Tag: influence

  • Show Introduction

    Show Introduction

    Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kevin jowl alcatra tongue burgdoggen, cupim pork chop prosciutto pancetta ball tip bacon leberkas fatback. Kielbasa drumstick shank strip steak cow chislic bacon short ribs pig swine pastrami salami ribeye ham hock doner. Andouille rump biltong brisket, prosciutto leberkas ground round fatback pig shankle t-bone alcatra salami filet mignon chicken. Andouille t-bone leberkas drumstick, porchetta kielbasa tail.

    Tongue chicken drumstick landjaeger. Cupim spare ribs ribeye, chicken salami pastrami burgdoggen t-bone chuck flank. Drumstick shank pork belly ground round shankle ribeye. Beef brisket meatball, andouille biltong shank picanha porchetta buffalo spare ribs pork chop. Boudin leberkas spare ribs chislic doner. Ground round chuck prosciutto pork belly swine jowl shankle sirloin boudin kielbasa alcatra tail. Corned beef burgdoggen boudin turducken jowl.

    Corned beef short loin landjaeger porchetta biltong cupim. Filet mignon jerky strip steak jowl, ground round prosciutto sirloin boudin picanha ball tip corned beef rump biltong swine sausage. Swine tri-tip cow tenderloin, boudin strip steak tongue ground round. Chicken short ribs meatloaf buffalo. Prosciutto alcatra shankle pancetta turkey.

    Salami rump shoulder, beef spare ribs chislic strip steak venison. Ground round short loin hamburger doner boudin. Shankle landjaeger beef pancetta, t-bone pork belly kielbasa short ribs frankfurter pastrami drumstick. Tail kielbasa spare ribs doner ham tri-tip boudin jowl.

    T-bone beef ribs biltong, beef tri-tip swine pastrami prosciutto meatloaf capicola. Ball tip burgdoggen andouille meatloaf ribeye turkey corned beef alcatra kielbasa shankle. Turducken landjaeger ribeye swine ground round capicola hamburger, t-bone sausage pancetta doner porchetta. Pastrami tail kielbasa, ham strip steak bresaola salami pork loin pork belly pork swine buffalo landjaeger ham hock jowl. Tri-tip turducken chuck filet mignon jowl tail jerky pork chop capicola shank pancetta. Chuck drumstick ground round salami, chislic meatball pork loin bresaola short ribs. Tri-tip short loin spare ribs pig, salami pork chop rump.

  • 4 Quadrants Of Mind Control Updated

    4 Quadrants Of Mind Control Updated

    This is a video update from a popular post I wrote awhile back.


    4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    I want to clear up a lot of misconceptions around persuasion and influence in people that feel like it’s icky. I think it comes from a lot of assumptions that aren’t true or misunderstanding of the landscape of influencing people, and I would like to help you understand why. persuasion and influence absolutely should be in your toolkit if you are working on anything that makes the world a better place.

    When it comes to this whole thing, I like to think of it in two different dimensions. Kinda like if we were, uh, drawing out a graph on this side, on the horizontal plane on this side would be. If you are trying to benefit yourself at the expense of somebody else, at their detriment, you’re, you’re gonna make them worse off.

    While you are better off. That’s on this side. If you are going to help everybody involved, you and the other person maybe. You and your family, you and your employees, and your company and your clients and all of their families and all of their clients. And in that way, everybody and everybody that they are connected with is better off.

    That’s the awesome side. This is the not so good. This is the, uh, very good, which is the win win on multiple levels, kind of fractal idea. The vertical side is what are you trying to change? Uh, if this was who is going to benefit just you at the expense of everybody else and everybody involved. Who benefits this is, uh, what are you trying to change?

    And I know that these actually go together, but it’s easier to think of them as separate. Um, so if you are trying to change their beliefs, that’s up here, and if you’re trying to change their behavior, That’s down here. And if you behave in a certain way, you’ll learn to believe the certain way.

    So I know it’s really a continuum, but for the purposes of this video, we’ll just make them, uh, be on separate sides of that spectrum.


    If you are trying to benefit yourself at the expense of somebody else and you are changing their behavior, then that is called coercion. I don’t care how you feel. I don’t care what you think. I don’t care about your opinion. I just need you to do something that benefits me, which is, uh, what robbing somebody is.

