Tag: mentalism

  • A Day On The Road With Jonathan Pritchard

    A Day On The Road With Jonathan Pritchard

    This is me with very little sleep & a lot to do.

    Enjoy this quick behind-the-scenes video from a show I did a couple days ago on Friday.

    If you’d like more tour videos & “life on the road” stuff, let me know & I’ll make more!

  • Learn A Mind Reading Trick

    Learn A Mind Reading Trick

    Late start today, but it’s Saturday, so I don’t expect you to be waiting by the inbox at 7am.

    I mean, unless you were, in which case. . . . sorry to disappoint you.


    I posted this in February and I think I sent out an email about it, but since it’s the weekend I figured I’d sneak it back in just in case you hadn’t learned it.

    Learn how to read someone’s mind, feel their pulse to find their card, learn how to be a human lie detector, and a lot more.

    It’s one method with dozens of uses.

    If you know 10+ presentations then you know 10+ ways to entertain people.

    If you know 10+ methods for 1 trick, then you know one trick.

    I’m sure there’s a life lesson in there somewhere. . . .

    Best thoughts & have a kickass weekend.

    PS: I’m going to talk about some new technology stuff next week. I love sales & psychology because it helps people live better lives and spend more time doing what they love. The right tech can do the same thing, so I want to zoom in on some projects that are going unnoticed but have huge value to the people who know how to recognize it: that’s you after next week. Can’t wait!

  • Booth Jonathan

    Booth Jonathan

    Vegas wasn’t ALL fun.

    Some of it was work, too.

    Which was fun.

    The group in the photo was a fun gang.

    I read their minds, predicted their future, helped stretch their imagination of what’s possible, and they are never going to forget the name “Thrive Agency!”

    The woman in the center had so much fun that she left and came back with her four other colleagues and made them watch.

    Now THAT is a high compliment in my book.

    You have to have a damn fine pitch if your audience grabs their friends to have you sell to them too.

    That’s why my trade show work is so much fun for me. I love getting the ratio of comedy, mind reading, and client messaging juuuuuuust right.

    Guess that’s why I get paid the big bucks!

    Might post a video of the 12 minute set in a couple days, but for now I’ll let you go.

    Best thoughts,

    PS: If you work somewhere that exhibits at trade shows, let me know. I can really help them out. Get me in touch with the person who organizes the whole thing, and I can take it from there!

  • The Power Of Being A Connector

    The Power Of Being A Connector

    If you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, one person business owner, freelancer, or other kind of creative person then you might feel the need to know everything & do everything yourself.

    This is a limiting belief that keeps you trapped in a pressure cooker where you feel like a failure if you’re not doing enough.

    Fortunately there’s an easier way to do things, and I want to teach you a magic trick that will help you

    1. Entertain your friends on the surface and
    2. Understand a deeper truth to success at its heart.

    If you’d like to see more business principles taught through the lens of learning magic tricks, let me know in the comments & I’ll make more like it!

  • S.Korea Tour

    S.Korea Tour

    This is a video I made 10 years ago, and I recently rediscovered it hidden away on a harddrive.

    I’m putting it here for members of the ZAVANT Squad.

  • Mentalist Reviews Magic Show

    Mentalist Reviews Magic Show

    One of the best parts of being a performer is having friends to visit all over the country. The only thing better is having a performer friend doing a show in your back yard so you can sleep in your own bed at night.

    That’s exactly what happened when Michael Kent did a show at Brevard College which is just 30 minutes from where Jonathan calls home.

    His show is a mixture of comedy & hard-hitting magic that doesn’t let up. Watch the video to see him in action. I

    f you’d like to connect with Michael Kent (and we suggest you do) give him a follow here: https://twitter.com/michaelkent


    00:00 Teaser
    00:07 Introduction
    00:47 Before The Show
    00:58 The Show Begins
    02:33 Standing Ovation
    02:41 Audience Feedback
    03:07 Merch
    03:22 My Live Impressions
    04:32 Leaving The Venue
    04:47 Final Thoughts

  • The Masked Magician & Hitler’s Mentalist

    The Masked Magician & Hitler’s Mentalist

    This weirdo is the main character in the Masked Magician; a relatively short lived TV program that made a sensation by revealing the secrets behind the most popular magic tricks through history.

    Grand illusions, sleight of hand, card tricks; nothing was sacred.

    At the heart of it all was that smarmy mysterious character pictured above who was violating his sacred oath to keep the secrets of magic.

    The mask was to protect him from the wrath of magicians.

