Tag: communication

  • Defeating the world’s #1 Fear in 22 minutes.

    Defeating the world’s #1 Fear in 22 minutes.

    Being successful boils down to doing stuff that most people will never do.

    Top of the list?

    Public speaking.

    (and I consider it public speaking if you’re talking to your work team of 4 people.)

    Because the ability to present your ideas to an audience is a super power.

    But most people would rather crawl in a hole than stand in front of the smallest crowd; let alone 3,000 people in a theater (or millions online).

    My Journey

    Most people think I’m a born presenter who feeds on the live energy in the room.


    I’m hugely introverted.

    I was absolutely terrified at the thought of being in front of a group of people.

    But I decided to learn how to get over it, and now I perform in front of thousands of people at a time (and I make videos that are seen by 15,000+ people!).

    Instead of keeping all this sauce to myself, I wanted to walk you through the tips, tricks, and techniques that have served me well for high stake situations (like when I went out for America’s Got Talent in from of Howard Stern, Heidi Klum, Mel B, and Howie Mandel).

    Hope you find it useful!

    Best thoughts,

    PS: Oh, and there’s one technique I DO NOT RECOMMEND.

  • Personal Branding: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

    Personal Branding: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

    Personal branding sounds like one of those smarmy buzz words until you really think about what it means.

    Unfortunately, too many people stop at “this is probably something that a self-important jerk would care about.”

    But, if its done right, personal branding can bring you massive opportunities, help you stand out in a field of overly qualified applicants, and a LOT more.

    In this week’s video I take you on a journey through my own history of branding (hello Jonny Zavant!), and what it has done for me.

    If you think that personal branding is something that only insufferable idiots do, I’d urge you to watch this one all the way through.

    Best thoughts,

  • The Big World Of Small Talk

    The Big World Of Small Talk

    Video Transcript

    You know that really awkward lull before you’ve even started the conversation. That’s exactly what I want to help you avoid. Always know exactly what to say in any situation. This is the fine art of small talk.

    Hello, my name is Jonathan. By the end of this video, I want to help you navigate the big world of small talk. Now for the introverts watching this,

    no, we can’t just skip small talk and get to the good stuff.

    I too am an introvert. I. I am exhausted being around people. That’s why I like videos like this.

    I’m all alone in this space. I don’t have to talk to anybody else. It is


    However, I’ve learned that small talk has gotten me, uh, most things that I like about my life. Now one of my mentors, James, Randi today is actually his birthday when I’m recording this, not when I’m, uh, launching this.

    But anyway,

    uh, James, Randi was extraordinarily famous and I got to work with him for about 13 years. I got to be right next to him as people. Recognized him and came up to them, to him and asked for autographs and asked for photos, and I don’t want to be weird, but can I interrupt your lunch and get a picture?

    He was always gracious. He was very, uh, welcoming. I. To people, and I got to see him navigate that potentially awkward interaction of small talk. And then on top of that, oh my goodness, you’re a celebrity, you’re famous, and I’m starstruck. And then watching him be so gracious with people and generous with his time and to.

    Help them be comfortable with how uncomfortable they were in this situation was really, really educational for me, and that really is the core lesson. By the end of this, you’ll realize that. You are doing this to make other people feel comfortable. You’re helping them navigate what can be a difficult situation.

    I don’t know what to talk about.

    I don’t know what to do with my hands.

    And the better you are at making small talk and navigating that world, the happier other people will be that you know how to do this. And boy, that has taken a lot of weight off my shoulders because

    I’m not good at small talk.

    The better you are, the easier time you’ll have meeting anybody around the world.

    And that’s part of my background is I’ve worked at Disney. I’ve met thousands and tens of thousands of people working at Disney. I drove the Safari trucks, which is why I can still do the, the spiel as part of my sound check.

    Kara Boone, your buddy, welcome aboard. Please slide all the way into your roof.

    Any small.

    Yeah, I can do that for 20 whole minutes. I might do a video of that some other time.

    But I also worked at Universal Studios.

    I worked at the Magic Shop. In Universal Studios. So I did a 12 minute show, sometimes 15 to 20 times a day, about six days a week for two and a half, almost three years for people all over the world.

    And it was this close, the audience was standing right there. And I would do magic and I would interact with people. So I’ve gotten to meet tens of thousands of people from just those two jobs alone for the past 15 years. I’ve toured all over the world. I’ve met people before, during and after my presentations, my shows, my speaking engagements.

