“Game Of Imagination” is my 70 minute mind reading show that I wrote in 2019 in preparation to perform at the historic Knickerbocker Hotel in downtown Chicago.
Here is the promo video I made for/from it:
The plan was to perform it once a month, every month, in 2020.
I got to run the show twice.
After taking a couple months to plan, rewrite, and build out a professional broadcast quality studio, I launched the online version of “Game Of Imagination” in October for a six week run.
Here is the promo video I made for/from that:
One Year Anniversary
The first performance (the one I filmed to create the promo video) was on January 28th.
My birthday.
Turns out, I’ve wound up performing on my birthday for the past several years, and it’s now my favorite way to celebrate.
On the one year anniversary of my first (of two) shows at the Knickerbocker, and on the 5th year in a row, and on the 38th anniversary of my time on planet Earth, I’m doing it again!
Tickets Are Live
“Game Of Imagination” will run through 2021 on a once-a-month schedule with the first of twelve performances happening on my birthday.
Don’t give me a gift. Buy a ticket. I will then use that money to buy really obscure tools, and in exchange I will give you the best damn mind reading show you’re going to find anywhere on the planet (from anywhere on the planet because it’s online).
The short answer: A mentalist is a type of magician who has specialized in the art of mind reading tricks.
The long answer: A mentalist is someone who is fascinated by the way that the human mind works. They are dedicated to understanding the far-reaching implications of unlocking the fundamental mental processes that guide our every decision for ourselves, our romantic partners, in sales, negotiation, presentations, and beyond.
What Does A Mentalist Show Look Like? 👇
It looks like this from my perspective.☝
I could tell you what I’m thinking, but that would be extraordinarily unimpressive. It would only be amazing if I could tell YOU what YOU are thinking.
That would be a damn fine trick!
And so it is.
A mentalism show is essentially the performance of uncanny mental powers like reading minds, predicting the future, defying the laws of physics, and leaving an audience questioning the limits of their imaginations.
It is completely based on audience interaction and participation.
Without minds to read, there’s not much of a mind reading show, is there?!
This means that mentalism is much more about collaboration and the wonders of truly being in the moment together than any other type of entertainment.
Where Else Is This Useful?
Mentalism works because it leverages the fundamental processes that we humans use to interact with reality. When you understand that system to its core, you realize it has implications in any area that involves a human being.
It’s also the source of my books focused on mind power, motivation, mindset, self confidence etc etc.
My Background
At 5 years old I saw a magician on television, and it looked like the most fun anyone could ever have. That’s the moment I knew what I was doing with the rest of my life.
Most of my time outside of school was spent in the county library reading every single book they had on magic. Each one was full of enchanting illustrations, secrets, and outdated patter.
I loved it.
I began practicing coin tricks, rope tricks, and tricks with things around the house. Quickly, however, I realized that the “mind reading” tricks seemed to get bigger reactions, so I was naturally drawn to those.
At 13 years old I got paid $200 to entertain families at a company’s summer employee picnic, and I’ve been supremely unemployable since then.
As I explained briefly already, I have worked hard over the years to extract the psychological secrets that I’ve learned on the stage that can help business owners be more successful.
That’s the quick version of what a mentalist is, and what you can learn from their secrets!