    Imagine you saved money for months to finally buy a prop or an illusion for that one show you have this year. A couple weeks before some idiot on TV explains exactly how it works.

    Now, when you show up, every 10 year old kid is pointing and telling his friends exactly what you’re doing.

    Not exactly the ideal situation.

    And, at the time, magicians were understandably furious.

    As with most things, however, there’s a deeper level to the story that makes it more interesting.

    Turns out, the masked magician truly loved magic. He loved it so much that he found a way to make money off of it (selling secrets to TV producers), while keeping the secrets safe (selling the wrong secrets to the TV producers).

    Valentino (as his magician name was) came up with plausible explanations for how tricks were performed that a member of the audience would totally believe, but didn’t actually explain the most popular real methods used by working professionals.

    It was all a double con.

    Truly genius.

    Sure, there were some real methods, but like any lie there has to be enough truth to make the rest believable.

    Ultimately, The Masked Magician was able to get magic back in the limelight with the sensationalism of revealing secrets, when really the secrets on display were complete fabrications that worked as a smokescreen for the real methods.

    The producers and the public at large were completely unaware of the grift, and were smug in their access to forbidden knowledge.

    Unfortunately many in the magic community lacked the experience to appreciate that it was all a con; they were taken in, too, and they were the ones to take up pitchforks, too.

    Such is the case with a sophisticated double con, there are rubes on every side.


    Strangely, this experience is not an isolated incident in time. There is another example of a long con like this and it involves Hitler.

    There are plenty of articles and books written about the occult influence in the upper echelons of Nazi Germany, but few really understand how and why that came to be, nor the greater impact it had on how world events unfolded.

    I am firmly convinced a mentalist helped create (and ultimately) destroy Hitler.

    (Hanussen pictured facing toward the camera within the glowing table)

    Enter Erik Jan Hanussen, an Austrian-born Mentalist who was, by the way, Jewish.

    In the time between World War I and World War II he made a name for himself with a mind reading show performed in Berlin. He was incredibly famous, rubbed elbows with the who’s who of the German military and industry, and (as is the case with most performers) was friendly with anyone and everyone who held power.

    Like Hitler.

    Not only did Hanussen know Hitler, Hanussen taught Hitler about showmanship and dramatic presentation.

    Everything Hanussen had learned in front of thousands of audiences was a gold mine for Hitler. The energy, the gestures, the passion?

    All taught to Hitler by a Jewish nightclub act.

    Now, while this might seem like Hanussen was acting against his own self interests, remember the Masked Magician. There’s more going on than what you can see at face value.

    Hanussen was a very effective Mentalist. He wasn’t just known for telling fortunes (which he did). He was also famous for predicting the future.

    One of the most well known instances was predicting the outcome of a race in 1932. Hanussen was hanging out with the drivers who would be competing the next day, and after enough coaxing from everyone, he was persuaded to write down his intuition for who would win. Hanussen scribbled something on a slip of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and that envelope was given to a trusted third party with instructions to keep it safe until after the race.

    The next day, during the race, there was a terrible accident. The crowd favorite to win was killed.

    Eventually the envelope is opened and everyone could see that Hanussen had written “One of us at this table will win tomorrow, another will die.”

    It was an abosolute sensation. Mentalist predicts the death of a celebrity!

    This is career-making publicity, no doubt. Ignore the macabre nature of benefitting from the death of someone you were friendly with…

    This “prediction in an envelope to be revealed later” act is a classic in the Mentalism world known as a Headline Prediction.

    I have used it to great success, myself, over the years to get meetings with executives and important contacts.

    I’ll mail a letter to my client weeks before the show, and the contents describe events that would be impossible to know beforehand.

    It’s a very good trick, but a trick none the less.

    So you can see why Hanussen would be a “person of interest” to anyone interested in power.

    Like Hitler.

    With these believable demonstrations, it’s perfectly reasonable for someone like Hitler to believe the hype.

    You can almost hear him thinking, “If Hanussen knew about the death of Lobkowicz the driver, he surely knows other things about the future.”

    This is quite possibly the seed of belief planted in the mind of Hitler for his belief in the Occult.

    Over the next couple years Hanussen teaches Hitler the secrets of effective communication, and Hanussen continues his Mentalism tricks.

    A mere 5 years later, however, the thing that made Hanussen a valued advisor became the reason he was treated like a threat.

    Hanussen predicted the Reichstag fire, which is what Hitler used to lock in his power as the Chancellor Germany.