    Uh, I’ve, I’ve met a lot of people, so the art of small talk is largely responsible for my ability to make people feel comfortable up on stage of navigating potentially difficult conversations. All the lessons that we’re about to go through will help you out.

    Now what small talk is not is just talking about pop culture. Oh, did you see the movie It, it can be stuff like that. Oh, did you see the game last night? Are you gonna go watch the movie? But it doesn’t have to be that. So if you’re worried that, well, I don’t, I don’t keep up with popular culture, therefore I can’t be good at small talk.

    We won’t have to do that at all.

    Now to me, small talk is a handshake protocol that gives you access to this node in your network of people. Now that should sound familiar to you, computer science, networking and coder folks. And uh, I’ve got a lot of those friends. And a lot of those friends say, ah, small talk is, is useless.

    I hate it. I’m bad at it. But if you want to talk about work or something interesting, then let’s talk about it for four hours.

    And yeah, that’s easy for other people to accommodate your willingness to talk about what you do for hours on end.

    And that again, is the secret sauce of good small talk. Make it about them.

    And that’s a lesson I’ve learned because for more than a decade, I’ve traveled the world as a professional mind reader. How many of those have you met? About zero, I would say. And I, I get it. There aren’t that many of me in the world. And if we happen to sit next to each other on the plane, this is your one chance to ask all the questions that you’ve got that, where did you learn how to do this?

    Do you really have the gift? Are you reading my mind right now? Read my mind. Tell me what I’m thinking. Can you predict the lottery numbers? Right? Like, I, I get it, but. If I say, oh, I’m a professional mind reader, I know

    without having to be psychic,

    I know exactly what the next two hours could be if I let it happen.

    Now, here’s the deal. I’ve studied a lot of business, a lot of marketing. I I have helped a lot of people make a lot of money. Off their thoughts. So I might be able to help this person be more successful, solve really complicated challenges and and problems through the power of applied psychology and communication skills.

    Now, if all I do is talk for two hours about me and. Touring and traveling and solo entrepreneurship and influence and persuasion. It might be interesting, but it doesn’t really help them understand how I might be able to help them solve some of their issues. What really does help me, I. Is to understand them so that I can recognize opportunities for me to help them, or if I can’t help them, I know some of the world’s best at what they do and all sorts of cool stuff.

    So if I can’t help them, I know somebody who can. And the only way for me to figure that out is to be curious about them and to ask them about things that they’re interested in and make that a very light, easy conversation. That is what small talk is all about.

    From the world of tarot card readers, we know that most people are concerned with health, wealth, and happiness. Now we want to keep this light so health is out of the picture and wealth can be a little touchy to go too directly towards. So we’ll leave that one to the end, which leaves happiness.

    So basically you’re going to focus on the things that make people happy. First could be friends and family. What are their relationships? Like, and, uh, do you, do you have a brother, a sister? Because you kind of remind me of my brother who’s, uh, like you, right? Whatever. So it’s super easy to do that, but.

    Even backing up, you just can either comment on what you are currently going through. For example, if you’re sitting on the plane, you go, oh, you’re going to Phoenix too, huh? Are you visiting friends, family? What? What are you traveling for? Very simple, very relevant to the situation. Something super obvious, and that’s an easy way to start the conversation and break the ice.

    So friends, family, great place to start with.

    So the second thing is to ask them about hobbies and interests. What are you working on? What’s something that you spend your time doing? What uh, what lights you up? What are some projects that you are working on so you can dig into their hobbies. It might be sports, it might be watching movies. Which case, you may not be up on the latest movies and pop culture, but you could ask them about what it is about movies that, uh, has you so excited.

    What, what’s interesting? Why did you get interested in movies? So you can always ask about the why behind whatever it is that you’re talking about. And that will open up all sorts of territory for interesting conversations. As long as you’re curious about why their answer is the way that it is, you’ll never run out of things to ask about.

    The third thing that you can ask about are their aspirations. What’s something that you’re excited about? What’s something on the horizon that you’re working on? What’s a big ambition? If you could wave a magic wand and a year later, what would life look like? Those kinds of. Aspirational questions and that’s where money could enter the picture.

    It’s like, oh, I want to be a millionaire within the next year. Alright, what are you doing to work on that? What? What’s your plan to get you there? Right? It’s like, I’m gonna ask my dad for the money. You’re like, okay, good, good talk. I.

    Does he have more for me too?


    So you can ask about the future and what they are working on and that should light people up too.