    I don’t care how you feel about this. I just want you to give me your wallet. That’s the behavior that benefits me is you giving me your money. So that’s what coercion is. Now if I’m trying to change your beliefs to benefit me at your expense, that’s called manipulation. And the most common way of manipulating somebody is to manage the narrative, withhold facts and information that they would need to make a fully informed decision about.

    Whatever it is that we are currently talking about, and if I withhold information, if I manage that narrative, if I don’t give you all the facts and information that you need, then you’re going to come to a different conclusion then you would have otherwise. So your beliefs will be out of alignment with reality, and you will believe that helping me is the right thing to do when it’s actually at your expense.

    So that’s why. Changing somebody’s beliefs to my benefit at your expense is called manipulation, which is what most people think of when they think of sales or business. That I have to withhold things, otherwise you wouldn’t buy from me. And that’s to me the worst kind of business. And I also want you. To be able to recognize when it’s happening so that you aren’t taken in by somebody who is managing the narrative to their benefit and your expense.

    That’s why I love talking about persuasion. And influence. So to me, changing somebody’s behavior to everybody’s benefit is what influence is. The example I’d like to use is going to a restaurant. I don’t need you to believe that this is the best restaurant. On planet Earth, I know that they’ve got something that you like.

    I know that they’ve got something that I like and I know that it’s a good environment for the reason that we are getting together. Are we celebrating, uh, an anniversary? Is this a business thing or did we lose somebody and we need somewhere quiet that we can kind of get together and, and, uh, connect that way?

    So, I don’t need you to believe it. I just need you to agree to go to this restaurant so that we can have the right kind of experience. So that’s what influence is, is changing behavior to everybody’s benefit. Persuasion is changing your belief and persuasion is the thing that is the most powerful because your beliefs inform your decisions, your behavior, and the actions that you take.

    So if you can change somebody’s beliefs, you’re going to change their behavior moving forward from that point on. So that’s why persuasion is the most powerful and. It takes a lot of time to do it right, and to me, the biggest difference is between the intention of are you trying to help everybody involved or are you out for just yourself at the expense of everybody else, which is a win losee?

    Or are you in a win-win across time and space and multiple relationships? So that’s why I think of it as. Kind of a quadrant of mind control of am I trying to change your beliefs or your behavior to benefit me or me and you and everybody else? That’s kind of the landscape of influence, persuasion, manipulation, and coercion.

    So hopefully that helps you understand what somebody means when they’re saying persuasion is icky because it means manipulating people. That’s why there are different words, but most people think of them all as the same thing. But now you understand that topology and you can make your way through it as you see fit.

    So if you like stuff like this, you would love to be on my email list where I talk about persuasion in sales negotiation, business relationships everywhere all the time. I send those out every weekday. You can go to

    good persuasion.com.

    If you like more videos like this, I would highly suggest that you check out this one or subscribe to the channel.

    So that you don’t miss anything else as I put it out. Thank you so much for watching, and as always, I like to say if you can change your mind, you can change your life.

  • Life Is Sales

    You have to sell yourself on the idea that your life can change.

    You have to sell yourself on the idea that you can have the life you want.

    You have to sell yourself on the idea that you’re worth it.

    All of this has to happen, first, before anyone else can buy into your dream.

    And that’s what sales is: helping someone else share the same vision as you.

    Most people don’t know how to do that. They’re stuck in the same way of thinking. The same way of doing things. The same way of ‘just getting by.’

    That’s why I’m so passionate about understanding the psychology of why people decide to change, how they think about doing it, why they buy, what motivates them, and more.

    Once you unlock that fundamental secret, then you can help people make incredible changes.

    That’s what I’m thinking about this morning as I’m waiting on my flight to Vegas.

    How about you? What’s the biggest idea that you’ve sold yourself on? What’s the biggest deal you’ve closed (for yourself or with someone else; could be both!)?

    Success starts in the mind & works its way out into the world from there.

    That’s why I am 1000% convinced that founders, engineers, managers, introverts, extraverts, and everyone between would benefit from learning sales.

    What do you think?

    Best thoughts,

    PS: I’m thinking of dialing the emails back to twice a week. Once to let you know about the new video/topic, and the second as an article like this talking about psychology, life, & business. That means they’d be longer vs a more bite-size note like this. What do you think?

  • Lesson 002: Think Like A Mind Reader

    Lesson 002: Think Like A Mind Reader

    In this video we discover the power of literal & metaphorical maps to find your way (or keep you lost).

