somehow.

That’s because it prints backwards from how you made it. It’s mirror image.

What looked completely fine one way looks dramatically out of proportion when you see it flipped.

That’s why I always like to imagine myself in a bizarro universe where everything is backwards; what would I do then?

And sometimes following that version of me leads to the best results.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “Mirror Dimension” Pritchard

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