    That’s why one of my favorite questions is, what’s something you’re excited about, right? That’s that future state. When that kind of, oh, what am I working on? What, what’s my goal? What’s my north star that I’m helping navigate all this chaos? So that, um, that’s very. Easy. Very easy game. And then the fourth one is career, job.

    What keeps you busy? How do you, how do you pay your bills? That is super nosy, uh, outside the states. So, uh, most folks. They, they could go a decade without knowing what their friends do for a living because it, it doesn’t matter. It’s none of my business. I couldn’t care less. I’m interested in the person.

    But you know, here over in the States, we’re, we’re all about our job as an identity. I am a solopreneur. I am, as a vour, I am.

    This job

    defines me. So a lot of folks are more than happy to talk about their job and then you can kind of figure out, ah, they must make a lot of money. Right. So that’s one way that you can ask them about money without being too direct about, so how much money do you make?

    Or you could, it’s like, Hey, you know what? I want to be nosy. How much do you make? And if you do it in the right way, you’ve got that right rapport. Sure you can. You can talk about that. Or you could pull a Wolf of Wall Street and go, Hey, was that your car outside? What do you do for a living? How much do money do you make?

    Alright, I’m gonna quit my job and work for you so that I can learn how to do that.

    I mean, in a way that’s, uh, how I got to be a tour manager. Uh, I’ve made a video about that, which I guess I’ll link up, uh, up, up here. But basically I went on tour with, with a guy, didn’t make a lot of money, but I asked him every question.

    Nothing was off the table. And that’s how I learned how to be a full-time performer. So, uh, that approach can work. And it all started from a conversation.

    Now to kind of wrap all of this up, I do want to mention the power of having shtick and I have some set patterns, some set scripts for situations that I’m in all the time. Uh, one, it it because it’s kind of interesting because in the world of magic, You often say that an amateur is somebody who does different tricks for the same people, friends and family, and a professional does the same six tricks for different audiences every night.

    So for me, since I travel so much, there are lots of folks that I meet once and am pretty sure I’m never gonna see ever again. The person at the Target checkout in Dubuque, Iowa.

    I’m never coming back there.

    So when they hand me the change and they say, um, alright, the total comes to 9 27, they’re like, oh 9 27.

    That was a really good year. A lot going on back then, right? The Roman Empire was every right, just make something up. It doesn’t matter. So you could have shtick for different situations. And when I was first dating my wife, I explained. A lot of this will sound witty and that I’m coming up with this off the cuff.

    However, these are scripted responses that I know work well for me, and this is how I navigate these certain situations. So at first it will be witty and charming, and then you will hear it for the thousandth time, at which point it will have worn out its charm. And then you’ll start playing a different game, which is, let’s mess with Jonathan’s shtick, at which point.

    It will be very frustrating for me, and then

    we won’t be together anymore.

    So that’s what you’re getting. So that is one approach, not one that I advocate for everybody, but it is on the table. And I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t share that with you. One of my friends, Tomek actually, uh, when I mentioned that I was going to make a video about this topic, he, he said, dude, you have to talk about how to get out.

    Of a conversation as well, because that can be a really sticky situation because some people either check out and they want out or somebody doesn’t know that they’ve overstayed their welcome. So how do we wrap this all up? That’s also very, very common at networking events where somebody goes, oh, I found somebody who’s gonna pay attention and I’m gonna spend the next four hours talking about networking protocols.

    Right. You know who they’re, hi guys. So we’re, we’re not gonna cover all the situations here, but basically one of his ways of doing that is to say, ah, I’m missing you already. It. That’s, that’s really funny. And one of my best friends from college, um, we actually still work together. And when we’re on a big Zoom call, everybody at the company um, says, love you.

    Bye. Because his I’m at Home Switch was still on at one of the meetings where he said that to the c e o where he was like, love you, bye. And then that has become a company-wide sign off. So that’s fun. So there’s all sorts of ways to stick the landing, and if you are at a networking event and you are caught in the middle of, uh, droning on kind of person who’s monopolizing your time, here’s a way of dealing with this, which is to say their name.

    Hey, Jonathan. Jonathan and that will short circuit anything. They’re like, that’s my name. What? So they will attend to that. So you can say their name once to interrupt, say the name a second time to get their full attention. Now that they’re kind of in a pattern interrupt. You call their name a second time and now they’re focused.

    They’re like, yes. Now I’m ready to hear what you have to say. You go, I would love to continue this conversation after this. It was really difficult for me to, to show up. I’m really introverted and I promised myself that I would meet at least 15 people. And with the time left that we’ve got, I don’t know if I can keep my promise to myself.