  • Develop Your Own Star Power Likability & Confidence

    Develop Your Own Star Power Likability & Confidence

    Yes. Hello. You are here. I am so glad to see you.

    In this video we are going to go over the four secrets of star power likability & self confidence so that you can make friends anywhere and everywhere that you go.


    00:00 4 Secrets Of “Star Power” Likability
    01:01 First Secret
    02:38 Second Secret
    04:20 Third Secret
    06:15 Fourth Secret
    08:02 Conclusion

  • Scott Adams

    Scott Adams

    Most people know Scott Adams as the creator of Dilbert; a wildly successful comic strip. Few people know he has a background with magic, hypnosis, personal programming, and more.

    This is a conversation that really shares a lot of valuable insight for anyone interested in mindset, motivation, magic, or mentalism.

    Strap in.

    00:00 Scott Adams
    00:04 Show Intro
    00:28 Host Intro
    02:23 Interview
    01:22:11 Outro

    Website: https://www.scottadamssays.com/
    Books: https://amzn.to/3QvZqYI
    Twitter: @ScottAdamsSays

  • The Importance Of Improving Your Sales Skills

    The Importance Of Improving Your Sales Skills

    This is one of the most destructive beliefs I see on a regular basis:

    “My idea is so good it sells itself.”

    ~Every Misguided Entrepreneur

    For three years I was a mentor at the world’s number one tech incubator, 1871, which is located here in Chicago. Once a month I’d have office hours where entrepreneurs could schedule one on one strategy sessions.

    From that project alone I got to chat with hundreds of very sharp business owners.

    The one thing they all had in common?

    Horrible sales skills.


    They’re brilliant people.

    Researchers, innovators, big thinkers. But they’re not sales people.

    Their work could change the world, and it was so painfully obvious to them how it would happen that they couldn’t understand that nobody else could see it.

    That’s when I’d hit them with this quote:

    “Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.”

    Howard Hathaway Aiken, Computer Pioneer, (March 8, 1900 – March 14, 1973)

    Their Biggest Problem

    Over and over again I would see the same issue.

    They were so impressed with what their product/service did that they wouldn’t tell me what it did for me.

    They would explain features instead of telling me the benefits.

    “It spins faster!” vs “Saves you time.”

    Exactly Backwards

    You should always start with what benefits the customer gets.

    Only then can you explain how it happens.

    What Happens If You Don’t

    Every company needs all the help it can get.

    I don’t care if you found the cure for cancer. You aren’t going to be successful unless you tell the world about it, and ask them to pay you for it.

    Your business makes the world a better place, and if you don’t learn how to explain that then you’re going to have fewer sales. That means a smaller budget. That means a smaller salary (if you’re lucky enough to have one at all).

    That means you suffer. That means your family suffers. That means all the people who could use your help suffer.

    Failing to work on your sales skills means you’re directly responsible for the world being worse off than it could be.

    Where To Start

    I’ve been in sales my whole life. My first professional engagement was at age 13 when I got paid $200 to entertain a company’s employees at a summer picnic.

    Since then I’ve been the top sales person at the highest grossing 3rd party vendor at an international tourist destination, sold 5 and 6 figure deals, and taught Fortune 500 teams how to improve their sales, negotiation, and presentation skills through my company, ZAVANT enterprises.

    I know not everyone has the luxury of having the company footing the training bill, so I’m currently working on an online training process to help individual entrepreneurs and side hustlers make more money with better sales skills.

    If you’re interested in learning more, go check out the project site, and sign up for email notifications as it gets closer to completion.

  • What Is A Mentalist?

    What Is A Mentalist?

    The short answer: A mentalist is a type of magician who has specialized in the art of mind reading tricks.

    The long answer: A mentalist is someone who is fascinated by the way that the human mind works. They are dedicated to understanding the far-reaching implications of unlocking the fundamental mental processes that guide our every decision for ourselves, our romantic partners, in sales, negotiation, presentations, and beyond.

    What Does A Mentalist Show Look Like? 👇

    A mentalist audience member amazed.

    It looks like this from my perspective.☝

    I could tell you what I’m thinking, but that would be extraordinarily unimpressive. It would only be amazing if I could tell YOU what YOU are thinking.

    That would be a damn fine trick!

    And so it is.

