Tag: cost

  • How I Made $9,000 an Hour #ClickBait

    How I Made $9,000 an Hour #ClickBait



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    The internet is absolutely chock full of gurus, consultants, mavens, and thought leaders who are more than eager to tell you exactly how they made some ungodly amount of money. . . For the low low price $99 (that’s $500 off the regular asking price!), of course. 5 left! This is not that kind of story.…

  • Marginal vs Full Cost

    Marginal vs Full Cost



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    Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” Holmes: “That was the curious incident.” That’s an excerpt from Sir Conan Arthur Doyle’s “Silver Blaze,” a Sherlock Holmes novel, and it highlights…

  • The Cost of Saying Yes

    The Cost of Saying Yes



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    Why Saying No Really Matters Most of my life has been lived as an adventure. “Whatever makes for a better story” has been my go-to mantra for as long as I can remember. And I let it destroy my life. Opportunity Cost When we talk about decision making, there’s a lot of ink spent on deciding…