    So thank you so much. Have a good night. I’ve got your business card and I’ll talk to you later. Yeah. Well if you don’t plan on talking to them later, don’t lie to them. Uh, say something that’s true, but it’s the name, name pattern interrupt. And then I’ve made a promise to myself to meet more people, which is true.

    That’s why you showed up at this networking event in the first place. And then they’ll understand. You’re like, oh, okay. I get it. Yeah. Thank you so much. And then you are out. Then you just go on to the next conversation. Brooch that, uh, introduction And then you are off to the next adventure.

    Now, I, I sometimes get paid to introduce myself and to break the ice and make small talk with people. Companies that have cocktail hours literally pay me money with a comma in it to introduce myself to new groups, so I know how uncomfortable that can be because I was uncomfortable before I became a literal professional at it.

    But, I’ve had so much fun and just the weirdest, weirdest things like, uh, my, one of my friends and dear friends and mentors, uh, David Ra, hi, if you’re, if you’re watching this, um, he, he used to just lean into a group of people until he is just basically in the middle of the group. And after everybody’s going, what is going on?

    You go, oh, sorry. Uh, Start handing out his business card, which is very gosh, and on it says professional eavesdropper. And he goes, I couldn’t help but overhear what you were talking about. And it is so weird and out there that people just can’t help but laugh. Or you could say, You just barge in and go, oh, hi guys.

    My job is to interrupt you. How am I doing? And that works really well. Or one of my favorites. You just kind of walk up and say nothing. I would do this all the time at colleges because sometimes they want you to promote the show tonight by going to dinner in the cafeteria. So there would be a table of five or six people, and then I’d just sit down and say nothing, and then watch everybody look at everybody else and go.

    With no verbal, just all in the eyes. Be like, do you know that guy? I don’t know this guy. I thought you knew that guy. And just sit there until it’s super awkward. And then somebody would be like, uh, hello. And I go, hi. And just make it as weird and uncomfortable as I possibly can. so then I say, so on a scale of one to fun, how’s your night going so far?

    And then that’s so weird that the, it’s just. A crazy pattern interrupt and then just go, I’m just messing with you. You thought I knew them and Right. And then just talking about the situation and what we’re in. It works like gangbusters. People just want to, to get connected with cool people that like to have fun.

    That’s it. Just keep it like keep it focused on them. Find your way of navigating that world. But trying to skip that process means I don’t know how to interact with human beings, and I don’t want to do the work to earn your trust, and I don’t want to do the work to meet you where you are. I would rather you accommodate my preferences and that is, uh, rude.

    So, Get good at small talk, get good at meeting people, get good at introducing yourself that we could do a, a whole hours long course on this. Maybe I, maybe I would. If you found this interesting. Let me know if you’re still watching. Uh, I’m impressed if you liked it. Even more impressed if you didn’t like it.

    It’s your own fault for watching a free video. So if you did enjoy it, I would really appreciate if you let me know what challenges you’ve had with small talk, with meeting people. Give it a, like that tells YouTube to show this to other folks who might appreciate it, who might find value in it, and uh, yeah.

    That’s pretty much it. If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, put that in the comments as well. And if you did enjoy this, I highly recommend that you check out this video on sense making and why having a simple, yet powerful process for. Organizing life is really, really helpful and I strongly suggest that you subscribe to the channel so that way you don’t miss future stuff like this.

    And as I always say, if you can change your mind, you can change your life.

    You ever find yourself on the precipice of a conversation, feeling that deep sense of dread? That anticipatory silence, pregnant with unease, just before you muster the will to strike up a conversation? That, dear readers, is the foreboding realm of small talk. And it’s an art I’ve come to not only respect but master.

    Hello, folks. Jonathan here. If you’ve stumbled upon this piece or clicked through from the recent video, welcome! Today, I’m diving deep into an often-misunderstood form of conversation: small talk. As an introvert, I understand the tendency to dodge chit-chat. The beauty of videos, for me, lies in their one-sided nature. I get to express myself without real-time reactions. It’s just me and the lens. Peaceful, isn’t it?

    But before you close this tab, believing this isn’t for you, let me share a revelation: small talk has paved the way for most of the good things in my life.

    If you’ve seen my video, you might recall Randi. A mentor and beacon of charisma, whose birthday, coincidentally, was on the day I recorded that video. For over a decade, I stood beside this veritable legend. His fame attracted people like bees to honey. Requests for autographs, photos, and the occasional (awkward) lunch interruption for a selfie were daily occurrences. It was here, in this swirl of ceaseless attention, that I witnessed the magic of small talk.