    The fact that Hanussen (apparently) knew about the fire before it happened meant that he knew too much, and as a consequence he was assassinated in a field outside Berlin.

    I don’t believe that’s the end of the story for Hanussen, however.

    I think that Hanussen instilled an unshakeable belief in the power of the occult in Hitler with Mentalism tricks .

    This belief became a reliance on occult advisors throughout World War II, and ultimately led to strategic and tactical mistakes that continued to undermine Hitler’s effectiveness.

    In this way, I like to think Hanussen had his revenge.

    But is it enough to balance out what kind of impact Hanussen had on the world for teaching Hitler how to be such a powerful public speaker?

    It might be too little, much too late.

    It is also a similar story for the Masked Magician.

    When Valentino ran out of false explanations, and refused to continue the series, the executives simply fired him and hired magic consultants who didn’t have the same moral compass.

    Later seasons actually do reveal the real deal.

    Anyone can wear the mask, it turns out.

    Such is the story when it comes to power.

  • Psychic Lockpicking

    Psychic Lockpicking

    This is from a show I performed at the Chicago Magic Lounge for a corporate entertainment engagement.

    A member of the audience had a lock with a code that only one person had access to: him.

    He told no one what it was. Not even his friends.

    And he asked if I could figure it out.

  • Thank You James Randi

    Thank You James Randi

    My mentor and dear friend James Randi passed away last week.

    I haven’t known what to say, so I’ve said very little so far, but I wanted to simply express my deepest thanks to him for being such a big part of my life.

    Most of the world knows him as a fierce warrior against flimflam and tomfoolery.

    To me he was that and one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and considerate people I’ve ever had the honor of knowing for nearly 20 years.

    We spent untold days together talking about magic, showmanship, timing, comedy, being famous, life, and relationships in general.

    I plan on sharing as many of the stories I can remember so others can see him as the friend and mentor that he was to me.

    For now, if you’re unfamiliar with his work, know that the NYTimes wrote an obituary for him and there’s a whole documentary about his life on Netflix.

    Check those out and you’ll begin to understand what a giant of man he was.

    Thank you Randi for all your work.

  • What Is A Mentalist?

    What Is A Mentalist?

    The short answer: A mentalist is a type of magician who has specialized in the art of mind reading tricks.

    The long answer: A mentalist is someone who is fascinated by the way that the human mind works. They are dedicated to understanding the far-reaching implications of unlocking the fundamental mental processes that guide our every decision for ourselves, our romantic partners, in sales, negotiation, presentations, and beyond.

    What Does A Mentalist Show Look Like? 👇

    A mentalist audience member amazed.

    It looks like this from my perspective.☝

    I could tell you what I’m thinking, but that would be extraordinarily unimpressive. It would only be amazing if I could tell YOU what YOU are thinking.

    That would be a damn fine trick!

    And so it is.

    A mentalism show is essentially the performance of uncanny mental powers like reading minds, predicting the future, defying the laws of physics, and leaving an audience questioning the limits of their imaginations.

    It is completely based on audience interaction and participation.

    Without minds to read, there’s not much of a mind reading show, is there?!

    This means that mentalism is much more about collaboration and the wonders of truly being in the moment together than any other type of entertainment.

    Where Else Is This Useful?


    Mentalism works because it leverages the fundamental processes that we humans use to interact with reality. When you understand that system to its core, you realize it has implications in any area that involves a human being.

    This is why my work has deep roots in mentalism, and eventually grew into sharing the knowledge and skills of communication, influence, and persuasion in sales, marketing, public speaking, MCing, attracting leads at trade shows, and beyond.

    It’s also the source of my books focused on mind power, motivation, mindset, self confidence etc etc.

    My Background

    At 5 years old I saw a magician on television, and it looked like the most fun anyone could ever have. That’s the moment I knew what I was doing with the rest of my life.

    Most of my time outside of school was spent in the county library reading every single book they had on magic. Each one was full of enchanting illustrations, secrets, and outdated patter.

    I loved it.

    I began practicing coin tricks, rope tricks, and tricks with things around the house. Quickly, however, I realized that the “mind reading” tricks seemed to get bigger reactions, so I was naturally drawn to those.

    At 13 years old I got paid $200 to entertain families at a company’s summer employee picnic, and I’ve been supremely unemployable since then.


    As I explained briefly already, I have worked hard over the years to extract the psychological secrets that I’ve learned on the stage that can help business owners be more successful.


    That’s the quick version of what a mentalist is, and what you can learn from their secrets!