    A mentalism show is essentially the performance of uncanny mental powers like reading minds, predicting the future, defying the laws of physics, and leaving an audience questioning the limits of their imaginations.

    It is completely based on audience interaction and participation.

    Without minds to read, there’s not much of a mind reading show, is there?!

    This means that mentalism is much more about collaboration and the wonders of truly being in the moment together than any other type of entertainment.

    Where Else Is This Useful?


    Mentalism works because it leverages the fundamental processes that we humans use to interact with reality. When you understand that system to its core, you realize it has implications in any area that involves a human being.

    This is why my work has deep roots in mentalism, and eventually grew into sharing the knowledge and skills of communication, influence, and persuasion in sales, marketing, public speaking, MCing, attracting leads at trade shows, and beyond.

    It’s also the source of my books focused on mind power, motivation, mindset, self confidence etc etc.

    My Background

    At 5 years old I saw a magician on television, and it looked like the most fun anyone could ever have. That’s the moment I knew what I was doing with the rest of my life.

    Most of my time outside of school was spent in the county library reading every single book they had on magic. Each one was full of enchanting illustrations, secrets, and outdated patter.

    I loved it.

    I began practicing coin tricks, rope tricks, and tricks with things around the house. Quickly, however, I realized that the “mind reading” tricks seemed to get bigger reactions, so I was naturally drawn to those.

    At 13 years old I got paid $200 to entertain families at a company’s summer employee picnic, and I’ve been supremely unemployable since then.


    As I explained briefly already, I have worked hard over the years to extract the psychological secrets that I’ve learned on the stage that can help business owners be more successful.


    That’s the quick version of what a mentalist is, and what you can learn from their secrets!

  • Mentalist As Business Strategy Expert

    Mentalist As Business Strategy Expert

    What Gives You The Edge?

    Live performance.

    Every show I do is an opportunity to get real-time feedback from real-live people on what works, what doesn’t work, and what I should work on.

    Shows are composed of hundreds of experiments. I play with language, timing, positioning, tone of voice, physicality, scripting, lighting, information order, and thousands of details that make the show.

    Every reaction (or lack thereof) is it’s own data point, (more…)

  • 4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    4 Quadrants of Mind Control

    “Ok Peter, if this is going to be a scientific demonstration, it needs to be a double blind test. That means I’m going to put you in an. . . isolation booth.”
    I walk over to my case and pull out a brown paper grocery bag.

    “Ladies and gentlemen,” I say as I open it, “Chicago’s finest isolation booth!”

    I slowly lower it over Peter’s head until he’s completely blindfolded.

    Why in the world would anyone I barely know let me put a paper bag over their head; let alone have fun doing it?

    I’m a master of influence.

    And this makes people uncomfortable.

    You can see it when I explain what I do for a living. “I’m a professional mentalist. I basically convince people I can read their minds using various techniques of influence.”

    Their eyebrows raise ever so slightly as they lean back. (They won’t admit it but they’re secretly worried I’m going to reveal all their deepest, darkest fears.)

    I don’t blame them. Who wouldn’t feel uncomfortable being in the same room with someone who could really do that?

    But, that fear stems from a common misconception that influence, persuasion, manipulation, & coercion are all the same thing.

    Unwitting Influence

    If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone and you were trying to get them to see your point of view, you were trying to be influential. If you’ve ever tried to convince your sweetie to go camping with you, you were trying to be influential. If you’ve ever explained how something could be a win-win situation, you were trying to be influential.

    Maybe you were successful, maybe you weren’t. The fact remains you were trying to influence another person.

    As is every single person alive, every day since the dawn of time.

    Some people come by this naturally. They seem to instinctively know what to say during a conversation to get the outcome they want.

    But most people don’t. They’re shooting in the dark.

    People who lack the natural grace of conversational influence seem to miss the subtle clues that provide valuable feedback you can use to shift tactics midstream.

    Even people who are good at conversational influence rely on one or two strategies that have worked over the years.

    I have a whole toolbox full of ’em.

    This is handy because influence isn’t limited to figuring out where we should eat lunch today. Influence plays out in courtrooms, boardrooms, bedrooms, and everywhere between.

    4 Quadrants

    Years ago I wanted to understand how influence, persuasion, manipulation, & coercion intermingle so I came up with a way to graph their placement.

    Imagine a 4 quadrant graph made from two lines that meet at right angles.