    Randi had a gift. He could weave through potentially uncomfortable encounters, transforming them into pleasant exchanges. It was mesmerizing to watch as he eased the apprehensions of star-struck fans. The man was a maestro of making others comfortable, even when they were visibly out of their depth. Observing him in action, I realized that the heart of small talk isn’t about filling the silence. It’s about fostering connection and comfort.

    Now, here’s my confession: I’m not innately skilled at small talk. As an introvert, I’d rather retreat into my shell than initiate conversation. Yet, what I learned from Randi was invaluable. The primary goal of small talk isn’t to shine or impress but to bridge gaps, making others feel seen and heard.

    You see, when you focus on the other person, on making them feel at ease, the weight of the interaction lifts. I learned to see small talk not as a challenge but as an opportunity. Each time you engage in a seemingly insignificant conversation, you’re opening doors, forging connections, and, most importantly, easing another’s discomfort.

    Ever been stuck in an elevator, searching the walls and ceiling for something – anything – to comment on? Or at a party, drink in hand, wandering aimlessly, hoping someone will rescue you with a chat about the weather? I’ve been there. Multiple times. But these scenarios have taught me the significance of small talk. It’s a lifeboat in a sea of awkwardness. The key is to turn the focus outward, concentrating on making the other person comfortable, and everything falls into place.

    For all my fellow introverts, I know it’s tempting to bypass small talk, hoping to dive deep into meatier conversations. But remember, small talk serves as a precursor to those profound connections. It’s the appetizer before a hearty main course. By perfecting your small talk skills, you set the stage for more meaningful interactions.

    So, here’s my challenge to you. Next time you find yourself at the edge of a conversation, take a deep breath, and dive in. Ask about the day, comment on the weather, or simply share a smile. Small talk is the first step to broader horizons. And as someone who once shied away from it, trust me when I say: the world opens up in wondrous ways when you master the art of small talk.

    To all my fellow introverts, dabblers in small talk, and those curious about the dance of conversation, I hope my journey offers a glimmer of inspiration. Embrace the art of small talk, and watch as doors swing open in the most unexpected ways.

  • How To Find My Potential?

    How To Find My Potential?

    Welcome, fellow seekers of untapped potential! Today, I invite you on a transformative journey to unravel the mysteries of self-discovery. As an expert in applied psychology and persuasion, I have dedicated my life to understanding the depths of human potential and guiding others towards unlocking their true abilities.

    In this compelling video, reveal powerful insights and techniques that will empower you to embark on a remarkable path of self-realization. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to unleash the extraordinary within you!

    Understanding the Quest for Potential

    The pursuit of potential is an age-old endeavor that has fascinated humanity for centuries. We yearn to uncover the hidden capabilities that lie dormant within us, waiting to be awakened. But where do we begin?

    Should we even follow it?

    How do we navigate the labyrinth of our own minds to reveal our true potential? That’s precisely what this video aims to address.

    Exploring the Depths of Applied Psychology

    Drawing from the vast field of applied psychology, I will guide you through proven strategies and insights that tap into the inner workings of your mind. From understanding the power of belief systems to harnessing the influence of positive affirmations, we will delve into the psychological principles that shape our perception of ourselves and our potential.

    Through a blend of theory and practical exercises, you will gain a deep understanding of your unique psychological landscape and how it impacts your journey towards self-realization.

    Unveiling the Art of Persuasion

    In our quest for potential, the art of persuasion plays a pivotal role. We are often influenced by external factors that shape our self-image and limit our perception of what we can achieve. You’ll need time-tested techniques to overcome these limitations, reprogram your mindset, and harness the power of persuasion to expand your horizons.

    From persuasive language patterns to subconscious reprogramming, you will gain invaluable tools to break free from self-imposed barriers and embrace your true potential.

    The Role of Self-Reflection and Introspection

    To embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-reflection and introspection are vital. I will share profound insights on how to delve into the depths of your being, exploring your passions, strengths, and values.

    By uncovering your authentic self, you will gain clarity on your unique purpose and the potential that lies within. This process of introspection will serve as a compass, guiding you towards a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

    Empowering Action and Implementation:

    In the pursuit of potential, action is paramount. I will provide you with practical strategies to bridge the gap between theory and implementation. You will learn how to set achievable goals, cultivate empowering habits, and leverage the power of consistent action. Through a series of actionable steps, you will witness the transformation of potential into tangible results.


