. . .Just don’t be boring.
That’s what I’m thinking about as I walk through all the blinking lights & ding! ding! ding! of the casino and seeing droves of people completely focused on their bright machines ignoring everything else.
Houdini understood all this. He knew in his bones that his audience was the source of all his success.
The conduit between his success & his audience was his ability to command their attention.
Not just be interesting.
But commanding.
He was so daring. So dynamic. So overwhelming that you could only pay attention to him.
And it wasn’t because he was physically imposing. He was a short dude.
It was his single-minded focus on being the greatest the world has ever seen.
How do you look away from that?
So what’s most interesting about you? What are you interested in?
I want to know! Hit reply, and I’ll read your answer.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
New video posted 👇

I got quite a bit of feedback from the 5 pillars email last week, so I turned it into a video. Hope you like it!
Best thoughts,
PS: If you want to learn more secrets of Houdini’s success combined with cutting edge internet strategies, then I have a whole course about it in ZAVANT University.