Tag: Future You

  • The Altar Of Change

    The Altar Of Change

    Sometimes your wildest dreams & ambitions demand the ultimate sacrifice:

    Everything about how your life is right now.

    In your deepest heart of hearts, would you be willing to give up everything you have in order to get what you want?

    It’s a steep price.

    Lots of people pay it.

    I have. A couple times.

    Once wasn’t worth it, but there’s no going back after its paid.

    No sense in beating myself up over it too badly as long as I learned my lesson.

    I like to think I have.

    And different behavior is the real test. So far, so good.

    Mostly this is a reminder that everything in the universe is an equal exchange of value for value. If not, it’s called a vacuum in physics & stealing in mortality & lying in metaphysics.

    Takes a lot of energy to keep any of them going.

    So be honest with yourself about the price you’re willing to pay to make your true desires a reality.

    Best thoughts,


  • Lifestyle Design In 5 Steps

    Lifestyle Design In 5 Steps

    New video just dropped!

    What is “Present You” doing to meet “Future You?”

    That’s a question you might consider on a daily basis if you want to make any changes to your life (big or small).

    I go over the 5 steps that are the bedrock of any kind of improvement that can stand the test of time.

    Go give it a watch, leave a like if you want to trick the algorithm into showing it to other people, and you can rest well doing your good deed for the week.

    Best thoughts,

  • Writing as time traveling

    Writing as time traveling

    Reading minds is cool and all, but what about seeing the future?

    Or one better: seeing the future and then pulling it into the present moment.

    How badass would that be?

    I guess the level of badassery would depend on what you see.

    Are you seeing Armageddon? Maybe leave the future in the future.

    Seeing everything you’ve ever hoped & dreamed for? Bring it on in!

    While I appear to predict the future on stage during my show, there are ways to shape your future in the present moment.

    I 100% believe this is the most powerful kind of magic that a person can genuinely perform.

    You can imagine the future that you want, go through certain kinds of “rituals,” and then live the future that you dreamt up.

    I’ll be posting a video tomorrow that explains how it works.

    It pulls on the approaches I’ve used to go from living in a trailer park to traveling the world as a high-paid consultant working on the coolest projects under the sun!

    Then, for the rest of the week, I’ll be sharing more insights about it.

    Have questions? I want to hear ’em! What kind of future do you want to create? I want to know! What would you like to know about how it all works?

    Hit reply and let it rip. I’m ready.

    Best thoughts,