    By exploring the depths of your psyche, understanding the power of persuasion, and embracing self-reflection, you will embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery. Prepare to break free from limitations, transcend your perceived boundaries, and unlock the vast reservoirs of potential that lie within you.

    Are you ready to embark on this life-changing expedition? Join me in the video, and together, we will unveil the true extent of your capabilities. Remember, the power to find your potential resides within you, waiting to be harnessed. Embrace this opportunity, and let your extraordinary journey begin!

  • The Invisible Trap That Ruins Trade Show Results

    The Invisible Trap That Ruins Trade Show Results

    Planning a trade show can be a daunting task, and there’s one trap that most trade show planners fall into without even realizing it. In this eye-opening video, trade show expert Jonathan Pritchard reveals the secret gap that can make or break your success.

    From designing an attractive booth to ensuring your sales team is ready to engage visitors, there’s a crucial middle ground that often gets overlooked. How do you capture the attention of passersby and entice them to stop and talk to your sales team? It’s not just about flashy giveaways or freebies—it’s about the power of human connection.

    Jonathan explains why relying solely on passive marketing tools won’t cut it. He uncovers the importance of stopping people in their tracks, captivating their attention, and delivering your company’s value proposition at scale. Learn how a professional presenter can revolutionize your trade show strategy and help you achieve remarkable results.

    If you’ve experienced the disappointment of lackluster trade show leads, this video is a game-changer. Jonathan shares his proven process and system for winning big at trade shows, helping you extract two to five times more value from your next event.

    Don’t miss out on the chance to supercharge your trade show success. Connect with Jonathan Pritchard, the founder of ROITradeShows.com, and discover how his expertise can transform your trade show game. Leave a comment, shoot him an email, or connect on LinkedIn to start the conversation.

    Subscribe to this channel for more insightful videos on trade show mastery, and be the first to know when new content drops. Remember, if you can change your mind, you can change your life. Don’t settle for average results—elevate your trade show game today!

  • 5 Tips For Selling To CEOs

    5 Tips For Selling To CEOs


     When you start working on enterprise level opportunities, you’re probably going to be talking to more than just one person, and oftentimes that’s going to be an executive and maybe even the CEO or owner of the company.

    If you don’t know how to speak the language of executives, you will literally talk your way out of huge opportunities. I wanna help you avoid that. So these are five things that you should keep in mind when you are going after giant opportunities.

     Let’s get into it.

     Over the past 10 years, I’ve done a lot of business to business consulting. I’ve done workshops, sales training, trade shows, you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve been brought in by BP to speak with the president and the entire executive suite. I have worked with CEOs and founders of companies to help them pitch their value to investors.

    For four years, I’ve worked at one of the country’s largest marketing agencies, talking business with CEOs and executives at multimillion and billion dollar companies to negotiate very large deals.

    One of my mentors was an executive at Sharp Electronics that took the company from making 📍 millions per year into📍 billions per year, and he has laid out a lot of this for me, and I want to share this with you. so that you can level up your business.

     To that end here is the first thing,

     which is

    zoom out

     as a subject matter expert. You are really, really good at managing the details that you need to manage to do your job and accomplish your goals. But that’s why you’re being hired, is to manage those details.

    The people hiring. You don’t need to know those details. If you get into the nitty gritty details, well then it’s going to be too fine for somebody who isn’t a subject matter expert to understand what in the world you are talking about. They will very quickly be thinking, why do I even care about this?

    So You’re talking to people who are big picture and visionaries more so than granular level KPIs and metrics and that kind of thing. Those come later, but when you are trying to explain how you’re going to help the company, getting too lost in the weeds will make sure that they lose track of why they should hire you.

    The second thing that you have to nail is being confident. Business is challenging, it is difficult. It can be even brutal. And the executives, the CEOs need to know that they can depend on you when things are difficult. So when things are easy, when you are in the negotiation phase. The conversation about how you’re going to help them.

    They might test you, they might push back, they might press in on some particular detail that you wish they wouldn’t, and they’re going to see how you hold up to the smallest bit of pressure. You might think that that was unnecessary and unreasonable, or they were being mean. They were basically just testing how confident you were in, how well you can execute at this level.

    So if you fold, when they give you the slightest bit of pressure, they know for sure that they cannot trust you with the full weight of the success of their business. And that is one way that you can lose the opportunity is if you get flustered or you snap at them when they’re testing your resolve. So the right thing to do is to remain confident,

    support your claims and to stand by your work and to weather that pressure. And then you might find out that, uh, you passed the test.