    One is vertical, and the other is horizontal.

    The vertical line has “Behavior” at the top, and “Belief” at the bottom. The horizontal line has “Self” on the left, and “Others” on the right.

    The X & Y axis represent two questions:

    1. What are you trying to change: behavior or beliefs?
    2. Who does it benefit: only yourself, or everyone involved?

    Influence affects behavior. Persuasion affects beliefs.

    If you’re trying to change someone’s choice, that’s influence. If you’re trying to change a belief that governs their choices, that’s persuasion.

    Positive Side

    As long as the intent of your influence or persuasion is to benefit everyone involved, then we can usually assume it’s a net positive effort when we do our moral calculus.

    Negative Side

    When most people are uncomfortable with influence or persuasion, it’s usually when done with the sole intention of benefitting the person doing the influencing.

    This is known as manipulation & coercion.

    Manipulation is the unethical attempt to change someone’s beliefs by way of lying, withholding the truth, or other subversive techniques. Coercion is attempting to produce a particular outcome by any means necessary.

    If the intent of your persuasion is to solely benefit yourself without concern for the impact it has on others affected, you’re being manipulative. If the intent of your influence is to benefit yourself with no concern for the negative impact it has on others, you’re being coercive.

    This “ends justify the means” approach is the path to utter destruction of your self, your relationships, and your ability to connect with other people.

    This is what we call “The Dark Side.”

    Filled Out

    Now, when you think about interactions you have with people, you can have a better idea of whether you’re trying to be influential, persuasive, manipulative, or coercive.

    The more detailed & nuanced your language is, the more adept you will be at its use.

    Influence is a Tool

    Just like with fire, handguns, a knife, or anything else it lacks inherent morality; whether it’s good or bad is based on how you use it.

    If you want to get better at achieving outcomes that not only help you, but also help everyone involved (the mythical land of Win-Win), then you absolutely must practice the skill of understanding what the other person wants. This is why thinking like a mind reader can help you in every area of your life.

    Only then can you use powerful language to communicate why your path will get them what they want.

    You will be like a mental Kung Fu master.

    They never fight strength head-on. Instead, they see where the energy is coming from, then move to blend with it. This allows them to take control without the other person feeling a thing.

    It is the masterful blending and redirecting of a conversation you must master if you want to use your powers of influence for good, and not evil.

    The Right Way to Do Wrong

    A while back I wrote a short article on a book Houdini wrote in the 1906 titled “The Right Way to Do Wrong.”

    (audiobook & PDF available at my store)

    Within its pages Houdini explains how to con people out of money, how to pick locks, break into buildings, among other dastardly skills.

    Reporters challenged his books as being dangerous, ill advised, and in poor taste.

    “How dare you teach people how to lie, steal, and cheat!”

    His reason for writing it is as good now as it was back then.

    “The better educated you are about the skills & techniques used by those who would try to do you harm, the better equipped you are to defend yourself from them.”

    Bad people are already using manipulation and coercion to get their way, every day. Why should you, the good guy, intentionally cripple your ability to recognize & defend yourself from those people?



    The technique that’s most effective in this quadrant is the use (or threat of using) force; whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, etc. it doesn’t matter.

    The most expedient way to get someone to do something that benefits you is to put a gun to their head and make them do it. My idea is any time violence is introduced to a human relationship, it is fundamentally immoral.


    The best way to manipulate people is to deprive them of the facts & information they need to make a fully informed decision. The way to do that is to lie. Withhold information to maximize your ability to change someone’s beliefs to be more favorable to your position.


    It takes a remarkable amount of effort to understand someone’s position, and see how what you’re proposing could benefit them. That’s why so few people are good at being persuasive! If you want to help change someone’s beliefs, you have to demonstrate how everyone’s lives will be better with that new set of ideas about how the world works.


    Really, the only way to influence someone is to withhold nothing, use no violence, and propose nothing that will violate that person’s beliefs. Only then will you be able to influence someone towards doing something you want to do. This is a much higher standard than either manipulation or coercion, but it’s the only way I think you could sleep well at night.

    What Say You?

    Do you think you’re free from influence? Do you prefer the term “psychological direction?”

    And if I might influence you to share this post with your friends? It will help me by getting more eyeballs on my writing. It will help you because your friend will appreciate you thinking of them. And it will help you friend equip themselves against those who would do them harm.

    It’s win-win-win!