    The third thing to keep in mind is to focus on value. Companies are a creature that live on profits and are hurt by liabilities. Not just making money and losing money, but employees can be liabilities. Debt can be liabilities. There are all sorts of liabilities that a company is facing, and the CEO is the partner of the company who wants the business as happy as possible with as few liabilities as possible because their payday is tied into the value of the company, not just their paycheck.

    So the CEO and the executives are tied into how comfortable and happy the business is. That means that at every stage of the conversation, every detail that you are explaining, you should be able to then say, and that helps improve the profits or lowers the liabilities because this, this, and this.

    So you should be able to say that if we run more effective Facebook ads, then we will be able to increase your exposure for the same ad spend. So that is more results with the same investment, which is more profitable, right? So when you speak the language of value, you’re speaking the language of executives.

    The fourth thing is to extend your time horizon, focus on the long term. You might want to talk about the immediate wins, and we’re gonna do this tomorrow, but. CEOs are in it for the long haul. They have a long-term vision for what they want the business to be, where they want it to go and what they want to do.

    Maybe that is to make it as profitable as possible and sell to investors in three years. Or maybe it is to retire by the time that they are 40, or maybe it is, they’re building this business to provide for the next three generations of their family. That’s how long term that they are thinking, and you can figure out how to fit into that vision by helping focus on, I’m helping you today.

    For tomorrow’s benefit into perpetuity. So when you extend your time horizon, you are helping them envision a longer and longer partnership instead of, here’s what I’m doing today. It’s more of we’re going to work together for the long term because we both have the same goal, which is helping make your business successful.

    The fifth detail is know how your puzzle piece fits into the company. Another way of saying this is:📍 know your place

     now, I mean that to say. See how you fit into the whole picture. Not to stay quiet because if you understand branding and marketing and sales and onboarding and delivery and client retention and business systems, you are bringing a lot more value to the table when you are still talking about your particular area of expertise.

    When you can think strategically at a long-term vision, you’re a consultant who is a business expert with a, with a focus in your area of expertise. So that is how you’re going to be in. incredibly valuable to that company beyond just the level of skills that you’re bringing to the table for the thing you want to be paid to do.

    So when you know how you fit in, you can be even more valuable to the company and that translates to higher pay.

     So those are the five things. Zoom out, be more confident, speak the language of value, extend your time horizon, and know how you fit into the whole picture. When you bring all of those together, your sales conversations are gonna go much more smoothly and you’ll land many more opportunities.

    Now, if you want more insights like this, I strongly suggest that you join my almost daily email society. I call it the secret email society because nobody else can see what happens inside of it. And I share tips, tricks, techniques, and strategies for, uh, landing more business of bigger and better quality. Uh, you can do that at I can read minds.com. And again, I’m Jonathan Pritchard, and remember, if you can change your mind, you can change your life.


  • 3 Sales Skills To Master

    3 Sales Skills To Master

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    Why Am I Such An Asshole?

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    Turns out it’s kind of popular.

    I got a couple thoughtful responses on YouTube (which is a miracle).

    So if you’re wondering about this, yourself, watch the video.

  • Frame Of Reference

    Frame Of Reference

    This is a fantastic video explaining the concept of “frame of reference.” The cool thing about this concept is it’s not limited to understanding motion. Once you watch it, you’ll have a better grasp on the straight vs straight line discussion addressed in a couple articles already on the blog.

    In the introduction of the video there’s a great gag where two men see each other as being upside down. We, the viewer, see one being upside down, and the other as right side up. This is due to our limited context.

    Literally, the frame around the scene causes us to perceive things in a certain way. Once the frame expands, moves, contracts, or in some way changes, our perceptions change, too. We absolutely cannot extract our understanding from our perception.

    How you see things dictates what you see.  In all areas, contexts, & relationships in life.

    Change your frame of reference, and you change everything.

  • 5 Dimensions To Successful Sales With Storytelling

    5 Dimensions To Successful Sales With Storytelling

    Growing up in the Appalachian mountains meant I was surrounded by storytellers.

    Whether it’s folklore, tall tales, or making small talk it seemed like everyone in the mountains of North Carolina has the gift of gab.

    One year in college I even took a storytelling class. We studied music, narrative structure, pacing, character development, suspense, tension, and more.

    Through the years I continue to see more and more parallels between effective sales, negotiations, and presentations.

    It’s all just storytelling.

    What’s your story?

    It’s a common conversation starter, and for good reason.

    We understand everything through the lens of story.

    The facts and figures help us make quantitative decisions, but the quality dimension is always within a context (and that context is the story you’re telling yourself, someone is telling you, or you’re telling them).

    Branding is your story. Marketing is telling your story. Sales is helping someone believe your story. Referral marketing is helping someone tell your story to their friends.

    Learn To Do It Right

    Since everything is storytelling, it makes sense to dedicate some effort to getting better at it.

    To that end I wanted to share five details that you should consider.

    1: Accept the mantle

    If you’ve ever told someone how your day went, you’re a storyteller. If you’ve ever given someone your “elevator pitch” then you’ve told them a story. If you’ve ever tried to get your friends to watch your favorite movie, then you’re a storyteller.

    You’re already doing it so you might as well take it seriously.

    You might have a lot of baggage to work through.

    • I don’t like being long-winded.
    • I hated Aesop’s fables.
    • I’m not imaginative.
    • Nobody wants to hear what I have to say.

    Whatever those roadblocks are, the first step to breaking through them is being honest with yourself about the fact that you’re already a storyteller whether you want it or not.

    You can’t avoid it.

    To be human is to tell stories.

    2: Avoid the Superman problem

    You know what that is?

    He’s too perfect.

    He can fly. He’s impervious. He has X-ray vision. He can move faster than a speeding bullet.


    At least he has one weakness; kryptonite.

    Without a single flaw, Superman wouldn’t be worth paying attention to.

    What could someone like that teach me about being the fallible creature that I am?

    So don’t hide the tough parts of your story.

    I know you’d rather not talk about your most embarrassing and regretful decisions, but they are a part of what makes you you.

    In fact, it probably makes you more relatable to people.

    Me? I’ve been divorced. I had my car repossessed. TWICE!

    I’m not proud of those years of my life, but I also don’t hide from them either.

    Share the struggle.

    Which leads us to the next point.

    3: Don’t fix what’s not broken

    Struggle is part of the classic story structure that looks like this:

    1. The hero
    2. Is challenged
    3. And overcomes
    4. Leaves transformed

    This is a framework that has withstood the test of time. The earliest oral-tradition stories and the latest Hollywood blockbuster follow this framework.

    You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here.

    That’s why sharing your struggles is doubly important: it helps the listener/reader experience tension instead of just glossing over details.

    4: They’re the hero

    Everyone is the hero of their own story and an NPC in everyone else’s.

    And maybe featured in an extended director’s cut scene if they’re lucky.

    But this is important enough I’m going to say it again, but big this time.

    Everyone is the hero of their own story and an NPC in everyone else’s.

    This is a huge lesson if you’re in sales or consulting of any sort.

    The temptation is to present yourself as this heroic character who has overcome obstacles and vanquished demons.


    But how does that help me?

    Instead of focusing on your own adventure, tell them the story of why you’re the best guide to help them conquer their own dragons. Be the trusted guide and advisor who shows them the path to their own greatness.

    This is next level storytelling: help them tell their own story of success.

    Which leads us to the final detail.

    5: Encourage others to tell their own story

    Everybody loves talking about themselves.

    Even you.

    Don’t fall into the trap of only talking about yourself. Give others the permission to share their adventures.

    They want to do it anyway!

    And if you’re the one who gives them the encouragement to talk about their favorite topic (themselves), then they’re going to love you all the more for it.

    So become a master at helping others be better storytellers by asking great questions. Provided engagement through active listening skills.

    Master this skill and you’ll never be without friends.

    Lessons Learned

    One day I was at Wendy’s with my Mom and we had just gotten our order. I asked her to get me some ketchup. Seeing as how I was old enough to get it myself, she told me as much.

    But I was so shy I’d rather go without something that I wanted than talk to a stranger.

    After years of acting this way, I realized that it was always the “obnoxious” people who seemed to get what they wanted, and I realized that the reason I didn’t like them was that they didn’t seem to hate themselves for the reasons I hated myself.

    So I made a decision to get better at being outgoing, and I learned how to juggle knives when I was 13 years old.

    That was my way of putting myself out there.

    I quickly understood that having a strong network of people who know you’re amazing is an amazing resource.

    I think that’s why I had an intuition (if not an explicit understanding) of the value of storytelling.

    Being able to tell someone what you’re all about in a way that captures their imagination is a powerful skill.

    Even better if you can get them to tell you their story in a way that makes them feel powerful!

    Ultimately the lesson is this: humans are storytelling creatures. Since before the dawn of time we’ve spun tales around the campfire, and all human relationships are maintained on the threads of our shared stories.

    Take it seriously.